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Everything posted by Yaga

  1. Thanks. Added. Welcome back. Thank you. Added. (There is still a gap now, is that correct?)
  2. The color of the catseyes shows if a highway segment is active (=protected) or not. It has nothing to do with selected routes. Green catseyes: active highway segment with intact waystones on both ends Blue catseyes: inactive (broken) segment, with either a waystone or catseye missing Red catseye: last catseye in an inactive segment, usually marking the point where eyes are missing.
  3. ? The catseyes don't change their color after selecting a route.
  4. Yes. Those maps were created by some players before we had a road system and before any kind of "official" community map was available. I created that particular map when the server was only a few days old; there were no roads yet and only very few scattered deeds. The land was wild and pristine, so we tried our best to find our ways.
  5. Thanks. Added the first one; the second one was already on the map. (Coordinates are different though. Did you mean to correct those?)
  6. Yes, Archaed - that's what I found as well. (I said so earlier, please scroll up one or two pages .) Thanks. While I do agree that the line "New Server: Cadence" is old news and should be removed, I am still looking for an "in game advice for new players to go to NFI", as claimed by Ecrir: The simple information (however outdated it may be) that there is a new server on NFI is not an explicit advice. I can see where you all are coming from, and the info may have a certain influence on some players' decision, so it would be wise to remove it. However, we should be careful when repeating old rumours and myths without checking the facts. Anyway, let's go forward and be positive. Let's wait for the new tutorial announced in the road map! Edit: Oh, and I am sure all the feedback and valuable input in this thread is welcome and will be considered by the dev team!
  7. Thanks for the heads-up. Guess that one can be easily changed. However, Ecrir claimed there is an "in game advice" to select NFI - and I still cannot find any.
  8. Yes, I saw that. However, the claim was: "new players are being adviced, in game when selecting a server to go to, to go to NFI". I cannot find anything like that in the tutorial area.
  9. Let me check... where exactly is that happening?
  10. "They" may have more than one problem to work on - and possibly even more important ones. 😕 I am pretty sure our devs work hard enough right now. This little bug will certainly get fixed in due time.
  11. Weeping in the rain! (I just happened to watch a tower guard salute and mourn over a fallen comrade)
  12. Please COD to Yaga: staff, silver, 71 ql, 90N 101LT 97COC 83MS - 6 s Thank you.
  13. Wow! That is amazing. For some weird reason I completely forgot that this video existed! Brings up happy memories. Thank you very much for sharing. 👍🏻
  14. Here is a pro-tip: If you are tired of manually selecting a server or enable colored lines via UI every time you call the web page, you can simply use the URL like this: <servername> = official link name of the server, as listed here: Server Information Links For example: https://yaga.host/wurmevents/?server=harmony&colored=true will open the event list for the Harmony server with colored lines enabled.
  15. Happy anniversary, Cecci. Here's to the next 10 years! 💐🎊🍷🍾
  16. A red/blue line means there is both: a boat tunnel AND a parallel road tunnel. There is currently no way to color code the water depth.
  17. If you used the website before, please clear your browser cache. This will fix the issue. In Firefox: Goto "Settings"-> "Privacy&Security" and find this window: Click "Clear Data..." and then clear "Cached web content":
  18. On request I added line colors for different types of messages. You can choose whether you want to use them:
  19. After the ending of Twitter's free API service we can no longer see Wurm server messages on Twitter. While there is a channel on the official Wurm Online discord server showing all cluster-wide messages, some of us may prefer to continue following only server-specific messages in a simple online feed. I made a little web page that collects server messages from any particular PVE server to be displayed in your browser: https://yaga.host/wurmevents/ Example: The page automatically refreshes every 5 minutes. Please note that these are the official server messages as provided by the Wurm servers. The available list is restricted to a maximum of 50 messages and will be cleared after every server restart. This is due to the mechanism implemented by our devs - nothing I can do about it. I hope this little tool is useful for some of you. Please contact me if you find any bugs or issues.