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About Dran

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  1. Dang. I was hoping this was to announce the implementation of some sort of in game auction system.
  2. Never knew that, is it new? (the part about dragons)
  3. Really? http://www.wurmonline.com/features/ Mount various creatures, from horses and carts to unicorns, bears and even dragons!
  4. So...Seriously, what ever happened to bridges?
  5. If they won't attack you while in a boat, and it's unwise to attack them while swimming.. would the "careless explorers" be people who explore by swimming?
  6. Casting Nerf

    Wiki: Statuette QL seems to have negligible effect on casting. I know the wiki isn't alwasy up to date or correct, but can anyone confirm the importance of statue quality on casting? I've been using one that's 7ql on my new priest after reading the wiki.
  7. I think you nailed it Wulfgar. Thanks!
  8. Indy server uptime @ 3:00pm EST, 1/19/2014 : 2 days 4 hours and 40 minutes I have been praying periodically all day. I have only gotten 2 faith skillgains since 10:20am (which would have been the server's new day). [10:40:28] Faith increased by 0.193 to 50.978 [12:56:25] Faith increased by 0.192 to 51.170 I could be wrong, but I believe the gain amount has gone up. I was getting closer to 0.10 leading up to 50 skill. Now am getting almost 1/5th of a point.
  9. For the last couple of days gaining faith with my Vynora priest has become inconsistent. I just passed 50 faith, so I don't know if it's related. From 0-50 faith I gained increases up to 5 times a day by praying at least 20 minutes apart at an altar. Now, praying at the same altar is only occasionally giving me faith, and there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason. I logged in at 8am EST, now it is almost 1pm EST. I have been periodically praying all during this time. Gained faith once at 10:40, and not again since.
  10. Please remove the option to smelt things which will not return a lump. This includes items which are too small to yield a lump, and items which forever reason don't currently yield a lump (steel items if it hasn't been changed/fixed, and Seryll).
  11. Seryll armor really needs to have a different model or at least a different color from other armors. Since we can't improve maintain it in the long term, it seems like more of a vanity item or "ceremonial armor".
  12. I would like a way to rename meals like is available for most other items. This would be especially useful to indicate if a meal has salt in it or is enchanted.
  13. Within the last year wasn't some client update released that was supposed to enable proper use of graphics cards and greatly reduce CPU usage? Either it wasn't released or it was and didn't work, performance for me is as bad as ever.
  14. Is adding collision detection the same as making Wurm 3D?