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About Dekeon

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  1. So, Lowering this number will make trees spread faster? For instance changing it to 10 will give it a 1 in 10 chance of spreading?
  2. I'm hoping for something more along the lines of a cartography or navigation skill that gives you a general idea of where you might be on the map based on your skill. Maybe requires a sextant or something.
  3. My wishlist (mod or release) * Bring back starvation but make it so you can forage a tile for food more often. * Clay produced from bucket of water and dirt or something. * Always respawn with starter carving knife, pickaxe and hatchet. * A swimming skill. * Pray for location on map or guidance to home or body. * Hidden map that is reviled as you explore.
  4. I did eventually "settle" for a place that is basically only half build-able on. The rest is rock. There's construction on both sides of me and I'm fairly sure above me on the top of the cliff. I've been here 2 days now and I've only seen one person briefly in chat. Not that I mind much, I'm more of the solo hermit player. But I see no signs of a community. I never did find an anchor. I just had to drag my boat up on land. I've been playing Wurn on and off for a long time. This character /playtime says I entered the portal to Wurm on Wrath day, week 2 of the snakes starfall 989. That's 2667 Days and 5 Minutes ago. But it also says I've only played for 61 Day, 18 Hours and 15 Minutes. LOL I'm excited to see Wurm Unlimited Come out. I think it's an excellent idea and business move. At least in my on and off play style I won't have to start all over again every time I decide to play. I only wish I could get in on a beta now.
  5. If I were to briefly describe Wurm Online from an unbiased attempt at a first impression, I would have to say "A coloring book that someone already colored most of the pictures in." Everywhere you go seems to have some construction in various stages going on. And to tell a new player "There are places open, you just have to look harder" won't work. If I were a new player (especially if I were subscribing) I wouldn't want to be told to spend the next few hours to few days running around trying to find anyplace you can settle, that isn't in someones back yard, but is near a few resources. I would say the hell with that. And the funny thing is I have been sailing around on my boat for a few (RL) days now and I haven't been able to find anywhere along the cost to settle. And I've tried multiple servers There is construction everywhere. But what is the real kicker is I hardly ever see anyone in local chat. I think I've only seen about 7 people total in all the time of my voyage. Also, If you are going to have market stalls and merchants (yes, a lot of abandoned market stalls in wurm) please provide better protection, as in Templars. That guard tower that's barely withing help distance just doesn't cut it. I've been searching for one merchant that has a mooring anchor the whole time I've been out here and I've had to pass by many merchants because I'm not going to sit there shouting help to kill every critter in the area before I go shopping. I still haven't found a mooring anchor yet. You would think it would be a rather common thing to sell at all these ocean-side merchants. Anyway... yea... low skills and lack of knowledge of the game while having to wander the dangerous countryside looking for a place to call home would make for a lot of rage quits. I know what I'm doing and have a boat and I'm about the give up on this venture.
  6. You can still play both. I'm looking forward to playing Fallout 4 when it is released. That doesn't mean I can't/wont play Wurm Online Anymore. They are 2 different games. Wurm Online and Wurm Unlimited will also be 2 different games. They may use the same engine and mechanics but one is a Social MMO and the other is a stand alone, Co-Op Survival. I guess my point is I play many games and right now Survival games are trending. Code Club already has 90% of a survival game finished with Wurm Online. Just change a few minor things and they can release a semi-finished product that is way further along than games like Life is Feudal. And like many others have said, once people burn out from being lonely and bored they might move over to the more community based version of Wurm Online. And if not than that's fine. At least they made some money from a person that probably never would have tried Wurm Online anyway. For those people who do leave Wurm Online forever to play Wurm Unlimited, then more than likely Wurm Unlinited was/is more of the game they were looking for in the first place but had no other decent place to turn. In the end, Code Club is making money and they have a happy customer.
  7. Well, that's rather disappointing. My plan was to build a boat and travel to Exodus because Celebration seemed overdeveloped. The maps on wurmpedia made it seem Exodus still had quite a few open spaces. I guess the grass isn't any greener no matter where you go. Sorry to whoever's back yard I parked in. I had only planned to build a boat, re-plant trees and be on my way.
  8. Don't worry. I'll log in as an alt on my solo private server to see what people say. In all seriousness the interest in trying my hand in a solo world piqued my interest in Wurm again and I actually reactivated my account. My first and consistent reaction after a few hours was "Wow, there really is no where untouched by player building expansion." On the Celebration server, it appeared that every area I could get to in a reasonable amount of time was already over developed. I think what entices me the most about the idea of playing solo is the feeling of being in a completely empty and untouched world. Stranded, with only a few tools to survive. No possibilities of a friendly stranger to help me out with a few resources. A true survival game. None of the others (Stranded Deep, Ark, LiF, The Forrest, Minecraft) can even come close. To me WU will be a completely different game genre. A survival game like no other. I play them as well as play Wurn online. I doubt if there is one person here that can truly say that they only play Wurn Online and no other game, ever. I like survival games too. So if I feel like playing a survival game today why not give Code Club my money and support a company that also develops the other game I like, Wurm Online.
  9. Me Too! Oh wait. My subscription expired months ago. I'll Subscribe then I'll quit! Or better yet I'll buy WU, Make a character on my own server, then I'll quit!
