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Everything posted by Makarus

  1. Keep your dirty ###### hands off my compass collection. Wherea this guy live? Sand. Sand for days.
  2. Xanadia infrastructure projects always plus1
  3. Xanadu Beltway. Could have inter continental highways from 8 points on the map, culminating jn a nexus of crossroads in the center. A bridge spanning the highest and farthest gap.
  4. Wow. Checked that link to the wall thread. The best advice is to ignore people like that, and hire out a crew for the project. Stay on public land and get approval for highway modification from the people who's opinion matters - GMs. Anyways. Good luck with a project. Any dedication ceremony for a memorial, let me know when. I have a name or few that I'd like to add to the list, and will bring the statues to wherever that may be located.
  5. New strategy, use a grooming brush on rift creatures . Domesticate them. Fatten them up and then eat them.
  6. So. Close. I am off tomorrow, and to get there would be hours of sailing to shownup after the fact. One of these days I will make it! I want to try these Rifts out sooo bad man.
  7. I am fairly assured Tallios knows that satchels exist. Yes they serve a function which can allow a knarr to transport literally thousands of bulk goods which would be inefficient if placed in crates. This is a go between. It would allow the transport of even larger amounts of foodstuffs over great distances. Fill sack, sew shut, crate 5to10x 17 crates iirc in the knarr, over the current limitation of something like 7000(satchel) or 5 100 (crate) of the same item type (corn or wemp for example.)
  8. I have some recipes I will be posting. Going to start posting my dinners like instagram twitting. #cannibalism Maybe next, will be an expansion of horse menus. I think beer battered horse would go well.
  9. It makes sense now. I mine corner. Corner drops. Why is this bad? I have done extensive shurface mining but I feel good about this change. Consider it a technological advancement... Modders? Idea... A large cart with or without modified model which uses a dredge like tool to remove tiles adjacent to position of material. Would not dig self tile. Call it an [excaVator]
  10. I want a housebroken horse. Brash, I will personally help the devas make this happen but first, Christmas approaches. Gift time, you know what to do.
  11. This is cool. You have an armada. Now recruit some pirates.
  12. For me, it's less of the macho anti hippy nonsense, as it is their diet. Much like naturally raised and free range cattle, vegans are fed a wholesome and nutritious diet, which typically results in quality meat. The key is balance, most vegs are skinnybeans and need some fattening. Proper marbling of the meat can be improved with daily massaging and other things which we will employ other vegans to do. I see the start of a BL movement, here. Raising wlers in captivity, feeding them controlled diets which perfect their meats. Jenn Kellogs for breakfast, it seems.
  13. +1 fsirly balanced suggestion, and I would support most if not all implimentation of this idea. Would need to read more thoroughly to come up with solid no'z. Mr gary, i see your point (only read page one.) But i love making path tiles with the restrictions. I work them in to designs for roadways and structure/greenspace planning. While sich a change would not impact my designs, it would make them redundant. Why not a better means of creating them within the same restrictikns, as an alternative such as filling requirements and then denoting said tile as path tile? I place rug, rclick > declare as path. Simple requirement check, pass/fail, if fail, spit reason.
  14. Not impossible, you proved that Wiluss. Congratulations on a job well done. Are they all pinewood?
  15. My roads are usually three wide, lined either side with either flowers, then trees, or just the trees. Fruits backed by maples backed by cedars. It is a really wide open road plan, but occasionally you've gotta cut back the trees... which is why I usually skip the flower row.
  16. Centalized feeding solutions. Good idea. I like ark troughs.
  17. It costs 1g per pmk founding, right? Wonder who I would have to go through to get passage for a temp kingdom for some custom wagons. But that's a tangent, the reason I am here is to just say, you hit it spot on with that design. Very crusader, on the tents it immediately made me think about fields of tents full of soldiers awaiting marching orders on the holy land. Well done. (In part because of the war of the roses reference. Fairly big deal in my family history.)
  18. Genetic engineering could make this happen. Flavored people. I am a meat popsickle. Soylent green, blue raspberry, cherry, watermelon. Fried people, people gumbo All kinds of things you can do with people.
  19. Retro stated in the 1.3 update rps page, that ui is next focus.
  20. Enchant a flowers tile with lurve path, get honey Sounds bueno.
  21. I invited @Retrograde for steaks. He said it sounded like a good idea. I am not sure he is aware of these threads.. Hehe.
  22. If coordinated with a day off, I'd happily tour the world with them, or even false flag op as a newbie and incite a rebe... i mean, advertise from a grass roots perspective. One thing that is key, though, is population. Showing life and growth. Passing by in a cart/ knarr what have you, and telling whomever that "this deed we are passing, it used to be a sand pit. Look at the statues and earthworks now." Would really help frame the place in a positive light. Tour highlights (example) Kinoss canal. Tundra Mountain Express. Magranons Scar. Maybe a couple deeds open for visitation, possibly a old or new impalong site, a couple inns on the way. Show off our community and all these incredible structures. Rather than being sent out alone on a pvp server where finding a war deed to even look at would be difficult, much less getting there as a newbie, and not being killed by the locals. Although, that would still provide a better review than "is ded gaem kek"