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Everything posted by AbsolutelyNobody

  1. Added a donation button on request. http://www.dewitphotography.com/donate Will be on a random page on one of my websites for now until they fix the forum
  2. Yes that would work for sure, but it is a pain to do after each update. Ago is trying to get an example put together for the creatures and if everything goes well I should be able to start adding them one by one from there on. So hopefully we can have this working again as soon as possible. Never thought about a donation button but i'll look into it.
  3. No you didn't do anything wrong. It mostly has to do with the new update WU got. Everytime there is an update I pretty much have to recode everything. So we are working on making this work with ago's modloader now so it won't be affected by the updates
  4. Awesome, hope you can figure it out :)
  5. Haven't yet no, but I have seen a lot of other code about pets
  6. Its the nodecay mod, remove it and you should be good
  7. I think it is, but I never used it that way. I didn't even use the patcher at all, just the modlauncher.bat
  8. Oh and make sure you start the server with modlauncher.bat
  9. There got to be something wrong with how you got your client modloader set up. Only other thing server side I can think of is that your serverpacks mod isn't enabled. But you probably did that already
  10. Ok, I will try to put this together as good as I can. I think I know most of what was changed but I didn't do the original coding. So lets see how much I picked up MiscConstants.class From what i can see all that he changed was this: public static final int CURRENT_MAX_TRAIT = 33; Because we added 10 new custom traits so that number had to expand from its original. SpawnTable.class Bassicly tells the animals where to spawn. So we had to add the new creatures I want to leave the mainecoon out this time and just make it a wildcat trait final Encounter bearpanda = new Encounter(); bearpanda.addType(107, 2); final Encounter ocelot = new Encounter(); ocelot.addType(106, 2); final Encounter mainecoon = new Encounter(); mainecoon.addType(108, 2); final Encounter zebra = new Encounter(); zebra.addType(105, 2); And the a few things like this, I won't post them all but let me know if you need them. addTileType(marsh); final EncounterType steppe = new EncounterType(Tiles.Tile.TILE_STEPPE.id, (byte)0); steppe.addEncounter(pheasant, 1); steppe.addEncounter(zebra, 2); steppe.addEncounter(horse, 4); steppe.addEncounter(wildcat, 1); steppe.addEncounter(mainecoon, 1); steppe.addEncounter(hellHorseSingle, 1); steppe.addEncounter(bison, 1); steppe.addEncounter(sheep, 1); if (Servers.localServer.isChallengeServer()) { steppe.addEncounter(drakeSpirit, 1); steppe.addEncounter(eagleSpirit, 1); GmSetTraits.class Mostly so you can change the traits with the gm, very handy for testing too I still had plans on getting rid of the marchador trait. because it can just be one of the costum ones. public void sendQuestion() { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(this.getBmlHeader()); if (this.getResponder().getPower() >= 4) { for (int x = 0; x < 64; ++x) { String traitName = Traits.getTraitString(x); if (x == 15) { traitName = "Brown"; } else if (x == 16) { traitName = "Gold"; } else if (x == 17) { traitName = "Black"; } else if (x == 18) { traitName = "White"; } else if (x == 23) { traitName = "Marchador"; } else if (x == 24) { traitName = "Custom1"; } else if (x == 25) { traitName = "Custom2"; } else if (x == 26) { traitName = "Custom3"; } else if (x == 27) { traitName = "Custom4"; } else if (x == 28) { traitName = "Custom5"; } else if (x == 29) { traitName = "Custom6"; } else if (x == 30) { traitName = "Custom7"; } else if (x == 31) { traitName = "Custom8"; } else if (x == 32) { traitName = "Custom9"; } else if (x == 33) { traitName = "Custom10"; Traits.class This is offcourse the important .class for the traits } else if (x == 21) { Traits.treatDescs[x] = "It has a certain spark in its eyes."; Traits.negativeTraits[x] = false; } else if (x == 22) { Traits.treatDescs[x] = "It has been corrupted."; Traits.neutralTraits[x] = true; } else if (x == 15 || x == 16 || x == 17 || x == 18 || x == 23 || x == 24 || x == 