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Everything posted by Zera

  1. I have a serious pet-peeve about people who want to do nothing but whine and complain that they hate something, and/or want to demand that they are owed something just because X. I cannot say I use the forums much to be honest, but I am well aware of how vocal the "kiddie crowd" can be. And is it really going out of my way, if I'm not doing anything else anyway? Some people find fun and enjoyment in the trolling or the complaining, and while I find I am annoyed by these things from others, I really don't mind trying to shed some light or explain to these "kids" that they really aren't going to achieve anything by doing so. If anything I say, gets through to 1 person then my attempts were successful. However, I cannot say that I refer to "kids" with the idea that they are bothered to stop and consider much besides themselves to begin with. While my posts may seem rather aggressive and the tone may be questionable in which direction it is going, I assure you there is nothing but sighs of disappointment or giggles at the ridiculousness that is "people". Last night was entertaining to say the least, it at least kept me busy while I had nothing left to do. Now I grow rather bored with repeating myself, because it's still apparent from posts made after yours, that near no one understands any bit of what I've been saying. I cannot say I expected any differently.
  2. There are too many folks out there afraid of change, and when they are faced with it in a place they are all to familiar with they panic. That's what I'm getting from all of this. It's not the incomplete theme, it's not the currently poor color choices of things. It's not even the new navigation (which no one has said a single word about this far). It's the fact that it's different, and the idea of something new and different is scary. People get too comfortable to the point where when something changes in their typical/usual interaction in their daily (or frequent) life, they get antsy and upset. If we use the 98 vs. ANY version released there-after... 98 had your basic gaming, mostly what we'd call now, outdated blocky/chunky graphics, limited user interaction due to coded limitations and very basic infrastructure in their systems. Versions AFTER offered the opportunity for better design, sleeker, more friendly interfaces. More options and flexibility of customization and an overall better experience. (For when certain versions weren't designed more for an other device than the actually intended (Windows 8).) If you cannot accept the opportunity for change and the room to grow and expand with the release of new features/technology/interface of both the user and the machine in question, you're going to struggle with much of anything. Now a days everything is updating and changing constantly, new things added, tweaked, altered, and adjusted to keep up with the constantly changing world around them, and failure to do so leaves them feeling old and out-dated. Many players out there these days take one look at Wurm and declare the game a waste of time simply because of it's graphics. But every dedicated Wurm player knows it's not about the way the game looks, now isn't it? Even though Code Club has worked towards putting out new models for things, and adjustments to the way things move and interact with the world. These forums are no different. Forums are getting a face-lift just like the mob models and player models got in-game. We got to sit in carts finally, so with forums new face-lift we're getting new features/abilities here too. It's the same ordeal, and even though one is a graphic game we play on a screen, and the other is an interactive chat system we use to communicate outside of game. It is still the same principle. If the same people can be excited for new Horse and other Mob models, and customizing their characters. Why can't they be excited for the possibilities that the new Forums setup will have too? What would be great, is if Code Club offered customized themes. Not exactly the ability to skin our own forums, but options. Maybe I'd like my Forums to have horses in the background, or maybe I'd like to look out on some magnificent deed with an amazing castle? What could be coming may just surprise you, and maybe you have thoughts of your own? No one is going to know these things if all anyone is seeing is "I don't like it". Speak up, stop complaining and actually use those words to communicate what you don't like and what you want to see? I don't understand why that's so hard.
