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Everything posted by Zera

  1. Deleted.

    No one is being toxic here. These forums work on the idea that it's presented to the community and the community discusses it and provides their input. If we can't comprehend and read it to discuss the ups and downs to having these things added into the game it's unlikely that they're going to be even looked at. Devs are people too you know, if the post is easy to read and understand and they find value in the discussion it sparks it's more likely to be added to the game. We're only trying to help you better present the ideas that you and your mates have come up with so that it may be shared in a better readable and discussable format. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Rather than making a +10 skill then in that regard perhaps the "newbie buff" could include a higher success chance rate instead. Less about the skill value and more about the journey going from 1 to 10. While going from 1 to 20 goes too quickly, even if you increase that skill limit you're also yet still narrowing down the gap further by just giving away "free skill" in this regard. A saddle has nothing to do with a decent mount or not though. Putting a saddle in a new player inventory has no effect on much of anything, especially if they are unable to find something to put it on the first place (which is the case for a lot of the NFI servers right now), lack a deed to brand it to or the skill to tame it (which if I'm not mistaken if it goes un-tamed then the saddle is lost which is a turn-off in it's own right as that is a timer that continues to tick even when you are offline). I agree some things are super painful at low skills, but isn't the better solution to reduce the difficulty of certain actions or providing alternatives. Skills starting at 10 not 0 feels kinda weird to me. I also feel strongly this way, starting at 10 feels very off. If it's because "things are hard" then as I said the "newbie buff" should provide some buff that either increases all success chance to actions or increase skill gain for the duration of that buff. (Kind of like free sleep bonus for the duration). But it also poses the problem of giving a wrong impression too. Without the challenge of having low skill and lower success chance it can easily come across as if attempting to accomplish a task that you are just barely skill enough to do won't be so bad. Like trying to build a smelter at only just hitting 50 Masonry skill.
  3. I do not think that if a ship system like the wagoner gets added that it should work in-tandem with the wagoner directly like this. I feel you should need to take your goods to the shipping port to drop them off with the system directly yourself. I agree that shipping animals and any other standard loadable to a Wagon should be able to be sent via a Wagoner, I do not feel that the Wagoner should be treated as if it's been a runed wagon or something absurdly amazing. It's intent was to ship bulk goods across a highway system and I do feel it needs some kind of limitations such as not being able to ship things that wouldn't fit into a standard wagon. I feel this should apply to any ship system as well. If the ship type used for this cannot support loading such a thing without a rune or other adjustment it should not be done. All of this, I have to disagree with entirely. While I will not drive myself clear across the map for whatever reason there may be, I still do not think that hiring a Wagoner to drive me somewhere should be a thing either. This I can get behind though, as someone who eventually grows tired of a location and looks to relocate or happens to move a bunch of dirt or rock or whatever the case is quite the distance it would be nice to be able to "tie lead" between a couple of wagons or carts. Each would need their own animals to pull them of course, so 2 wagons would need 4 animals but you'd only need 1 driver as you could then use a Cordage rope or something of the like to "tie lead" between the 2 wagons (or carts) to have the 2nd one follow the first. I don't think it should go beyond more than 2 at any time though. Creating a "Train effect" would be absurd and far too much. 2 transports per 1 driver in this case is more than enough. I also feel a system like this should be limited hard to the "top speed" of the slowest in the chain. So no fully equipped Hellhorses driving a Large Cart with a Donkey-pulling Wagon behind it going "ZOOOM!" for example.
  4. I second this, it would be nice to have another cosmetic option or whatever you want to call it to use elsewhere. Using a chest to store knives, pottery bowls, baking stones, etc; etc; etc; is not elegant at all and I totally agree that an Alchemy cabinet would feel very misplaced sitting next to my oven and larder.