25 || x == 26 || x == 27 || x == 28 || x == 29 || x == 30 || x == 31 || x == 32 || x == 33 || x == 63) { if (x == 63) { Traits.treatDescs[x] = "It has been bred in captivity."; } Traits.neutralTraits[x] = true; Now I think you can make it one trait less because we want to get rid of marchador anyway. CreatureTemplateIds.class pretty strait forward. will work different on your mod anyway public static final int ZEBRA_CID = 105; public static final int OCELOT_CID = 106; public static final int BEAR_PANDA_CID = 107; public static final int CAT_MaineCoon_CID = 108; CreatureTemplateCreator.class This will also change a lot on your side createCreatureTemplate(105, "Zebra", "Zebras like this one have many stripes."); createCreatureTemplate(106, "Ocelot", "Looking like a huge cat, with a dappled coat."); createCreatureTemplate(107, "Panda bear", "The panda bear has large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body."); createCreatureTemplate(108, "Maine Coon", "The Maine Coon is among the largest domesticated breeds of cat."); else if (id == 105) { createZebraTemplate(id, name, longDesc, skills); } else if (id == 106) { createOcelotTemplate(id, name, longDesc, skills); } else if (id == 107) { createBearPandaTemplate(id, name, longDesc, skills); } else if (id == 108) { createCatMaineCoonTemplate(id, name, longDesc, skills); } Here is one, let me know if you need the others. private static void createZebraTemplate(final int id, final String name, final String longDesc, final Skills skills) throws IOException { skills.learnTemp(102, 25.0f); skills.learnTemp(104, 20.0f); skills.learnTemp(103, 40.0f); skills.learnTemp(100, 7.0f); skills.learnTemp(101, 7.0f); skills.learnTemp(105, 22.0f); skills.learnTemp(106, 5.0f); skills.learnTemp(10052, 28.0f); final int[] types = { 7, 12, 41, 43, 3, 14, 9, 28, 32 }; final CreatureTemplate temp = CreatureTemplateFactory.getInstance().createCreatureTemplate(id, name, longDesc, "model.creature.quadraped.horse.zebra", types, (byte)1, skills, (short)3, (byte)0, (short)180, (short)50, (short)250, "sound.death.horse", "sound.death.horse", "sound.combat.hit.horse", "sound.combat.hit.horse", 1.0f, 1.0f, 2.5f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.5f, 100, new int[] { 307, 306, 140, 71, 309, 308 }, 5, 0); temp.setMaxAge(200); temp.setBaseCombatRating(6.0f); temp.combatDamageType = 0; temp.setAlignment(100.0f); temp.setHandDamString("kick"); temp.setArmourType(6); temp.isHorse = true; temp.setMaxPercentOfCreatures(0.02f); Now every time I wanted to add the trait system to any other animals I added temp.isHorse = true; to there list. Might not be the right way to do it but it worked Creature.class I didn't edit this .class but from what I can see it is this part: if (this.template.isHorse) { String col = "grey"; if (this.hasTrait(15)) { col = "brown"; } else if (this.hasTrait(16)) { col = "gold"; } else if (this.hasTrait(17)) { col = "black"; } else if (this.hasTrait(18)) { col = "white"; } else if (this.hasTrait(23)) { col = "marchador"; } else if (this.hasTrait(24)) { col = "custom1"; } else if (this.hasTrait(25)) { col = "custom2"; } else if (this.hasTrait(26)) { col = "custom3"; } else if (this.hasTrait(27)) { col = "custom4"; } else if (this.hasTrait(28)) { col = "custom5"; } else if (this.hasTrait(29)) { col = "custom6"; } else if (this.hasTrait(30)) { col = "custom7"; } else if (this.hasTrait(31)) { col = "custom8"; } else if (this.hasTrait(32)) { col = "custom9"; } else if (this.hasTrait(33)) { col = "custom10"; } corpse.setDescription(col); And this: if ((toReturn.isHorse() || toReturn.getTemplate().isBlackOrWhite) && Server.rand.nextInt(10) == 0) { if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(15, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(16, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(17, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(18, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(23, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(24, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(25, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(26, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(27, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(28, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(29, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(30, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(31, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(32, true); } else