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Posts posted by evilkilem

  1. Added new mods, most are still beta but seem to be working fine.    Mob counts still not what they are set to be, but hey wurmlogic at its finest.      

    Signs mod

    npcs' mods

    sawmill mod

    new weapons mod


    removed smeltpurify as it didnt let regular smelting happen.


    Highways have expanded greatly do to players working on em too.


  2. Each server can generate different ids on mods, you'll have to look in your database to get the id's for your server.


    Open sqlite/wurmitems.db in a SQLite3-editor, then open the ITEMS table and filter out items with the name "guard towers", a SQL query would be something like select distinct NAME,TEMPLATEID from ITEMS where NAME like '%guard tower%'; .


    I use this easy and free browser.....https://sqlitebrowser.org/



  3. Was puzzled by the fact a Gm could only create scale in default color,  took me a long time to get round to it but heres how to make all colors.


    With wand create scale with enough weight to make what you need...6kg for a full set seems bout right.

    With wand select Item, setdata on the scale.

    Set data2 to desired color.

    Black = 89

    Blue = 91

    Green = 90

    Red = 16

    White = 92

    Now use scale and Large Anvil to create your Item, It will create with proper color and name.


    Have Fun and Drink lots of Rum.