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Everything posted by Robbycrusoe

  1. I'll pay 6.5s for one. If interested please CoD to Robbycrusoe.
  2. These now come pre-locked upon creation. The Wiki pages still say: lock them with a small or large padlock.
  3. Rift-July 31

    I'll check my math as the day gets nearer
  4. I'm getting this, too. And every time I dc/rc my fps drops. On my 4th dc/rc now and fps is down to 12.
  5. Found horses

    If they are younger 4 speeds, they are probably ones I set free. If you found them near your deed, that is.
  6. This might help:
  7. Last 2 wagons need to be cleared out. New lower pricing!
  8. I have two 5 speed bison wagons for sale. Speed is 18 km/h (although it may take a minute or two for the speed to build from traits activating). The wagons are 70 ql Freedom Isles style. The bison range in age from Adolescent to just turned Aged. As an added bonus, the buyers will get a free mystery gift already loaded into the wagon. #1 Wagon - 1s #2 Wagon - 1s This is just for Release, of course. Happy shopping! *edit* New clearance prices for the last two wagons. Once these are gone I will be out of the bison breeding business.
  9. Caravel went through fine. Apart from running head on into a gale.
  10. Hi,


    Did you ever sell that GV account? I see the thread was closed but there was no mention of a sale.

  11. I've bred up to (down to?) no trait horses (apart from the colour) from two 5 speed parents with 50AH. It happens occasionally.
  12. This bridge is totally symmetrical. The two floating sections on the left are fine, but the two on the right look like a tree fell across the bridge and flattened it out a bit:
  13. I restarted my PC and it's all good now.
  14. This occurred when trying to download the latest patch to add back missing graphics. Update failed!(Error:Could not copy graphics.jar to graphics.jar.bak) Contents of temporary launch log: Time is Mon Feb 08 10:17:19 PST 2016 Running client version 3.99u2 === System information === Executing from C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\ Operating system: Windows 10 (arch: amd64, version: 10.0) Java version: 1.8.0_71 (Oracle Corporation) <> Jvm version: 25.71-b15 (Oracle Corporation) [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM] Available CPUs: 4 Feb 08, 2016 10:17:19 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. >>> Main thread exiting. Loading character Baptisia Loading config super low Loading props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\configs\super low\gamesettings.txt Executing C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\configs\super low\keybindings.txt Cant find Grave Loading props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\players\Baptisia\password.txt >>> LoginFrame queue entry exiting. class.Rb4YdQKgLP: Could not copy graphics.jar to graphics.jar.bak class.Rb4YdQKgLP: Could not copy graphics.jar to graphics.jar.bak
  15. Please cancel my bid as I have yet to hear from the seller and have made other arrangements.
  16. I had this happen when trying to Tame on a neighbour's deed. He has not yet had time to go through the new permission system.
  17. I think I counted 2 copper, 2 iron and a lead in the water portion of the canal. And quite a few more veins in the foot/cart/horse path part.
  18. stairs

    New staircase added called Standalone, it does not have a floor above it.
  19. Please CoD the: Maul - N67, L62, C71 - 3.1s To: Robbycrusoe. Thanks!
  20. Flashdance. For those of us around when it was a big thing