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Everything posted by Snowtech

  1. For fun, make them throwable like snow balls and affect the target, and make an easy way of removing the effect, like drinking a sip of water to prevent griefing.
  2. The tunnel from 7105, -4289 to 7105, -4031 is now reinforced and full depth.
  3. [01:57:53] The items silently disappear from the spirit mansion. You expect them to arrive in less than ten minutes.
  4. Hope they hire some 90+ skilled miners, else it will be Knarrs and small boats only...
  5. Work in progress on a tunnel/canal from 7105, -4289 to 7105, -4031. So far its not reinforced and only passable with knarrs and small boats.
  6. There should be a break statement after each case.
  7. Get some running shoes for your horse: Reply here or PM Snowtech ingame
  8. Playing a little Space Engineers now and then, and keeping an eye on the updates for Medieval Engineers
  9. My understanding of the graphics engine and tile data is that two tiles of (potentially) different heights cant share a corner height value.
  10. Well, I didn't see that one coming... Thank you for creating and developing the game for all these years. Good luck to you with all your future projects.
  11. I'll be there, if possible
  12. Ql of a finished staircse seems a bit higher than expected. [01:16:01] It is a normal counter clockwise spiral staircase with banisters made of wood. [01:16:01] QL = 93.16136, dam=0.0. Mats used: Mortar 22ql Small nails 23ql Large nails 14ql Shafts 71ql Planks 72ql Stone bricks 21ql skills: 97 carpentry and 63 masonry tools: 79ql rare throwel, 91ql mallet
  13. Plan for a Plan

    An object that can be placed on a flat mine tile that acts and looks like a door or gate with lock and permissions. A mailbag, maybe the size of a backpack, with a fixed mailing fee of f.ex 50c.
  14. I added buttons for loading and saving the biome files and moved the save/load code to them, but it seems like i have messed up my github.... @Eitr: i guess you can figure it out easily if you want JPanel panel_27 = new JPanel(); panel_8.add(panel_27, BorderLayout.NORTH); comboBox_biomeType = new JComboBox(new Tile[] { Tile.TILE_CLAY, Tile.TILE_DIRT, Tile.TILE_DIRT_PACKED, Tile.TILE_GRASS, Tile.TILE_GRAVEL, Tile.TILE_KELP, Tile.TILE_LAVA, Tile.TILE_MARSH, Tile.TILE_MOSS, Tile.TILE_MYCELIUM, Tile.TILE_PEAT, Tile.TILE_REED, Tile.TILE_SAND, Tile.TILE_STEPPE, Tile.TILE_TAR, Tile.TILE_TUNDRA, Tile.TILE_TREE_APPLE, Tile.TILE_TREE_BIRCH, Tile.TILE_TREE_CEDAR, Tile.TILE_TREE_CHERRY, Tile.TILE_TREE_CHESTNUT, Tile.TILE_TREE_FIR, Tile.TILE_TREE_LEMON, Tile.TILE_TREE_LINDEN, Tile.TILE_TREE_MAPLE, Tile.TILE_TREE_OAK, Tile.TILE_TREE_OLIVE, Tile.TILE_TREE_PINE, Tile.TILE_TREE_WALNUT, Tile.TILE_TREE_WILLOW, Tile.TILE_BUSH_CAMELLIA, Tile.TILE_BUSH_GRAPE, Tile.TILE_BUSH_LAVENDER, Tile.TILE_BUSH_OLEANDER, Tile.TILE_BUSH_ROSE, Tile.TILE_BUSH_THORN }); // panel_27.setBackground(Color.yellow); btnLoadBiomes = new JButton("Load"); panel_27.add(btnLoadBiomes); btnLoadBiomes.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { actionLoadBiomevalues (); } }); btnSaveBiomes = new JButton("Save"); panel_27.add(btnSaveBiomes); btnSaveBiomes.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { actionSaveBiomeValues (); } }); . . . public void actionLoadBiomevalues () { startLoading("Loading Biome Values"); try { File BiomeValueFile; JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); int returnVal = fc.showDialog(null, "Load Biome Values"); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { BiomeValueFile = fc.getSelectedFile(); textField_mapName.setText(BiomeValueFile.getParentFile().getName()); actionsFileDirectory = BiomeValueFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); FileReader fr = new FileReader(BiomeValueFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String s; for (int bt=0;bt<36; bt++){ s = br.readLine(); if (s!=null){ String[] parts = s.split(","); for (int bv = 0; bv < 14; bv++) BiomeOptionValue[bt][bv]=parts[bv]; } } fr.close(); comboBox_biomeType.setSelectedIndex(12); } } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Loading Biome Values failed: "+ex.toString()); } finally { stopLoading(); } } public void actionSaveBiomeValues () { if (tileMap == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "TileMap does not exist - Add Dirt first", "Error Saving Map", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } startLoading("Saving Biome Values"); try { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); fc.setSelectedFile(new File("BiomeValues.txt")); // fc.setFileFilter(new TextFileView()); // fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } File BiomeValueFile = fc.getSelectedFile(); BiomeValueFile.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(BiomeValueFile)); String biotxt; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(BiomeValueFile); for (int bt=0;bt<36; bt++){ for (int bv = 0; bv < 14; bv++) { biotxt=BiomeOptionValue[bt][bv]; fw.write(biotxt); if (bv<13) fw.write(","); } fw.write("\r\n"); } fw.close(); } catch (IOException ex){ System.err.println("Saving BiomeValues.txt failed: "+ex.toString()); } bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Saving Biome values failed: "+ex.toString()); } finally { stopLoading(); } }
  15. I have played a bit with the generator, made some changes to store the biome values in an array and writing/reading it to/from disk. @Eitr, feel free to include it in the main branch if you want. I'm still at noob level with github, so I haven't figured out how to upload the .jar file yet. Snow
  16. Very good, and if it would zoom in and out around the center of the viewing area instead of center of the map, or even better, around the mousepointer it would be perfect.
  17. Very nice tool, works great. Generates very good maps. If I could wish for one thing it would be that the values for each biome type was saved when you switch between them.