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Everything posted by flyingmonkey

  1. I think it was just the PC superiority that flows through my veins 8) I kid, I kid
  2. I tired playing, it never detected me, but worked fine for all my mates that played. They were confused as hell too.
  3. Any clues what the rest of the song was now that we all know what #6 was? Also, lol, the cat thread is gone.
  4. Ooooohhhhhh, that is big. I take my hat off to you guys.
  5. I'd say the opposite: If he's going down, he's the kind of nut-job that's taking everyone with him.
  6. In the case of that girls = evil equation, it's pretty obvious what root they decided to take, the math is still correct - it still refers to a square root no matter how you put it.
  7. Oh that was golden. Good luck remembering how to put it together after all that.
  8. 3 oak hammers and a small anvil do the trick?
  9. Himatangi Beach down in Manawatu land.
  10. Yeah, I got mega burnage too.
  11. It's NZ, there's hardly anyone at the beach worth looking at - but as you see in the second photo, there's a few
  12. I didn't get it because it seems too much like an expansion than a stand alone game.
  13. At the end of the day, the hole was 9' long, 3' wide and 6' deep.
  14. A lot cheaper than you would pay in shops though!
  15. I like physically having my games, bar Steam, because nothing beats Steam.
  16. It's all Uncanny Valley for me.
  17. just one of the ones I done, got some really nice looking ones.
  18. I just google things like "Farm aerials" or intersections, some really good ones out there.
  19. Full version CS5 ftw Also: Yay for mini cities
  20. Mine came with a collar+tie, ears and tail, gave those away and bought a proper bow tie that wont get stolen easily. Best purchase you could ever make.
  21. Got told to tidy it up, damnit. Owell, it's long enough to style.