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Everything posted by neofit

  1. I am playing SP in Adventure mode, JK kingdom. I am wondering, were the items we find all over the place placed by hand or randomly spawned? For instance, I went to plunder MR guard towers. Climbed to one over a very steep slope. I found a magical chest in there. Why would anyone place a magical chest up there for us? It cannot be opened, and according to the wiki I cannot even load it as cargo since I am not the owner. Am I missing something? Why would anyone bother to place something like this? After that epic climb and the fight, one may expect something nice, not something useless.
  2. Hi, I have an azerty keyboard: Wurm wants key names for keybinding special keys. What would the names be for the special keys in red? For instance, 'bind "^" plant_center' does not work, 'unknown key "^" ' it says.
  3. Has anybody tried to look into it? In com.wurmonline.server.behaviours.Vehicle.class, we see: public byte calculateNewBoatSpeed(boolean disembarking) { int numsOccupied = 0; float qlMod = 0.0F; for(int percentOccupied = 0; percentOccupied < this.seats.length; ++percentOccupied) { if(this.seats[percentOccupied].isOccupied()) { ++numsOccupied; } } try { Item var6 = Items.getItem(this.wurmid); numsOccupied = Math.min(this.seats.length, numsOccupied + var6.getRarity()); qlMod = Math.max(0.0F, var6.getCurrentQualityLevel() - 10.0F) / 90.0F; if(qlMod > 0.0F) { ++qlMod; } } catch (NoSuchItemException var5) { return (byte)0; } if(disembarking) { --numsOccupied; } float var7 = 1.0F; var7 = 1.0F + (float)numsOccupied / (float)this.seats.length; return (byte)((int)(var7 * 10.0F * this.maxSpeed + qlMod * this.maxSpeed)); } The end formula is ( occupation*10*maxSpeed) + QL*maxSpeed. We can change it here globallt or in Vehicles.class, where maxSpeed is intialized for each boat type, for example for the rowboat: } else if(item.getTemplateId() == 490) { vehicle.createPassengerSeats(2); vehicle.pilotName = "captain"; vehicle.creature = false; = item.getName(); vehicle.setSeatOffset(0, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.246F); vehicle.setSeatOffset(1, -0.997F, 0.0F, 0.246F); vehicle.setSeatOffset(2, -2.018F, 0.0F, 0.246F); vehicle.setSeatFightMod(0, 0.7F, 0.4F); vehicle.setSeatFightMod(1, 1.5F, 0.4F); vehicle.setSeatFightMod(2, 1.5F, 0.4F); vehicle.setWindImpact((byte)10); vehicle.maxHeight = -0.5F; vehicle.skillNeeded = 19.0F; vehicle.setMaxSpeed(5.0F); vehicle.commandType = 1; vehicle.setMaxAllowedLoadDistance(6); } And it seems to work fine. Except that it doesn't for the Rowboat. Depending on the values. I can double the speed of the sailboat and the Knarr. The same multiplier will make the rowboat go in reverse. I've looked into many classes, VehicleBehaviour.class, MountAction, MovementScheme, I can't find the piece of code that would make the rowboat go in reverse. I can live without using the rowboat, but it's not tidy. Has anyone looked into it?
  4. Works fine with bulk storage containers like BSBs and crates. But does not work with furnaces. Say I can only carry 12 ores and have 28 in a crate in a cart, I can transfer them in one action into a BSB. But it takes the usual 3 actions @12 apiece to transfer them all into a forge. Still not as bad as with bulk storage transfers thanks to the low storage capacity of said forge, but still, you may want to look into it if you are bored one day .
  5. That's what I said, I found them in the deserts and not in forests. Main question: can I create such a desert myself or are the spawn points pre-defined at the beginning?
  6. I've been trying to locate some cochineal on my Adventure map. The wiki says they spawn in forests and caves. In Deli most of my scorpions came from caves that thousands of players mined out way before I arrived. This is a problem in a new SP map of course, so I went to explore to get them. The few I found were actually living in deserts, which makes more sense. What constitutes a biome, or spawn point? If I spread sand over a large area, will it become a "desert biome" and start spawning desert mobs? Or are spawn points defined at map start? And if I convert all steppes tiles to something else in an area, will it stop spawning steppes creatures?