  3. But the difference being "upgrades and new features, new things to do and ways to do them" vs. "what you've had for a long time, with no opportunity to experience anything new. Stuck with the same old things." Really it's a boil down to: Eating nothing but Creamy Peanut Butter because that's what you've been raised on and all you've ever eaten growing up. But you love Peanut Butter and of course you love Peanuts, but why bother to even try Crunchy? Creamy has been just fine for you all these years, why bother to try something new? (Sorry I just had a PB&J) xD
  4. Where would you like to test it? Are you aware of some magic forum that gets used by Wurm Players or even the Developers of the new forum setup that the rest of us don't know about? What is so broken that makes the forums unusable right now? And no, color scheme does not count... What do I like about the new forum? I like the notices that someone has posted the very thread that I'm currently looking at, without having to refresh the page 100 times to check if something new was added to it. That's a good new feature. The blinding white isn't a new feature, it's a yet to be updated layout scheme, which has already been mentioned to be a work in progress and will get updated. The forums are not 100% complete, and that goes for the theme as well. Perfect examples. No we didn't get blood red and distorted terrain with the BUG FIX to seeing only grey horses in the wild. THAT was a bug, and was a bug for a long time. It's been fixed, but it didn't "break" horses, did it? The point there being, not everything is released 100% fully functional, and they DO get updated and fixed. Nothing here is broken to the point it's unusable. No it's not very pretty to look at right now, but it functions. They didn't split up forum sections, move threads around in all kinds of weird ways that you cannot find what you're looking for. Instead they changed the initial layout of the page and added new features to make it more user-friendly. And yes, I do think it is USER friendly. Appearance (pretty) doesn't change the fact that accessing certain things, or finding what you're looking for harder to do. It's the same forums, just with a different theme to it and a better laid out access to features we already new and loved, with some new ones added in. Yes, it's the weekend. It's when the kids aren't at school and we're sure to see a lot less kiddies using the forums right now because "it's not pretty to look at" and often times "new is scary". But that doesn't make it harder to use, or to find things. For those who are going to be active on the forums regardless that "it looks ugly", it's a perfect time for people to explore it, familiarize themselves with what is new and may or may not have changed and provide real feedback on what could be improved on. But to anyone who's just going to login to the forums, see it's different declare it awful within the first couple of minutes of looking it over, aren't doing anyone any good. Outside of changing the theme, updating a few bug fixes (like they do ingame ALL the time) I don't think we're going to be seeing the old layout again. So it's best to just "suck it up buttercup" and learn what it has to offer, and offer your own feedback on it. "It's awful" isn't good feedback and doesn't do anything but make it clear that "I hate it". Which boils down to the simple "If you don't like it, don't use it." But there is no reason to go around complaining about it, if that's all that's going to happen. It gets no one, anywhere and no changes can be made to improve it, because there is not clear "I don't like X" going on. We get it.. The theme/color scheme is horrid. It's a work in progress. Let it go already. So unless someone's got some suggestions on the way the theme could be "eye candy" or whatever, it's pointless to keep pointing out because it's not going to stay this way anyway.
  5. Wurm Unlimited and Wurm Online may be very close in coding but I'm not convinced they are 100% identical. And this could mean that it effects things such as the animals, equipment and other things as well. And from what I have seen on the wiki, many things aren't clarified for certain as of yet. Best guesses in quite a few cases and a lot of information for questions that have been frequently asked about, isn't documented in any way at all. At best, as far as speed for horses (or any animal for that matter) logs a minimum average speed, and does not give any kind of information based on what trait may cause what kind of increase, or any of that. For example: http://www.wurmpedia.com/index.php/Cow Has absolutely no speed listed on it's page in any form. And I'm sure if you ask many players, they'd probably tell you that the Cow and Bull move at the same speed. My tests have proven otherwise so far... Information the Wiki does not tell you. Code diving can sure give you information but where is the fun in that? There are a lot of variables to consider and unless you're going to sit there staring at code to do the math, you're not going to know that kind of information just by looking at java coding. I also cannot say I've seen much information freely posted in popular locations (such as the wiki itself) for the information I'm working on gathering, along with too terribly much otherwise either. So I've decided to take that step to experiment with it in action, code functioning and all, to figure these things out as I go. None of it is really needed. It's all functions and it's going to happen regardless, but it's nice to know the details. Like watching a move, you wanna know what it's about before you just go "lets watch this!" without knowing a thing about it.