if (Server.rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { toReturn.getStatus().setTraitBit(33, true); } } And this: else { if (this.template.isHorse) { String col = "grey"; if (this.hasTrait(15)) { col = "brown"; } else if (this.hasTrait(16)) { col = "gold"; } else if (this.hasTrait(17)) { col = "black"; } else if (this.hasTrait(18)) { col = "white"; } else if (this.hasTrait(23)) { col = "marchador"; } else if (this.hasTrait(24)) { col = "custom1"; } else if (this.hasTrait(25)) { col = "custom2"; } else if (this.hasTrait(26)) { col = "custom3"; } else if (this.hasTrait(27)) { col = "custom4"; } else if (this.hasTrait(28)) { col = "custom5"; } else if (this.hasTrait(29)) { col = "custom6"; } else if (this.hasTrait(30)) { col = "custom7"; } else if (this.hasTrait(31)) { col = "custom8"; } else if (this.hasTrait(32)) { col = "custom9"; } else if (this.hasTrait(33)) { col = "custom10"; Vehicle.class I think all he did here was just add the zebra so you can ride it. } else if (cid == 105) { vehicle.createPassengerSeats(0); vehicle.setSeatFightMod(0, 0.7f, 0.9f); vehicle.setSeatOffset(0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vehicle.creature = true; vehicle.skillNeeded = 21.0f; vehicle.name = creature.getName(); vehicle.maxDepth = -0.7f; vehicle.maxHeightDiff = 0.04f; vehicle.setMaxSpeed(30.0f); vehicle.commandType = 3; vehicle.canHaveEquipment = true; Hope this helps. let me know if you need anything else. And thanks for helping out
  11. check if your shipwoodtypespack.jar is named right. I just noticed it said shipwoodtypes.jar in my instructions. probably not it but something to try. Also check in your packs folder on your client side if you have a pack that is named something like this: 051F4B05E53543C7A3C2858583BF5860A04229DF it should be 262mb
  12. hmm, yeah must be something with how your modloader is set up. on mine it pushed the textures through from the server.
  13. I think it will be working soon. But we do have to kinda reprogram them all from scratch. but at least the textures are done so it should go fairly fast
  14. Hoping to get this to work with the modloader as soon as possible. both me and Razoreqx are trying to get this to work and hopefully Ago will take a look at it as well. If anyone else wants to try feel free I honestly don't care who gets it working as long as it works and I can start adding to it
  15. Hey Ago, any way you could do up an example for adding a new creature and traits. I have been trying to ad a zebra for now but I keep running into problems. On the other hand I have been able to make changes to a mod and make it work through your modloader, so i think i'm getting close. Anyway, if you aren't to busy this would be awesome. Thanks
  16. Ago, when I want to edit one of the WU .class files I need to add the common and server.jar files. is that all I need to edit one of these modloader files or do I have to add anything else? Nevermind, got it working
  17. I got it working, don't worry :)
  18. Just installed this and it doesn't seem to work. mods/digtoground/digtoground.jar mods/digtoground.properties Should work this way right? Never mind, I started my server with the wrong launcher
  19. Ok, this mod is now working with Ago's server and client modloader
  20. Lol, yup I didn't enable it I'll give this a try after dinner
  21. Ok, I think I understand what you are doing here. but for some reason I can't get it to work. The coding is in there and I can make the hitching post. but the graphic is still a question mark bag. I put hitchingpost and hitchingpostpack both in the hitchingpost file inside the mods folder. that didn't work so I tried putting the hitchingpostpack into the serverpacks folder and it still didn't work. It just doesn't seem to push the file to the client. What am I missing? I hope I'll get this to work because that would work pretty amazing this way
  22. Just tried this mod and found out that nothing in my forge will heat up anymore. turned the mod off and it works again
  23. So how would I add new textures to this mod?