  7. Awesome program! A few suggestions if I may: * Remember in a cfg/ini file the last directory where you open the map. I don't know how many people use the program to dump dozens of different maps each day vs how many do it for the mining nodes, I am with the latter, always opening only one directory * Any way to zoom in and keep it centered on the cursor? To make it clearer: currently when zooming in, the view re-centers itself on the center of the map, then it takes time to find for instance my own village. It would be better it I could put the cursor on my village then turn the mousewheel to zoom, and it would stay focused on the village. Just like you kept it centered when I refresh the map or change the view type. Keep up the good work!
  8. It greatly depends on your thirst level too. 1-2 secs with my "water level" at full, twice that with about 75% full, etc.
  9. Sure. Whenever there is a whole in the armor/skin/carapace and there is a gaping wound, you could stick your fingers in it and do lots of damage. But, firstly, you still need something to create the wound, and secondly we are talking about a world where "damage" means decreasing an HP counter. So yes, no matter how you spin it, it makes sense to think that some materials make more "damage" than others.
  10. Now that was an awesome idea. I hadn't paid much attention to these programs thinking that there were only map generating ones, but this MapViewer does an awesome job, you can even zoom in to tile level .
  11. I know how Analyze works, I have two years of WO behind me. Thing is, we didn't have any copper in the whole of the Serendipity peninsula on Deli, and I remember going to the public veins in the Green Tunnel half way across the map to get any. Thank god you could talk to alliance members and other people in WO to get a clue as to where to find something. I certainly wouldn't want to have to prospect/analyze half of the Adventure map for my first copper vein, all by myself, in this WU that I bought to get a less tedious Wurm experience . I wouldn't want to spawn some copper in coffers too. So an exchange of information in the forums, akin to a chat window in WO, would be imho the less guilt-inducing way of finding ore.
  12. Hi, Is the ore distribution the same on all Adventure maps for everyone, or is it reset differently when one is starting a map? I'm sick and tired of prospecting for ore around the JK capital of Winkshir. If it's the same for everyone, maybe people could share their discoveries? I've got plenty of iron veins up to very good quality, got 1 zinc, can't find anything else, need copper badly. Edit: maybe there is a way to prospect faster as a GM?
  13. The goal is to tunnel out, regardless of the message given to mortals.
  14. Is there a trick to GM my way out of a mine, when it says "The cave walls look very unstable"?
  15. Yes. Befoee you cut me you have to cut through what I am wearing or my skin/carapace. People have been moving to harder materials for a reason.
  16. I've seen this one.They are still mixing up the chance of a tree sprout spreading ro nearby tile with the actual TREE GROWTH SPEED. Say I planted some trees on my deed to make it even more awesome. Nothing to do with the chance of tree growth, but I don't want to wait years of real time on a non 24/7 SP server to see that happen. We need a setting for trees like the one for crops, the speed, not the chance.
  17. Awesome stuff, one more nail in the coffin of tedium . Any chance for a follow up - "load cargo" for non-empty containers?
  18. Wooden walls don't need mats either for the initial combine nor the "Continue" part. I was not completely accurate concerning roofs, they only need mats for the initial combine, the rest (Continue) is done without extra mats. All the other types of walls besides the basic wooden one do require mats for the first combine. The ebony magic stick (no relation to Missy Elliott) can only spawn wooden walls. For other types like stone walls, one needs to use a trowel, which in turn requires a brick+mortar. The Continue is free and instant.
  19. They are not exactly deleted, they move onto another plane of existence, litterally. I found mine on floor 3, then on floor 7 after building more, even if they are not visible in 3D view. Halloween-themed bridges? Unfortunately I built a lot since made then "deleted" these bridges (by changing elevation) to go back to an earlier save.
  20. Yes, if one is harder than the other. There is a reason people use wooden swords for sparring and prefer metal ones when damage is important. Make one out of grass and go hunting, if material is not important .
  21. It depends on what you mean by "moddable". Technically the moddability is zero, if by "mod" you mean a change that will persist through game patches. You have the whole client and server in your hands, so you can "hack" almost anything in the game by changing its .class files, but the next update will overwrite everything. People are trying to make launchers to preserve these hacks, who knows who will do it faster, people with their launchers or devs with real moddability.
  22. If I'm not mistaken, the game will still require mats to build roofs (start and continue), even as a GM5 with a wand right?
  23. Oh, you mean like "Add the abilty to run the game at an accelerated rate to make up for lost time" upon login that I mentioned in the first post? Sure, whatever is easier to code.