  5. This was one you'd already put in your giant list of suggestions in another thread.
  6. 50 Skill cap is awfully high for a non-premium player. While I feel that 20 is too low, 50 is too high. Perhaps somewhere around the 30 or 35 range would be more ideal. This would open up new features and functions in their skills that they otherwise don't get at 20 or less, but also doesn't give them near everything either. 50 is quite a high skill level that unlocks quite a few higher end functions and features that I feel a non-premium player should be encouraged to access premium status to reach those goals. 30/35 gives a proper taste of the higher skills without giving too much, where 20 doesn't give enough. That said, I don't think that giving players the ability to ride a horse right out of the gate is a good idea either. There are donkeys and cows for the low skill players to ride, besides with a higher skill cap of 30/35 they'll be able to reach the skills needed to ride a horse without ever needing to get Premium playtime. I also don't think that giving new players a +10 in their skills on creation is a good idea either. Part of the learning process of wurm is failing, figuring out how stuff works and what makes things work better. This 1ql plank has a lower chance to apply to my chest than this 5 or 10ql plank. Obviously then, higher QL planks (or whatever) are better to use than lower ones. The tutorial also already encourages players to perform tasks which in turn increase those skills as well as explore the different things available in wurm. The journal adds to this by offering even more tasks to do which include rewards alongside the "do the task, get the gain". I entirely believe that Wurm has new player retention problems, but I do not believe it has anything to do with the starting skills or the inability to ride a horse due to a lack of skill. I do believe it has something to do with the limited amount of skill cap you can get. You hit 20 skill in most things very quickly and that can very easily be seen as "well I did this thing and I'm supposed to be able to do X or Y, but I can't or I won't be able to experience it unless I pay some money first". Skill cap at 20 is a big turnoff for a lot of people, they feel far too gated and don't get to learn enough about certain aspects or unlock anything fun or cool before they decide they've had enough and Wurm isn't for them. It's a shame really. If they were able to drive a cart instead of drag one around everywhere, that alone I believe would make a MAJOR difference. But alas it's locked just beyond that 20 skill cap. New players would never know how much of a help having a Large Cart would be to their gameplay unless they paid money on a game they're still figuring out if it's for them.
  7. Yeah I probably read most of the first list, scrolled, hit a few points in the second grouping, read like 3 of the third group and then just scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page... This was far too much on a single thread to actually sit and evaluate or consider any of these ideas without being pushed into the next one on a very, very, very long list. I'd already forgotten most of what I'd read by the time I started skipping around and skimming for something else to possibly have any input on. 🤷‍♀️
  8. Deleted.

    I'm sorry but this is a literal wall of text that opens up with "This will be a long list of Suggestions". There are no breaks to identify the different suggestions into their own paragraphs or otherwise (assuming it's actually many suggestions as I couldn't get myself to try to organize such a large grouping of text to read it). Perhaps going back and editing so it's actually separated into an easier to read format, especially with separating the different suggestions into their own paragraphs. As it is right now, it's presenting itself a very daunting task to read and keep everything straight.
  9. While I would likely never use this structure appearance, I do feel it is missing from Wurm Online. I do know a few folks who would very likely use this structure type if it was available. So yes, I say "Why isn't it already a thing?" We have palisade fences/gates made with logs/felled trees, why don't we have log based structure option too?
  10. I never understood why you couldn't repair or improve tents myself. I understand it for the starter stuff, the inability to improve that is, you can't improve any of the starting gear and I feel it should stay that way. But the inability to repair a starter tent is very daunting and has caused me to go without using a tent or having a tent in quite some time. If this extends into the lack of ability to repair a non-starter tent (regardless if it can be improved or not) I feel that's just entirely silly. For how many items in Wurm that can be repaired and improved as it is right now, I find it very strange that a Tent which is cloth and wood cannot be repaired (even if it requires the use of additional cloth to do so, like repairing walls of a structure or fence). Improving could function in a similar way as well, requiring the use of cloth or other materials to be consumed to do so (again, just like improving structure walls and some fences).
