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Everything posted by Shiraek

  1. The other night I made several hundred horsehoes, one every 30 seconds, while doing nothing in between as much as possible. I have the +10 sec window bonus from village. I got 0 rare rolls in what was many hours of doing this. Hilariously I got a rare roll creating the kindling to light the forge. My question is: Did I just have some worse than average luck, or has this been nerfed? Does anyone have recent experience with this method? Is there now a thing that stops giving you a chance at a rare roll if you're repeating an identical action for too long? I don't really have experience with this. I have made most of my rare items during imping.
  2. I think displaying the number of registered deeds per server would be better information for helping newbies make a decision. A better figure would be percentage of tiles that are either deed or perimeter. This would require some calculation (via cheap little low priority weekly batch job or something) but it would be quite a good indicator as to the % of free land per server. At this stage I suspect every server has some great land available for deeding. There is gorgeous, pre-flattened lakefront land that's sat empty for many months, within a 30 second ride from where I am. And that's on Deliverance, literally the most deed-crowded server in the game.
  3. Additional thoughts: Any move that closes down servers will shrink the playerbase and thinking otherwise is nuts The existing playerbase will benefit from more newbies sticking around - income for the game can lead to more and better end-game content Focusing only on the existing playerbase is not a sustainable business model
  4. I still think, after all these years, what wurm really needs is a completely different new player experience and serious attention shown to the NPE. Recently my GF started playing and her experience was not an order of magnitude better than what I dealt with in 2011. Clunky as hell info-dump tutorial, during which some guy kept trying to duel her (why is that even allowed on the tutorial server?), finally teleported to Deliverance where she started off swimming/drowning under a bridge with no clear path out of the water. What is required is an actual newbie zone (on each Freedom server) where mobs harder than a mountain lion don't spawn, with a series of NPC quest givers that take you through the tutorial mission sets in a coherent story narrative. Support the Kingdom of Lomaner against the globin invasion or something by first supporting the economy (farming, mining, woodcutting, crafting) then as a soldier (deal with the rat problem, then the wolf pack, etc etc) with a final Goblin battle. Once a player actually has 20+ in a bunch of skills and a little bit of fighting skills plus some actual equipment, Wurm is a vastly better game and they're ready to TP to a village they join or strike out on their own (with some risk). Wurm's problem is absolutely not complexity or how high the difficulty curve gets. It is and has always been the shape of that curve. It starts vertical and flattens out. That shape will lose you most of your new players every time.
  5. From Nightfall, looking east: Location:,555
  6. Are books much trouble to make? How much does quality matter? I could write a bit about The Whispering Wood, which I believe was the first deed ever on Deliverance, after Green Dog. I have plenty of paper from treasure hunting...
  7. Sounds like you're stuck with the old renderer perhaps?
  8. If you haven't been to a rift before, some tips on fun and profit: Bringing colossus bricks and clay to the site 12 hours before it opens and building the colossi will get you a tonne of rift points and rift materials, including very high QL mats (rift materials make runes which are awesome). If your masonry isn't already high it will also get you a bunch of that. If you want to fight definitely have a go. I haven't tried one at low FS but I wont gatekeep and say you need a minimum of 70fs and decent (70+ ql) gear. You probably do, but by all means test it. 70ql armour is quite effective, and 80ql armour is almost as effective as 100ql 70ql weapons are 70% as effective as 100ql however. This isn't common knowledge or obvious, but bear it in mind. High ql weapons are a HUGE advantage 2h weapons are much better than the 1 handers because if you're fighting dps = points. Sad but true, you get zero points for tanking Always be mounted while fighting Always face your enemy Always make sure your horse is facing them too (this affects your defence!) Run away as soon as your HP drops to 50%, no exceptions. Run out of the rift area and heal up (Bring lots of cotton but don't fight encumbered) Run away as soon as you get a bunch of mobs beating on you if you aren't crazy high level with great gear Bring and deploy a tent so if you DO die you can respawn nearby The top scorers are ALWAYS PRIESTS. Healing other players gets you points. AOE heals are great. Casting an AOE damage spell (every priest has one) on a crowd of mobs gets you a lot of points. Just be prepared to run, screaming and waving your arms afterwards. Most spells priests use at rifts are relatively low difficulty so you probably don't need a huge channelling skill to get some points. Bring a bunch of vesseled gems and/or sacrifice materials. Rifts are great fun, if you haven't been to one yet you should absolutely give them a go. Everyone with a good score gets a random lump of moon metal at the end of the rift, as well as some rift materials and points which can be spent in the rift shop. A lot of rift shop stuff is awesome.
