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Everything posted by RedBaron_Johan

  1. Hello Fellow Wurmians! There are several sneaky things going on behind the curtains of the backstage area. There is a steady sound of "clickety clackety" resonating in Motala. People raise their heads in passing, wondering. Is it a chisel hacking away at some unknown ore, steadily shaping it from an abstract into a masterpiece? A dawn of recognition. It is indeed Rolf and his team of coders letting their fingers dance upon their keyboards, heads bowed in deep concentration. Or is it in respect to some mysterious machine god? A manifestation and possession of the elusive Wurm? Only they know. And what this intricate dance will lead to is soon to be revealed. But for now, let me indulge you in the things on display and Share some News! Bridges Click image for a Larger Version We are continuing working on bridges, adding and testing functionality. Our main points of interest currently is collision detection which of course is pivotal to the bridges implementation and functionality. There is allot to take into consideration with many situations that make for very specific circumstances. Also, we are working on adding the functionality for continuing work on bridges via the crafting interface. This is proving to be a bit of a challenge though as the bridges are not as pre set in terms of how much material each piece takes to complete. For example there is calculations taking place concerning how big a bridge support is to determine its height and with that material requirement. So there is a need to add some further dynamic updating to the crafting interface before it will work as intended. Sound Sound Falloff With the new focus on sound we have also been taking some time looking at the system behind it. One of the most noticeable things we addressed is the sound falloff. The distance and falloff of sound will now be more natural and the difference is mainly that it will be much shorter. So comparatively it is much easier to judge the distance of a sound whilst at the same time limiting sound cluttering from far away sources. Creatures I have been testing what possibilities we have with the current systems and got some added functionality compliments of our lovely coder Haradur. So let me tell what type of sound you can expect from creatures in the future. First of they will have an idle sound triggered by the special idle animations so they will only be triggered sporadically. This will only be true for non farm animals. They will have attack sounds for the different type of attacks. Additionally some are getting aggressive sounds which will be triggered by the fight stance that is activated when a creature spots you and give chase. These aggressive sounds will also fill the silence in between attacks where the creature goes back into ready stance. Updated Get hit sounds. Updated death sounds. New interior items live Like I said in last weeks post the new items went live with the update. So some of you might already have them crafted and incorporated on your deed. Please feel free to share some screens in the comments so we can check it out! Check out the posts from week 44 and 43 if you are unsure what has been added. Just search your crafting recipes for their names and you will find everything you need to get crafting. Tapestry Click image for a Larger Version New decorative items heading your way once more! These tapestries are a bit special however as they are partly meant to be pushed into walls. This is not as weird as it sounds as they are created for this purpose and will collide with our collision detection perfectly. Perfectly meaning when the stand holding it disappears into the wall and only reveals itself as a wall mount holding the tapestry. Genius in its own simplicity and something that will truly lively up walls in the homes of many Wurmians humble abodes. They will be available in 6 different motifs and you see some more of them below. Click image for a Larger Version Vynora and Fo God Statuette Update Click image for a Larger Version An update to the somewhat forgotten old statuettes from the dawn of Wurm creation. If you check out the comparison below, I think you will understand what I mean. Definitely No need for a larger version Alright Wurmians, that is all for this weeks news! Hope you liked this update, I have as always enjoyed sharing it with you all. I have so much anticipation for revealing some of the new things going on! Soon there will be something revealed I am pretty sure no one expects. Anyhow, you know what to do until next time right? Keep on Wurming!
  2. Hello Fellow Wurmians! A happy Halloween to you all from us here at CodeClub. As tradition has it, we have now set the mood for everyone to enjoy their Halloween in Wurm. If you are already online and playing whilst reading this, you might need to restart your client to download the correct graphics pack. So get into the spirit and have a good time! Sincerely /The Wurm Team
  3. Last week was a new pic though. But yeah we can certainly get you something nice for later, promise
  4. I am not a coder though. Just fiddle with some basic stuff when need arise. Do not get people started again saying I should go fix bugs instead of doing updates haha. I am however good at media production which is what I have been working with a long time now. So graphics, video and sound mainly. And with this current job, tons of text hehe
  5. Hello Fellow Wurmians! How nice to see you visiting my weekly news post again. With the bridge update last week it is safe to say there was some added attention. I do not have very much to add to the topic today but there is some further information on current testing. But I can tell you are itching for some good news. Well, I will not be one to disappoint so let me Share some News! Bridges Click Image for larger Version We are currently doing in house testing concerning having the bridges connect between houses and also from house to ground. As I mentioned last week on the topic this is very complex and have to be thoroughly tested before we feel confident it will not get bugged or abused. So far there has been no show stopper so to say, so we keep developing and are feeling optimistic! We are feeling much the same way about other functionality which was discussed way back when I first touched upon the topic. Do you remember what we talked about? Want me to make a specific post reiterating that information maybe? Updates to older Models Wox has gone over some of the models and given them a bit of optimization as well as smaller updates to their appearance. So the Stool, Chair, Arm chair, Large table, Round table, Square table will look more robust and have new textures. Wool Crafting We are working on getting the tools of the trade available for the Wurmians. I have heard from reliable sources that there has been some serious hoarding of wool going on in the lands of Wurm. With the bulk storage bins threatening to explode