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Everything posted by pacer

  1. just saying 86 Characters Mixed upper and lower case alphabet and common symbols. Mixed Alpha & Symbols AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz <SP>!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ Password Class of Attack Length Combinations Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Class F 2 7,396 Instant Instant Instant Instant Instant Instant 8 2.9 Quadrillion 9,488 Years 948 Years 94 Years 57 Years 346 Days 34 Days most computers are class D iirc
  2. last i knew rolf said that bonuses didn't kick in till over 30 faith, so essentially priest only
  3. love finding little bits like this for the wife, a piece unique as her deserves unique jewelry
  4. This topic has been moved to Suggestions & Ideas. [iurl][/iurl]
  5. seems you got skipped when i was sending out warnings in my lists of posts, my bad. as to the OP, i'll post and get back with ya
  6. Derp

    am i doin it right? changed one answer i was iffy on, lol
  7. This topic has been moved to New player questions. [iurl][/iurl]
  8. Too many consumers unaware or confused by expansive license agreements, or willing to dismiss them as overly restrictive or unfair, approach the Internet with the erroneous belief that every item they encounter is in the public domain.
  9. the main freedom server is 256 sq km, 16 km x 16km. there are still many uninhabited places all over freedom.
  10. hahahahaha

    Warning This topic has been locked. Continued failure to abide by the forum rules could result in your account being banned. and for the record, i recorded 4 hours of log that night, and there where 3 GM's there, not just the one you are falsely accusing of harassment
  11. Warning This topic has been locked for Challenging moderation in public. Continued failure to abide by the forum rules could result in your account being banned.
  12. Rift

    chillin on threesprings >defiant. been on 3springs since before it was cool. now we are the highest pop server same name i play my necro lock on occasion, mainly tank and war DPS
  13. Rift

    dunno, mages been hammered pretty hard, warriors top DPS usually. pyro still pounds out the ouchies, about the only thing that can pull aggro off me in experts.
  14. Rift

    guardians suck...... 8) 8)
  15. on the original topic, iirc it was figured out to need 1,5 million dirts to landbridge JKH and wild back in the day.
  16. question?

    locking this OP, please forward all correspondence to Oracle on this matter as per the posted game rules
  17. locked as to avoid players turning this into kingdom biased flamefest
  18. This topic has been moved to Wood Scraps . [iurl][/iurl]
  19. or: how long does it take to smelt a 1QL iron ore into lump in a 40QL forge pretty darn fast, 3 min or so iirc and how long will the forge burn. burn times are still around the same, on 20kg of fuel roughly an hour and 20 min or so
  20. This topic has been moved to Freedom Market. [iurl][/iurl]
  21. Emulators

    got my nes and sega ones from here
  22. This topic has been moved to Suggestions & Ideas. [iurl][/iurl]
  23. there are certain powers assigned to different sides. NO Gm has the ability to spawn ANYTHING, that is developer only. These events are sanctioned and run to increase the fun / immersion into wurm and also get work done that would take longer otherwise
  24. thanx GM!

    just lurking about as usual mate, wife, kids, school, various terraforming ideas, incessant forge smithing, you know how it goes
  25. if they fenced in your deed, and built a house off it. They could legally claim your deed as theirs. No, the rule was that 1 deed tile must always be open? And the day someone does that, the rules will be changed lol, you cant claim someones deed because you fenced it wtf As long as they left an unlocked gate to allow entrance to the deed, it would be completely legal. The rules favor the f2p HEAVILY and this is where we go with a little thing called intent, and proceed to blow up all the fences