  9. Looking south from Nightfall Estimated location:,1504
  10. Good thing my 81ql imperial lamps can't read or they might start slacking off!
  11. Just confirming, Salve of Frost is now working again on PVE servers Thanks for fixing it!
  12. Update: Lisha's been receiving these, enchanting and selling them for the value of the enchants. Still enchanting the latest one I figured you'd want to know they're being used
  13. Where are you getting 2% from? And who wears a single ring? Is this a conversation for a bug report or more appropriate somewhere else?
  14. I notice Salve of Frost is still disabled on PVE servers. Can I request the dev team consider the following as standard operating procedure: When a nerf required for PVP balance unintentionally breaks a PVE game element, the change is rolled back until it can be implemented without breaking anything. I am concerned that Salve of Frost is now going to be disabled on PVE servers for an indefinite period for no real reason.
  15. From some limited testing: The number of ingredients used in the moonshine (which is presumably some kind of number recorded in the end product) seems to carry over through fermentation and distillation even though the affinity offset doesn't. So for example a complex moonshine recipe gives me a considerably longer timer than a simple one, despite them giving the same affinity and having roughly the same output quality. Anecdotal of course but it seems to indicate to me that we have some data being carried over, which makes me think it might not be all that expensive to fix this one.
  16. Salve of Frost confirmed not working on PVE (Deliverance). I am doing bruising damage to mobs with a Salve of Frost staff.
  17. Distillation might have the same issue / distillation might BE the issue. Moonshines made with different woodscraps give the same affinity after distillation.
  18. I would be surprised if cooking and fermenting use the same function in the codebase and even if they do, refactoring it so they can behave slightly differently is always possible. It may well be this is technically not a bug, but it's definitely not working right as it is and it's not impossible to fix.
  19. What happens: When fermenting an item (say, unfermented moonshine), the process seems to only take the item id for unfermented moonshine, rather than the affinity number from that particular recipe of unfermented moonshine. This would work fine for stuff like wine, (take grapes ID, add woodscrap ID etc) but for an item like Unfermented moonshine that already has a specific affinity number, there should be an additional check for that number's presence first. There doesn't seem to be, and that may not be intended, which is why I am reporting this as a possible bug. What I would expect: For items that already have an affinity number from their recipe, I would expect the fermentation process to take that number rather than just their item ID. For items without such a number, taking their ID instead still makes sense. Steps to reproduce: Make two different unfermented moonshine recipes Ferment them in two identical barrels with the same woodscrap type Distil both, taste The result will be two moonshines with the same affinity, regardless of what the affinity of the two unfermented moonshines was. This indicates that the affinity of the unfermented moonshine is lost in the process. Further information: You can't taste undistilled moonshine, so it's entirely possible that: Distillation has exactly the same problem, or Distillation IS the problem But I would guess not. I would check the fermentation code first for a missing or somehow always-failing check for a specific affinity number before defaulting to the source item ID. I believe this is the reason for the playerbase's weird habit of trading unfermented moonshine; they can control its affinity whereas fermentation is destroying it.
  20. I've answered this Q before but it was probably ten years ago... In summary, I have no interest in PVP in wurm because I feel no joy whatsoever in taking things from other players. The idea of robbing someone of their hard earned skills, or damaging their deed, or stealing the stuff they made, or taking their upkeep? Utterly joyless. I would 1,000,000 times over prefer helping you build your deed, or imp your stuff, or enchant your stuff so you get skills faster etc. A better question would be: What would I get out of PVP in wurm? The only kind of game I have enjoyed PVP in is something like World of Tanks where if I blow up your tank you're annoyed about it for like 10-15 mins and it costs you basically nothing in the end. I can handle that, it was fun for a while. Not sustaining long term like Wurm can be, but fun for a while. For me the combination of MMO + PVP is just straight up bad game design in every case, and Wurm is just about the worst game I can imagine for PVP. Entrenched old player advantages? Check. Maximum loss of time/stuff/skills? Check. Maximum issues with different time zones? Check! What game could be worse for PVP? I honestly can't think of one. And the combat system... it's improved from how it was when I started playing but it's still the worst part of the game. So a PVP game where the 'combat' consists of watching text scroll narrating another player and myself beating each other up? Sounds terrible. If it had mount and blade combat... might be a different story. But it doesn't and it never will. Wurm and PVP has always been, for me, Wurm leading with its glass jaw... All the game's weaknesses wrapped up in the worst possible gameplay for this kind of game, especially one as slow/grindy as Wurm. Whereas as a PVE game, Wurm honestly excels and it always has. All the effort Rolf poured into PVP, if he'd put that into, for example, rifts, respawning uniques and treasure hunts ten years earlier, I might never have left. RE Toxicity: I have never encountered it personally in the PVE community in years of playing. I've witnessed some, and the only times I can recall, in each case it was a bored PVP player over from Chaos causing trouble. Obviously I don't think most PVP players are toxic. Probably a minority. Most I've spoken to seem totally cool.