  10. I like the idea. I just wish there was a way to make a copy of my online character. I just bought Life is Feudal thinking it could scratch that Wurm online itch, but it's way too far out from being there. I hope the first thing someone does is make a mod to put back starving. My son tried Wurm online and said it was too hard. He doesn't know hard until he's played back when the free food ran out and you started starving. Now he would just wait until he fasted. I play Ark Survival right now and it's way too easy. My biggest complaint about these sandbox games now days is the instabuild. I like gathering wood to make boards to add one at a time to a wall sections. Now you just collect wood, make a wall section in your inventory and place a finished wall section that just magically poofs into the game world. Anyway, a huge thumbs up from me. I'd pay for alpha/beta access right now if I could. (hint).
  11. I'd like to +1 the micro transactions idea as long as they went into your inventory. I died recently during a long move across servers and lost everything. I would have gladly paid a few bucks for a new set of starter tools. Thankfully I was given a lot of help from another player. But I forgot to ask for a carving knife. Wow, I never realized how important that damn thing is until you don't have one. It took a few days before I could rummage enough to make a crude knife only to find out you could only use it to make shafts from forraged branches. Needless to say it was a lot of work just to make a carving knife. Just don't put anything on the store that would be too overpowering. Stuff like other games have. Sleep bonus potions, a stack of rations, container of water and maybe cosmetic stuff like an xmas tree to can put in your house, jack-o-lanterns and other holiday decorations. This game could make a lot of money on micro transactions. A lot of games are doing very well on them without the need of a monthly subscription.
  12. I'm glad curiosity got the better of me and I looked back in here. I've given up hope on wurm and started playing Planet Explorers. It's a long trip from Independence to Celebration but I might give it a shot. I have nothing better to do. I have a lot of stuff to take care of before I move, like the fact that I'm not near the water or even have a boat. Where is that location on celebration?
  13. Clay is usually found near a water source. I would rather build in the forest. Try finding clay in the forest nowhere near water. I doubt this game was designed for players to only build along the coast line. Take a look at all the player made maps and you will see that most of the coastline is already populated anyway. If you want me to look at it realistically, most of my back yard is clayish soil. Clay is dug out of the ground and refined, not found along ocean beaches. I'm not trying to make a clay tile I'm saying refine a lump of clay from dug up dirt using a barrel or something. Not sure how you came up with the idea that I wanted to create a clay tile. So, what you are saying is that I should go out and clean up after every person that leaves the game around me? Are you insane? And how do you know what the devs will allow? I'm being considerate to those around me. Let them have their fun and enjoy their gaming experience. But when they leave, which happens a lot, I'd like to get back to enjoying my gaming experience not clean up after them or stare at the crap they left behind for months. I'm trying to be fair about it. Sure, I could spend months getting the terrain back to where it was. Prime for the next short timer to come along and clear cut it and build another paved parking lot. ... Never mind. No point in arguing about it. It's been a long run in wurm and I think I'm done. Fond memories of a game that's gone now and has become more of a chore. Come clean up after me when my accounts and deed expires Shrimpiie! Bye All!
  14. !. I mean a way to get the settlement note back so I can plant the deed somewhere else and not have to travel to town to buy another.. As it is right now you loose the note if you disband the deed. I was merely proposing a way to get it back. I only came up with a suggestion that if you disband the deed with 10+ silver left in it's upkeep coffer you can get the note back so you can plant the deed somewhere else. They get their 10 silver and you get another note to plant somewhere else. 2. Not enough in my opinion. This would only affect undeed areas of people that haven't logged on in over a month. If you want to keep it deed it. All the half decayed buildings, poorly designed roads leading every possible direction, huge areas covered in stone slabs and completely destroyed dugout landscapes make the game look like crap. This suggestion goes with ideas 1-4 because I think most of the problem is the free to play people tearing the place up and not coming back. 3. Fine. That is your opinion. I happen to like the wilderness landscape and would like to see some area of it preserved in some way. 4. That was only a wish. I doubt it would ever happen. The reason I mentioned paying more was only to make it worth it for them to actually open up a subscriber dedicated, low population server. 5. I was thinking more of the way I found using google. If dirt is stirred up in a bucket of water, when it settles the dirt will sink to the bottom and the clay will be on top mixed in with the water. Then it's filtered thew a cloth. For simplicity they could just use the same method as making lye. except using dirt and water instead of ash and water.
  15. If these have been mentioned then consider these my vote for them. 1. A way to reclaim a deed. I'd even be willing to put 10+ silver in the upkeep to be able to reclaim the deed. 2. Degrading urban sprawl is an eyesore. I've searched for about a day now to find a new place to deed. Independence looks just horrible now. Abandoned building projects, patchwork roads that lead to nowhere and old land deeds blanket the entire map. It looks like an urban, demilitarized zone. I think nature should take the land back a lot faster than it does. Including having the terrain slowly rebuild itself. Bring some of the beauty back to the server.This only applies to un-deeded, non influenced areas. 3. Zoned building areas. have an area dedicated for only small, 11x11 home deeds. 4. Wishlist - PVE premium only server! Or better yet a prenium+ server where people would pay more each month to be on that server. A small server for those of us who like to build in the middle of nowhere and try to survive without the hand holding of a big city guild. I don't want to be alone like a single player game but I like solo. I want neighbors, I just don't want to see them. LOL. Like the old 100x100 area of infuence. 5 A way to make CLAY! I can't believe this still isn't in the game. I don't care if it takes 5 minutes to make a 2kg lump, there needs to be an alternative then building near clay or searching for days to find some. I can make tar with a pile why can't I make clay with a tub and some sheets or something.