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About Mystry

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  1. Whenever I've played Wurm I've always avoided PvP. I have no interest in it whatsoever. Not in wurm. There are plenty of games which do pvp much better, and I don't play wurm for its pvp. If I want pvp, I'll log on one of the innumerable MMOs with it, or open up DOTA, or a random FPS, or something like that. I've played Wurm for its crafting and building aspect; dying over and over and losing all my stuff because I haven't grinded for three months to get max fighting skills doesn't appeal to me. PvP in Wurm seems, from an outsiders perspective, to be highly underdeveloped and slapped onto largely PvE elements, and has what I like to call the 'Warhammer Syndrome', named so for Warhammer Online, a pvp-centric game infamous for how its 'pvp' largely consisted of waiting for the enemy group to be offline, then running around and grabbing all of his stuff. Very little actual fighting occurred and it was mostly about resource theft. If you like that, fine, great for you! I hope you enjoy Challenge. But you won't see me there.
  2. And while this may somehow be fair for free players (who after all are just trying the game), I really think that a premium player, who pays her money every month, should have at least some kind of protection and prevent them rage quitting just because they logged one day to find all their belongings "raided" No, that ISN'T fair to a free player. This disgusting disdain for free players is what is killing the community on this game.
  3. I maintain my opinion that Wurm would be vastly improved if alts were banned. I know its unpopular because all the vets have alt priests in their back pockets.
  4. A way to quickly apply both sources of (mundane) healing to wounds.
  5. Made with square cloths and healing covers. Applies both bandage and healing cover on use. Should probably require a fair amount of first aid skill to make. Using should be no harder than normal.
  6. Let chickens/hens/roosters graze on grain farm tiles, aka wheat/barley/rye/oat.
  7. Leather sheathes for bladed weapons, leather hoops for axes, and polearms and stuff. Equip on back and/or hip, depending on sheath, stick weapon inside sheath Adds a UI element that lets you quickly equip a weapon from the sheath, and unequip it back into the sheath with a single click. Great for weapon switching.
  8. I'd rather see stools and chairs actually have a purpose beyond decoration, personally.
  9. That is a more...disgusting alternative, I guess.
  10. Disable fog and rain clipping into structures. Let us look out our windows to see the fog and rain instead of it polluting the inside of our nice fancy houses.
  11. 2 kg of metal lump Rangefinder, like the old greek ones they used in antiquity. Tells you how many tiles away a tile or creature or structure is from you.
  12. Letting a free player remove his own fences is not giving them everything.
  13. And that's the kind of attitude that means this games population will never, ever grow beyond its niche audience. I'm a premium player, and I WANT free players to get more. I WANT the audience to grow, and not drive away potential villagers and other premiums because of ridiculous nonsense like being unable to modify a fence that YOU built.
  14. Mag priests are a rare breed. I'd rather see mole sense itself buffed, along with other mag spells, so we can see some actual variety in priests instead of just Vynora everywhere. Maybe mag should get enchants for weapons and armor and bonuses when enchanting them? Dunno.