Huck. L. Barry

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About Huck. L. Barry

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  2. faux hawk + lady gaga tshirt =
  4. No matter how accurate you are with a bow; a rifle will always come closer to a sure kill, due to the increased force, accuracy and possible bullet fragmentation. And the hole left by the bullet will lead to a lot more bleeding than an arrow blocking the wound, which ensures that the animal will die faster, or leave a more visible trail of blood, in case you miss the head/neck/heart and it runs off.
  5. Wurm doesn't waste your time anymore?
  6. How can I tell that flat disc is an orange? It looks like a frisbee, or a shiny cookie to me. And I think it's blue; therefore we have anecdotal evidence that backs up the fact that oranges are not orange, nor oranges., I wish I had a complete keyboard, and didn't have to use the on-screen one half the time..
  7. The law of conservation of energy didn't apply to a pre-big bang universe, afaik. In science, everything is a mere (scientific) theory which can never be proven as fact to a 100% certain degree. Basically, this means that the theory of gravity, or evolution, might be wrong... They just haven't been proven not to be true yet. As a theory gets criticized, and as the theory withstands critique it gains credibility, and is eventually viewed as an established fact; even though someone might still prove it wrong. Or we were all planted here five minutes ago, with a pre-recorded memory.