and the price of wool dropping by the minute. Merchants and sheep herders in outrage. Sheep losing confidence in self worth. This can not be allowed to continue. So: The spinning wheel now has an animation and will most likely be going live with the next update! With the spinning wheel you can refine your wool into yarn. And what is next you ask? Well start hoarding yarn instead of course. Not to worry! We are very close to being able to add the first of the new craftable Wool items. I showed you one of them last week. But have a look at some more that are currently work in progress! Wool Caps and Hats Sound I have taken some time lately to start working on sound effects for creatures in the lands of Wurm. A well needed update to be sure. My plan is to give the creatures much more presence in the environment by giving them for example characteristic idle sounds. This is so that you should be able get the added advantage of identifying creatures by hearing them nearby, instead of just plainly spotting them. Secondly will be the interaction with creatures where I am focusing mainly on combat. How far this can be stretched is yet to be determined. What I mean with that is how I will try to overlay different sounds between animations to give an overall fluent audio visual coherence with the creatures movement and character. Yeah this might all sound like mumbo jumbo to you but I think you can all relate to how powerful the impact of well implemented sound can be in a game. I will be making some exceptions which has been learned from earlier feedback where we had idle sounds from farm animals. As we all know, you can not have one without the other.. And the more the merrier. Which with this reasoning only leads to one conclusion. Big herds. Big herds results in many sounds. Constant sounds. Repeating sounds… This has been known to lead Wurmians into a craze, decimating herds just for the sweet sound of silence. So we will if anything make an idle sound extremely sparse and random on them to spare you the experience. New Interior update coming your way! So some surprise additions in our ongoing mission for well furnished housing in Wurm. Mind you that these items will most likely go live with the next update. So check out these real nice additions that will soon be craftable for one and all. That is, if you have the skills for it! Marble Table Indeed a well needed update to make further use of Marble. And a nice one at that. Imagine heaving that up the stairs. Round Marble Table A smaller and rounded version which is more easily placed. Just what has been missing from your medieval lounge corner of the living room? Cupboard An ornate wooden cupboard with a real nice finnish. It comes with an opening animation and also works as storage. Lounge Chair Fun fact, the lounge chair was a personal request from Rolf himself. So this is a priority piece of furniture Wurmians, make no mistake! We Swedes need our lounging and so does the game. Once more this turned out to be quite a content heavy update. I am a bit amazed with all the things going on right now. So much being added all the time and still more planned for the bigger upcoming update. I can not see much reason why anyone would not Keep on Wurming!
  6. Thank you for all the feedback Wurmians! We will take some time to review this information. Given the amount generated I think it is fair to say it will take some time to be done properly. Thank you again, as always your time is greatly appreciated!
  7. So I am guessing you are talking about tree textures as it is the trees that are being worked on. They are not related to visual difference in materials on objects. Other then that there really is not much to say at the moment.
  8. Nothing like some kind words before you sneak in a feature request haha. Whatever happened to unconditional love?
  9. Maybe this makes you a believer? This is on GW so yes it is on live servers.
  10. What are you talking about, it is in the game. I can see it in front of me as we speak. Check your crafting recipes man!
  11. I have already asked for this to be looked into but I am still awaiting further confirmation and verdict on the problem. Probably it is more complex then I would like to think. And moving to new host is something we would of course like to avoid if possible. Will get out my poking stick again to see if we can move this along a bit quicker.
  12. Ok I can now tell you we are not removed or being removed from player auctions. They are in fact just making changes. I am locking this thread as its topic is resolved!
  13. This is relating to internal kingdom griefing on PVP but I felt back stabbed non the less We had just started a deed and I was playing my very first character in Wurm. I was utterly harmless and looking upon the world of Wurm with dazed and amazed puppy eyes. We had only just set up our little camp and started a somewhat shanty looking town. That is when Nosfirebird swooped in, drained our token and killed all my friends! I was not online at the time but when logging on again I was only met with a pile of corpses with the names of my friends. It was a dark day hehe.
  14. Yeah exactly they are still there. But weird that these changes has been made. Well I guess it is not worth reading to much into this at this point. It might just be something temporarily being changed. Probably I will receive word later today on this.
  15. I am looking into it. Was the wurmians to much for this company to handle? I was surprised to see them get personally involved yesterday. Very interesting.
  16. You are over simplifying things for sure. But of course it is easy to find posts where drama is brewing. That being said though, we are not inclined diving into just anything just because of that. And do you think that is really our responsibility?
  17. It is true. I do not deny it. What it also is, is hard to justify as a full time job which is close to what it would take to keep track of everything written here all the time. But just having a good time hanging out talking with Wurmians all day long! Does not sound half bad
  18. Oh, no haha. Seriously? I have such a hard time imagining that turning out anything but tacky. I suspect you might be one of the people that has the fabulous level required for that Lounge Chaise.
  19. Oh I am sorry, I understand you wanted the sheep cage as a viable option to the bird cage. I do understand this, I am also quite fond of the idea. But it is not a matter of time you see, they just did not agree with me that this is something that belongs in the lands of Wurm! Outrageous, I know right? Also, all items need code for implementation. Setting up parameters for how they will be crafted. What tools, materials, skill level requirements etc.
  20. Yeah I agree, our artists certainly deserves some recognition for their work I am sure they will appreciate your kind words.
  21. Not taking into account high quality crafting and services you can provide with high skills? That is not luck, that is true grit!