  11. Many people allowing Leading for non-citizens on their deed for one reason or another. Those reason can include but are not limited to: Self-Serve animal selling service(s) Allowing newbies or other players to freely take unwanted animals for themselves Allowing newbies or other players who have recently received an animal to pass through their deed without worry of Disconnect, Death or otherwise losing lead of an unbranded animal being lost to "You can't do that here" when attempting to recover their new animal after an event that caused them to lose the lead. The problem however with having "Lead" permission enabled on a Deed means that branding your own animals does not protect them from being led off your Deed (or anywhere) by anyone passing through. This means any riding animals you have equipped with gear such as shoes, saddle and bridle can just be walked off at any point from anywhere in the world. Whether it is on your Deed or not. (I had this confirmed with a friend of mine from another deed, who was able to take my Bison who was branded to my own Deed) The only way to combat this is to make sure every branded animal to my Deed has this permission set: Having this permission set per animal no longer allows anyone not of my Own Deed to lead that animal by anyone who is not myself (or of my deed). However, I have now learned that despite having Lead (and Brand) enabled for my citizens on my Deed: Having a setting like this on a branded animal doesn't allow them to Lead a branded animal (although they can unhitch these animals from carts just fine): I had thought that since the Animals default to "Brand Permission of Deed", saying that Management of Animal, Leading/Riding and Equipment Management were allowed that this would allow my Citizens to interact with this animal without issue. Since after all, they had Brand Permission for the Deed. Apparently this is not correct and thus I am confused what purpose this seems to serve if it is not to say "If you can brand it, you can actively interact with it". I actually had to go retrieve a set of Bison this morning that my Deedmate had intended to use on another transport item and was in a panic trying to Discord me that they were unable to retrieve them and they were wandering off Deed. The additional "Citizens of Nydai" setting must be enabled to allow them to actually interact with the animal: Apparently this system was changed to work this way back in 2017 and I must say it has caused myself a lot of headache (and I'm sure many others as well) with not understanding exactly how Branding is supposed to work in-tandem with Deed permissions. I assumed that Branding worked no different than putting a lock on my chest or door to my structure. If I have pickup perms on my Deed but do not have Perms on my house to pickup items, my house doesn't allow picking up items. I don't have to Deny any role a permission to prevent this from happening because the idea of a house (a lock system in it's own right) automatically defaults to "no". If I have a chest with a lock on it, no one can open that chest and take items from it. Despite my deed having the pickup permission made available. So why does branding an animal to my deed not automatically lock that animal from non-deedmates? Why is branding not considered a lock in itself? Right now a branding seems no different than this: Something that says "This is mine" and/or "I made this". Which seems entirely counter-intuitive outside of the idea that Branding something over-rides someone else's "No Lead" setting so you can take your animals with you should you get disconnected, die or otherwise lose lead. So my question is: Why doesn't branding work like a lock system like everything else in the game does? (A house, a gate lock, a padlock, etc;) I've lost a few animals who've been walked off deed while branded and GM's have shrugged at me and said "You set it up that way" and went on their way, causing me to lose the animal to whoever walked off and penned/hitched it. Why doesn't branding to a Deed (because it isn't a personal lock, it's a deed lock) automatically allow Members with the setting to Lead and/or Brand automatically set (and prioritize over non-citizens) access to do these things to animals branded to their deed? Why does Ally role permission to "Lead" allow an Ally to walk around with a branded animal (even if it has Everyone - Deny) but not a Citizen with the same permission and Brand Permission? My suggestion(s): Make Branding work like a "Deed Lock" system, as it is believed entirely to be by many already. Non-Citizens cannot lead animals belonging to a Deed (branded) even if Lead Permissions of the Deed are set to allowed for their citizen role. Individual Animals would need to be set to allow Non-Citizens or Individuals to allow interaction with that particular animal. (Just like chests and houses) Citizens belonging to the Deed can lead a Deed-Branded animal at any time unless otherwise set to "Deny All" for citizens or individual user "Deny" setting. Allow leading of non-branded animals on Deeds the default behavior at any time. If it is not branded, it can be led off deed by anyone at any time. This means keep your animals behind locked gates or branded if you don't want them to be taken by others. "Use a lock" Add a new Permission to Deeds themselves that separates Lead and "Branded interactions" "Lead" can remain to allow the leading of any non-branded animals on and off the Deed Add a new Permission to the Deed itself that allows interaction with Branded animals specifically. This would make branding function a lot like the "secure action" used in Lamps and other items on Deeds that utilize the "Pickup/drop allowed" permissions (often in-tandem with Load/UnLoad settings).