  6. I haven't forgotten at all, but I also haven't forgotten that it also offers an unlimited free access to the game too. You don't have to pre-buy it, and pay a sub. You can play it 100% for free, if you wanted to, no cash from your pocket. Just because they charge a sub fee (for players who choose to pay out of pocket, instead of working the economy and other players who do pay from pocket) does not grant them all-mighty endless funding power to perform miracle tasks. The only thing that Code Club "owes" (and I use this term lightly here) anyone, is the 'premium time' given when paid for. And even then they can revoke/ban your account if you cannot follow rules properly. Which is of no fault on their part, but the players. That being said, just because they're charging 16 Euro every 2 months for a 2 month subscription, does not make them anywhere near a AAA game. They are small team, and I believe may even be considered "Indie" (is that the right term to use there?). So yes, things aren't going to be finely polished, and they don't owe anyone that. No game owes anyone that. What we can expect, is that they will do their best to polish and fine-tune to the best of the abilities, at the speed they are capable of. And demanding/wanting more of a small team for a game such as Wurm is quite frankly wrong. If you truly enjoy Wurm and the gameplay it has to offer, and respect all that the team does for it's players, there shouldn't be any complaining about 'how awful this change is' and instead should reflect on information you have to offer. Not complaints, or demands that what they've done is horrible. When the day comes that you pay someone to code you you're own special game with your own features and layouts and all that lovely stuff.. Then you can complain all you like about how it's not complete enough before release, or doesn't look right. Until then, work with the team because they're here to listen. I cannot say I see that too much of the larger games, not on the level that Wurm does.
  7. Just a thought, but why not inform the team of what browser you are using and take the time to perhaps explain where these 'empty squares' are, so they can be resolved? If you're feeling really nice, or would really like to see your issue fixed so you can use the Forums effectively. You could load up another browser to specifically point out what 'empty squares' are in the other browser for comparison.
  8. Wurm is not some fancy company releasing a highly invested in, game. It's a small group of people putting out a game for others to enjoy. The resources to test, retest and make sure is functioning 100% isn't exactly possible until it actually gets released. It's the same case with large game companies who release MMO's too. They'll update/release features, find bugs or things they've missed or didnt' quite complete properly and go back in later to update/fix it. Personally I think there could be a little more 'thanks!' going around than there is complaining about the efforts made by the team to improve things. Grief gets no one, anywhere. Complaints get no one, anywhere. So why is there so much of this time wasted on these things? The forums was due for an update, I'm not going to say they weren't. There seems to be an awful lot of ungratefulness looming about with certain folks, and I cannot help but think that's because a lot of people are so used to fine polished AAA games with loads of money behind them. The chance to experience the transition between old, in progress and new should be seen as something exciting! Not 'typical'. To look back at what was once, to what it had to be inbetween and what it will/does become in the end is something nice to think about. It can put into perspective just how much things change/improve and just how much work goes into these kinds of things.
  9. Remember, it's not complete. They're still working out all the bugs, the theme/scheme of it and a few other features I'm sure. Think of what you're seeing, as a Pre-Release (beta test) if you will. Like the Test Servers, except they've felt it ready enough to try in a live setting to really figure out what needs to fixed, edited, added, removed, adjusted and so on. I'm sure there is somewhere that you can post where and when these 'forum lag' moments occur so that maybe they can figure out what's going wrong and how to improve it.
  10. These are the kinds of posts that we need to see. Not "change it back!". Feedback is important, but it's only helpful when it's informative. "i don't like it" doesn't tell anyone what you don't like about it, or how to improve it. Customize-able settings, with a minimal default? I think personally that's reasonable and would be smart for 'starting' settings and users can edit as they like. Rather than being bombarded with loads of notices or something, of things they may not exactly want to see. Maybe they're still working on the settings part of the forums as well. I made a brief skim of the options but I cannot say that it was too overly clear on what I glanced at and found myself questioning what some things were exactly, how they effected other things, or why there didn't seem to be choices for other settings that weren't there at all. But then again, this is still only a max of a couple hours old(live) and I haven't had too much chance to explore the basic setup just yet.
