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Everything posted by rottenpie

  1. you dont really gain plenty of skill from catapulting deeds... one person i know got about 25 catapulting from catapulting a deed on SB for hours and it still took forever for us to even get in from a few people and alts being able to out repair all the catapults... and it was NOT easy at all.
  2. they should add a special option to store animals in a special hull that can store a certain amount of animals per boat but only in the bigger boats (cogs knarrs and caravels) i would say about 5 or so in a knarr 6-8 in a cog and about 10 in a caravel (possibly more in the knarr sense its harder to build then the cog but it is a smaller looking ship)
  3. so what about the deeds with walls on every single tile inside it? are people suppose to sit there for days trying to get a small drain catapulting there way through tiles of spammed walls?
  4. so you have to run from someone who respawns somewhere with nothing on him at all while he tries to get back to the rest of the group he was with hmmmm...
  5. good job also whats the R G B value thing for that purple dye lamps you guys have?
  6. +1 right now diseases are keep over 90% food for possibly hours and hope it goes away
  7. now we will never know the art of trolling!
  8. +1 or make it so it can be mined or something where the epic terraform events happen so you dont end up wasting as much of it
  9. this is the newest advance in boat stealth technology!
  10. Supreme Forge

    step 1. push step 2. ? step 3. profit
  11. New mobs

    nice have you tried to see if you can breed them yet?
  12. you can always go godless as WL for no penalty as far as i know
  13. did you try using a diffrent type of rug? i always use an exquiste one when trying to get the question to pop up to advance sense it has highest % for it to pop up
  14. New mobs

    [07:28:23] <Ambersummers> Who said hell horses can't be tamed? [10:28:09] Aged hell horse is now submissive to your will. Amber reported having 51 Taming skill, but her 26.75 BC was not high enough to ride it: [07:28:59] <Ambersummers> [10:29:09] You are not agile enough to control the Aged hell horse. did she use seeds to tame it or is something else required?
  15. ORLY yea would of been nice to know b4 all the spamming wts 600 80+ql whetstones lol
  16. Why don't you tell me what, and more importantly who, benefits from this change? The people sitting in the middle of a bunch of towers... thats who. You can't get ganked in your own territory now. If its 1v1 - you run through a guard tower and stop for a few seconds - getting my horse hit and slowed - back away and let the guards stop the aggressor from chasing. The old way we could actually go fight people, now we are literally FORCED to fight a bunch of NPCs. This is all assuming people actually go outside their deeds of course. The old way you could literally gank people on horse back... yeah exactly..sounds to me like you guys do not like a challenge at all and are basically crawling into a ball about it. Facts are this thing with the guards will be adjusted at some point. But instead of maybe getting killed?? oh dear god forbid YOU actually might die. You choose to give up and complain because its not easy? There is a weakness here and a way to work this if you tried to figured it out. I have yet to find a game that cannot be NPC's no less...Just do it and die some and learn. How fast can you knock down a tower really? Can players work together to control guards and destroy towers? Do the guards have spawn limits or timers that give you breaks in between them spawning? How hard is a tower guard compared to say a aged ( named ) croc? Once dead tower guards drop everything I know this. can take hours to knock one down... go try to knock one of mine down even with a group. players can work together but like i said it can take hours and thats without half the kingdom rushing to defend. guards cap at 5 and do take a while to respawn. it depends on wether this croc decides to attack you or your mount. hope that answers your questions
  17. "It hasn't happened to me so it's a good change" To tell you the truth after hours of trying to make it happen I got bored. No weapon on at all just letting them beat on me. I did this a few times and pretty much decided its not that big of a deal I lost one horse so what. get anywhere close enough to enemy guard towers then see what happens...