  12. Still have a plot available for anyone seeking a Deed. (Current population 4/5 members) Let us help you in your new Wurm Adventure today! Employment assistance is still available, send me a PM in-game or a message here on the forums via comment or PM.
  13. Seems lowering graphics settings from "Default" to Low (possibly higher settings would work too but haven't tried yet) allowed the game to load. Still seems like a strange thing to be causing these sorts of errors, especially about System32 folder. *Shrug*
  14. I have a friend who's having trouble launching Wurm Online from a laptop. At first the game would launch but sit in what seems like a never-ending loading process until it ultimately crashed. Then we saw this error pop up and I'm not sure what to do about that one in the slightest. We've made sure graphics driver was the newest it could be, it is a laptop with integrated graphics running Windows 11 (64bit). We've made sure Java is up to date and installed that C++ redistributable thing too. The system has 8GB of RAM so we know that's not the issue. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  15. I've always played Wurm with a "Lock it or Lose it" mentality. This is a mindset that needs to exist when playing with any kind of strangers online. PvE or PvP otherwise, it doesn't matter what kind of game or gamemode it is. There will always be someone, somewhere who's going to be eyeballing whatever it is you have and if they can take it they most certainly will! Deeds are designed for claiming, to prevent the idea that someone else can come along and interfere with your work. It's yours, you've put a claim on it. This includes but is not limited to, your tools, your structures, your chests and the land itself that you can change and shape as you please. Not everyone can afford a large deed, or a deed at all out of pocket (I myself am a F2P user at this time even). Wurm offers so many other ways to extra secure your items too though. Yes there is the Bank option where you can deposit and store your most prized items (within reason ofc) and it doesn't take any more effort to store these items in that bank than it does to deposit them on a shelf or a chest. Speaking of shelves and chests, there's these fun things called locks that you can make for added protection. I implore people to use these to their full advantage everytime. Large items like Forges, Ovens, Smelters.. Secure them down. This essentially "locks" the item from being removed/moved unless it's deeded over. Make it a priority to imp the crap out of your structures, those are your first/last line of defense should something happen and you can't support a deeded piece of land anymore. I see massive structures all over Wurm but they're left at whatever creation QL they were made with and we all know structures don't last long off-deed, so why are we taking the risk of letting them decay as quickly as possible should a deed fall? I see many posters here who are talking about people who have been playing "For a long time" or "Have good stuff". So what's stopping/preventing the action of applying locks where able and imping walls as much as possible to ensure stuff stays put should something come up? I've been on and off wurm for years. Each time my deed has come down and been looted. Many times I've had to start from literal scratch, not even a cart remaining to my name. Accepting that human-beings are prone to this kind of behavior and knowing that if I didn't properly prepare for whatever may come up or the fact that I just wasn't up to the task to logging in for a while (not even to drop more coin into the upkeep) that I was also accepting the fact that I would (not could but would) lose everything that wasn't on my person. I have had others reach out to me with the request: "I may not be online for a while, if that happens (x days) please go to my deed and make sure X, Y and Z are safe. I've given you perms to access these things." Having a back-up plan or someone you can trust to make sure a certain select items are secured in-case something happens is called having proper neighbors and being neighborly. Expecting some random human-beings on the internet though to be neighborly is a stretch. It's a nice thought but truly lets take a long hard look at human-beings as a whole, can we honestly say we expect anything less than the "Lock it or Lose it" behavior? I am too lazy to rush out to a deed that has fallen to try to get first dibs on it's loot. I will however check out an old abandoned lot to see what still remains and try to imagine what it was like when it was still active. If there's anything left I can still use, you bet I'm going to put it to use. Especially in an instance where someone may even have a venerable bull still hanging out in some pen somewhere because these days this "should be neighborly community" is hoarding (and yes I do mean hoarding) any and all livestock to the point that servers can't even spawn new ones for being well beyond cap. (I suppose that's another discussion to be had entirely based on this, 'be kind' subject though). Point being, have a contingency plan in place if something happens. Whether it be ensuring your deed has upkeep for ages at a time, your structures are top QL always, locks on everything that can support them, securing your larger items (and chest) so they can't just be picked up and walked off, a neighbor in-game who can come and save stuff if you don't login for X amount of time, whatever the case may be. If we'd all start treating our own stuff as if a Deed didn't exist to protect our stuff in the first place, it wouldn't hurt or be as devastating if and when that Deed did fall. It would add more time to our "away timers" as that extra cushion before our walls fell and our gates came crashing down.