  11. Because it's incomplete? Because it's not finished in it's updated features and doesn't exactly have a theme? When you look at this layout, it's actually a fairly common layout to a lot of other forums out there. Don't "hate it" because it's simple right now. It's not finished. I'm already a fan of the "someone replied" to the thread feature, when I'm still looking at the thread itself! It's something I've always hoped for in Forums, but haven't seen it implemented. Instead you'd have to continue to refresh or check back again later. XD
  12. For those who are complaining about this new forum update, let it go.. It's a new update, with new features and more work to be done on it yet. Updating the forums, is like updating features in Wurm. Does anything in-game come out 100% complete and bug-free? No, of course not. The forums I'm sure are still being worked on, and fine-tuned. Personally I like the update, and am eager to see what kind of changes are in-store for it when they get closer to finishing the update for it. "It was fine" is never a good reason to not try something new or add something. If that were the case, we'd still have nothing but Wild GREY horses, only white sheep or probably no sheep at all, and we wouldn't have gotten "plain stone walls" or multistories (which means no bridges either). The game was fine before, why change it? Right? Give it more than a few hours to actually give it a try. It looks different, it feels a little different, but it still functions the same. Don't turn it down simply because it's new/different.
  13. I'm going to do be doing a series of tests in various things through-out wurm, and I'm welcoming anyone who wishes to, to follow along and perhaps even provide your own data. I ask that you maintain the same basis of which these tests are run however. For example if you wish to submit data for Horse speed Testing, you follow the pattern of completely unequipped horses, with near empty inventories of your player character. This ensures that all data collected is with the same control factors as other tests. Speed/Trait Testing - May also include trait testing of other common animals such as Cow/Bull Each provided link allows comments to be made to the document, where you may post your own findings, questions or suggestions to assist in finding out the information we're hoping to unmask and document, once and for all. Any off-topic, rude or otherwise unwelcome comments made to the documents will be removed entirely and disregarded. If too many off-subject or unwanted comments or alterations are made to these documents, comments will be closed indefinitely to the document themselves. If you'd like to see other testing done on other Wurm features, please let me know in this thread and I will look into begining more tests to run with what I have available to me.
  14. It also seems as though creating your own Value Presets don't save/load properly through WA3 restarts. Copying from the default values and adjusting values for different traits does save for the duration of WA3 being open, but is wiped clean when closed and restarted.
  15. I must've missed WA2 somewhere and was still using the original WA version? Either way, when attempting to export my herd from my previous version and importing it to WA3, I was given empty herds. Opening the files that were created when Exporting did show data inside, but for some reason it wasn't read at all/properly when importing to WA3. Thankfully I had a small herd of no more than 25 or so.
  16. Name change....

    I have never heard of a Name Change certificate, not once. People have commented/requested a way to change character names for quite a while now, but I have not once ever heard of a way possible. Where do you get the information from that such a thing exists? "Appending" a name makes it sound like you're talking about Nicknaming an Animal, not attempting to use something to rename a character. If you can provide information on where you've obtained/seen/heard of a Name Change for player characters, that'd be great.
  17. The Horse aging is fine. YoungFoal to AdolecentFoal is fine. The Cow/Etc; aging isn't Ok. YoungCalf to AdolecentCalf (or whatever the case may be) doesn't work out at all.
  18. Perhaps better support for other animals in Granger than just Horses? With the ability to now grant Nicknames to other animals such as Cows, it's a great way to keep record of who's breeding with who etc; And keep them all strait. Granger seems to be able to keep them strait as far as nicknamed cows too, with 1 problem: When a (non-horse) animal increases in age, from say young to adolecent, it will not update the existing 'entry' of the animal and requires you to smile+examine to create a new entry altogether and delete the old one. I ask this, because WO is capable of recording these nicknames on the calf/foal birth as well. So a cow "Bessie" giving birth to a calf, the calf says "Brown Cow 'Bessie'" is the mother. Greatest addition to Wurm yet, and it would be GREAT if Wurm Assistant fully supported the same changes for things like cows as it does already for horses.
