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About Geoff

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  1. Thank you Hoof. Yes the same Joxia. Was going to resettle that area but she said she wanted the area where I dropped Olive Grove @. Just south of that area. When she was hospialized I just stopped playing.
  2. I don't know what to say. I am not a writer nor a poet so bare with me......I have been struggling on how to inform the friends of Joxia that she has passed. Most of you do not know who she was but for the ones that did know her, she would want me to tell you that she will miss you all. After introducing her to Wurm she wouldn't stop talking about it. She really enjoyed chatting with you guys and really wanted to spend more time in game. However she could not do that due to an infection she got from a scrap on the leg when shaving. After 10 short years of my life with her I would like to thank you all for helping me put a smile on her face. Thank you. I would like to thank Rolf and the dev team for creating a game that she really enjoyed playing. I always laughed whenever she yelp when a spider would sneak up on her. Please remember that your hard work does affect others and the people around them. The game helped her out through some hard times and I will always remember that. Thanks again. Here is a pic of her father and brother recieving her to take back to her final resting place.