  16. I have just confirmed that this is still the case: I just tested this theory again with a Creature branded, off my own deed and with no changes made to the Branded Permissions. This creature was able to be lead by a non-citizen (on their own deed). I tested a second Creature, branded, off my own deed and with the permission "Everyone - Deny All" set. This creature however was not able to be lead my a non-citizen (on their own deed). This almost feels like branding's only purpose is to avoid losing your animals on someone else's deed to their own "no lead" permission. But it wouldn't prevent them from taking your animal and putting it behind one of their locked gates that you cannot access. Seems like there is a huge hole here.
  17. I completely agree, I have personally recently relocated to a small location on one of Cadence's shorelines and am in the process of terraforming it to suit my liking. I have an old abandon lot of land next door to me that looks lovely but could also be terraformed into something else if someone wanted to put the work in to do so, it was just too much land for me personally. "Fresh Land" is exciting but so is terraforming something someone else left behind. Especially if you take progress pictures along the way!
  18. Nydai is looking to recruit an additional deedmate. Preferably other Free-to-Play players as it'd be nice to have others around who understand the dedication and effort that goes into this playstyle approach. I've personally been very lucky in finding work that has allowed me to pay for my deed for the next few months without worry as well as have a nice nest egg and Premium time as I need it. I'd like to extend this fortune to another player, while also have some company at home. I'm more than willing to share Manual Labor jobs and split the profits on jobs we share together (this will make jobs go faster anyway). I have a few years of experience in the game as well, even if some of the newer things in the last year or two are still knew to me I am confident I can help in learning the game's basics for players still new to the game. Whatever skill(s) suit your fancy, I'd be more than happy to have you along! We believe in a full-share system on deed, this means we have a public workshop available with shared resources available to use and restock for the entire group, a shared store-house that holds our bulk materials such as wood, shards and more that doesn't seem to fit alongside our Workshop stations. If you'd prefer to have your own private home we offer private lots where you can lock your door and your personal belongings away from the rest of the group, no judgement. ❤️ If you don't feel the need for a private lot we have lock-able rooms available at our Inn where you can store a chest of your items and we can lock your door to prevent anyone else from accessing your belongings there too. Amenities Send me a message in-game or here on the forums and lets chat! I can pick you up if you need transportation too. Deed Location: Cadence - T18 In-Game Name/Mayor: Ferrix Current Deed Count: 9
  19. So a logo that we've all majority disagreed with and stated, some placeholder images and some forced/placed items overlapping those placeholder images that look nothing like ingame items. A monitor that looks like it was created in MS Paint (along with the rest of the logo stuff mostly). I still don't understand what exactly this "content" is we're supposed to be giving feedback on? It all looks like it's placeholder garbage. I can try, let me try: Oh, it looks like you put little 'W' in the "login" and "register" buttons at the top: neat! You're looking to show-case the old Steam-Launch Trailer video? Or is this also a placeholder? I can't really tell... What image is this behind this "Monitor" image and the Download area? Is that a placeholder too? What is this about "choose you path"? Is that supposed to contain some kind of whimsical reference to an RPG exploration, but instead it's supposed to be referencing to "are you new to the game, or not?" considering that the 2 displays after are "New players" and "Seasoned players" with my already mentioned load of placeholder art that's supposed to represent each? I don't understand what is and isn't supposed to be a placeholder. I've also seen some areas of the website that contain text that aren't anywhere near what is in Wurm or whatever. I'm sorry, but when did Wurm get anything to do with actual weather effects? I don't recall ever getting "too hot" or "too cold" or any of it effecting crops. Last I checked that was a mod, for Wurm Unlimited and not an overly popular one at that as it makes the game a hell of a lot more challenging as it can be unpredictable and unforgiving entirely for a new character. So my question again, what part is and isn't placeholders? Because so far what others have shown (because again I haven't been able to see anything for myself yet), it all seems like terrible placeholders. Not just images..