  19. Carted animals will feed while moving, if you pass over grass. ;P Same with riding them, see it all the time in Events. A hitching post would be nice though. It comes down to you either saddle it, pen the animal or leave it hitched to a cart/wagon. Personally I rather they be able to roam around in a pen, but for realism purpose on the go, a hitching post would be nice. Adds some Roleplay Emmersion to it. Riding Crop: I think this might be a little out of place, unless it's intended to 'encourage' an animal to use their speed boosting traits. Then again, the "unmotivated" is suspected to cause the animal to seldomly use them in the first place.
  20. Saddle Bag has been requested before, and unfornately denied as carts already exist as well as player backpacks. As far as more colors for horses. I'd love to be able to see variations more than just the standard, flat colors. Black, Grey, White, Gold and Brown? Lets see a little more variety, would be wonderful! Even varying degrees of the colors would be nice. Pale Browns, Darker/Lighter Greys, Dark Golden, Pale Yellows.. Varying color degrees would add more to breeding two different horses together than just traits. A black and white horse, giving birth to some Grey Version of horse? ^.^
  21. In this .bat file. I see you used this line: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60\bin\Javaws.exe" http://www.wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp That is exactly what we have in our Target for the shortcut to launch our game, and sadly for whatever reason it's still giving the 32BIT notice for the Intel PC. I cannot say I see that notice often myself but if I recall it still comes up from time to time.
  22. Turning GLSL on or off makes no change what-so-ever we've found. They're convinced it the Java BIT issue that would resolve it, but ultimately it doesn't matter too much. They aren't a fan of the game anyway. xD The issue that is occuring graphically with the other Intel Integrated PC is that the tiles are rendering strangly. It's as if whatever tile you're logging in on, is the only tile that will be at your feet for a small radius and it distorts any tiles outside that radius. Say if you're walking down what you know to be a cobble pathway, but until you step onto it, all you see is "lawn" or grass tiles. It's a strange ordeal, but if I remember correctly it was resolved once before on a similiar (less powerful) machine and if really needed could be figured out again eventually. Though I don't think there's any rush. I'll give that file a try the next time I get a chance to. Glad to see that this thread, and you are helping others out with your answers. ^.^ So thank you for that.
  23. If it has a AMD graphics card, let me know. It is slightly more complex for AMD and can be multiple things. if you do not have any real graphics card and work on an intel integrated graphics card, be it laptop or desktop, you can try disabling glsl in the compatibility options of wurm. This will stop the "stretched people and animals" models. However, it might cause tile distortion. If it does cause tile distortion, unfortunately there is no solution for this yet besides either living with stretched people/animals or tile distortion. You can think about buying a proper graphics card though. Intel does not work well with opengl and is not really intended for any real gaming. For wurm, this does not have to be expensive however and for 20-30 EUR/USD you probably have a very decent used one. Let me know if this helped in any way or if you need something explained in more detail or have something else Viti I am afraid there are a few things that may still require the use of 32Bit java, for example my Browser I believe only uses 32Bit. The PC with graphical issues has an integrated Intel CPU/GPU in it. As far as I know, the settings have been lowered as I had found in other posts that changing these should help with graphical issues. But because I cannot get near that computer without actually getting grief, I cannot know for sure. (Cranky player)
  24. Alright so I was able to get help in-game from a lovely player "Odzihozo" who gave me his Target shortcut information. So far neither myself or my other user have gotten the "You're running 32Bit" message. "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60\bin\javaws.exe" -localfile -J-Djnlp.application.href=http://www.wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp "C:\Users\ YOUR USERNAME HERE\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6. 6.0\41\5fef8269-7cea0f72" EDIT: Apparently launching the game after the initial time when changing to this Target, can still give the 32Bit error for some people? I'm not sure what else to try or do..
  25. Yes, that is what my target location was directing to, to begin with. But Wurm still tells me on launch I am running the 32 bit version and should change to 64 bit.