  20. What actual content? All I saw (or didn't see at all because nothing's been actually available to me) was nothing but "These are placeholders". So what actual content is there to give actual feedback on? I honestly would like to know what part of what was supposed to be shared (to the few of us who were fortunate enough to glimpse it) was planned to be actual content and not some placeholder?
  21. I've only just returned to Wurm and am looking to earn coin to support Premium time a small deed and the Premium time of my Deedmates (crew). In-Game: Ferrix (Alt: Tikoni) Origin Map: Cadence Manual Labor: I can perform a wide variety of manual labor tasks quickly thanks to an alt/crew and most days I can personally spend near 12hrs a day working on the task. With my premium skills I can achieve these tasks even faster thanks to my mid/high-range skills being available to me. I can travel anywhere coastal easy with my ship, inland is a bit risky as I am currently without a Tent in-case I should encounter trouble on the roads. Noteworthy Skills: (Minimum, skills may have been improved since posting) Ferrix Pricing: Manual Labor rates are anywhere between 1.5 silver to 2 silver every 1,000 actions. As I will be bringing my alt and/or part or all of my crew to any and all manual labor tasks I will be asking for 2s for every 1,000 actions completed. My reasoning is rather simple, I will be working to control 2 different clients and/or managing a team to ensure your task is completed and done in the most efficient way possible. Needs: Food (please, even if it's low QL) Any water source (Ocean, puddle or Fountain/Well) Any permissions required to complete your task if it is on deed. Permission to be able to groom my own animals on deed. Bulk Shipping/Order Filling: We're also willing to fill bulk-item orders, check in to see if I already have something made and in stock already. We can send via Wagoner on Cadence and deliver to Coastal areas on other maps, we have a Corbita for transport/shipping purposes. Pricing Reference Sheet Reach out to me in-game or this thread to discuss your next project needs! Please be kind and leave us a review!
  22. Deed: Nydai Location: https://cadence.yaga.host/#2221,3774
  23. Emberwynn is back and has moved to #826, 2911
  24. Emberwynn has returned from a long break and is looking to recruit one or two additional members. In the past Emberwynn was a bulk-supply merchant with goals towards providing top-notch service for fair prices. We offered a very large variety of items in the bulk category to all over the Southern Isles. Sadly this became a lot to handle for 4-5 deed members with no-limit on order sizes and we each became overwhelmed in the long-run and disbanded from Wurm altogether. Since then we have separated into either our own Deeds or other games altogether. Emberwynn has returned with the goal to settle first for ourselves (myself currently) before making any attempts at rejoining in any regard our previous supplier/shipper status. A new, small farm located at P11 in the south eastern quadrant of Harmony with goals to supply well-bred horses and other basic items to start. I'm looking to recruit like-minded folks interested in the idea of a general quiet living on the farm with the possible idea of branching back out into the business later on. Emberwynn has always functioned as a "one for all" mentality, as a deed together we do everything for each other and the deed. That said, my breeding results are free-to-use (within reason) to all my deed-mates. It is expected that this same mentality is shared among members where support and assistance is provided among ourselves first. Emberwynn is not a skilling deed. Overuse of items/products just for the sake of skill-grinding is frowned upon and seen as wasteful. Skill will come easily with the work put into the deed and building up our Bulk Supplies for when we decide we are ready to return to market. If you're interested or wish to know more, PM "Ferrix" in-game.