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Everything posted by Hailene

  1. I'm not quite sure how that applies to this situation. Oblivionreaver asked to join the group. Isn't it pretty normal that a person joining a group would be expected to follow that group's rules? And if said person disagreed with the rules, surely they ought to leave that group and not stick around until they can gain whatever advantage they can from backstabbing the group they requested to join? Or am I just crazy? People did plenty of times. One of the things I like about Wurm that everything isn't about individual gain. I've helped plenty of people for free with hours of my time because that's the sort of place I'd like Wurm to be. And people have done the same to me as well.
  2. Y^up. That's what they've been doing for years. Just a sense of community and fun of the hunt and penning. Is that strange?
  3. Well, that's patently false since he cooperated with the rest of the searchers to find it. He was just the one to find and pen it first.
  4. Before anyone accuses me about being bitter about not getting anything, just note I didn't actually participate in the fight and I had absolutely zero chance of ever getting anything. I'm just frustrated that the a member of our ever shrinking community can still act this way. A bit of background first. There's a Pristine/Release unique hunting group. When a unique spawns on P/R, hunters from the group go out, find, pen, and host kills for the uniques. Of course there are other people hunting that are not part of the group. Oblivionnreaver was one of these rival groups. Oblivionnreaver and the P/R hunting group have had a rough relationship for a long time. Buthis October Oblivionnreaver asked to formally join the group. There was disagreement on whether to let him in or not--several members left over it--but in the end he was let in. The population is dwindling and who has time to nurse grudges years old anymore, right? This would be a good time to explain how loot was distributed in the years of the P/R group has been around. If a tome drops, then the group of people searching could reserve a single tome charge and roll amongst themselves. The rest of items (remaining charges, bone, skull, etc.) would be rolled freely for all members of the group. Last week a dragon spawned on Pristine. Now that Oblivionnreaver is part of the group, he went out and looked for the dragon with all the other searchers. The searchers keep a map of Pristine and fill it out as they search it--so people can avoid searching places others have searched. In the end, Oblivionnreaver created a deed for the penned dragon. The fight happens last weekend. The dragon is slain and a fantastic bone drops. Rather than distribute the loot as normal, Oblivionnreaver decides to keep the bone for himself. When asked why he did that, he said thought that searchers could reserve one item from the loot list. When we clarified that a tome charge could be reserved but not any bones, he drops his thinly veiled attempt at following the rules and just admits he was going to take the bone regardless. So there you have it. He didn't do anything against the rules--lying and deceit is not specifically outlawed. The bone really doesn't matter to me--I had no right to it, I wouldn't use it even if I somehow obtained it, and I have all the gold I need to do whatever I want--but it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth how someone could ask to join a group and just take advantage of them basically as soon as he humanly could. Just a headsup for anyone that saw the bone for sale. It has a bit of a complicated background. P.S. I know that his group of friends is going to spring up and try to defend him. It's pretty typical for these kinds of groups to close ranks and shield each other. Do what you guys always do. As I have been told by a staff member, player agreements are non-binding. You just have to hope the other person isn't out to trick you because if they are...well, there's not much you can do about it after the fact.
  5. I wasnt aware we werent allowed to critique suggestions in the suggestion forums nor offer possible solutions for said critiques. Right now the top end of the market is just filled with 95/99 skilled crafters. Just adding another bell or whistle wont add much more except increase power creep. In other words, it would make the game worse for adding your suggestion. At least in my opinion.
  6. A rising tide lift all boats. You can create content for high end toons that benefit or scale lower level toons more. Or you could allow low level toons feed into the end game content. Look at Eve Online as an example. They have enormous ships that take months or years or farming. But it still uses a crapton of easily farmed mats from newbies. Hence a new late game ship, while ostensibly for huge corporations, is still content for newbies as it creates ever greater demand for the ore they farm.
  7. If that's the case, then I'm going to have to give this a big -1. As it currently is, it just gives more power to high level accounts (I would know, I'm one of them). It fails to differentiate crafters (which just leads to things being ever more top heavy). This leads to the same old accounts being constantly recycled through the game and disincentives people to grind up their skills. -1
  8. I think locking accounts to certain abilities would be good--for the economy and for people leveling up their own accounts. The economy because people will have more to trade and even better the fact that some super accounts with 90+ skills in everything can't monopolize the market. Furthermore, it will give incentive people to level up their own accounts because the specifically linked improvements to any particular account may not match exactly what a buyer is looking for.
  9. How about at 90, 95, and 99 you can select one modification you can use for that respective skill. At 100 you get two because that is a crazy hard thing. It gives some potential for people to specialize and more incentive for people to trade, too. I might be able to add more damage to weapons but I need to ask my equally skilled neighbor to create a bash damage large maul for my construction needs.
  10. It is a fun idea. Though maybe have different tiers. Maybe some unlock at 90, some at 95, 99, and even one or two for 100. I always thought we need a bit more incentive to grind past 90. The extra title from 90 to 100 just isn't worth the grind.
  11. If it makes you feel better, you still have 20-30% of the grind left to hit 100.
  12. No way to summon dragons. They are worth literally hundreds of dollars each. An ability to summon something once every few months seems pretty...limited. Maybe a pvp thing? I dunno. Spawning lava animals would make high QL charcoal really easy. With decent butchering, a good knife, and the resource rune you can pretty much get 90+ charcoal every time. The idea is certainly different, but I'm not sure what the exact use would be.
  13. I'd bump the price up to 8s for 8 weekends. Though honestly it seems just to be an awfully specific band-aid. For time restricted people just add a pay as you play model. 16 euros/35 hours. 80 euros/225 hours. People who play intermittently can nurse their premium over a few months or even longer. People like me that play a few hours a day will stick to regular premium. I figure almost everyone playing around 4 hours a week regularly probably isn't paying for premium, anyway, so might as well try to capture these untapped customers.
  14. If it's a choice between permanent ripe or keeping it as is, I'd rather keep it as is.
  15. This seems like a WU mod. This level of power is waaaaay too much for how easy it is.
  16. I wouldn't mind extending it. Say the same amount of time it takes to grow completely (~5 days) the crops will stay fully ripe for 5 days before turning to weeds. I always liked doing all my fields at once, and waiting for the last few stragglers meant the crops that ripened first went to weeds. A 2-3 day longer window would be nice.
  17. I'd say it ought to cost at least 100s and have a 6 month cool down (you have to wait at least 6 months to use the wand on the same character again).
  18. I think adding some items that require multiple (2? 3? 4?) skills to do it. So you might be able to build a siege weapon that requires high level blacksmithing, ropemaking, and carpentry to use. A single high skilled toon would be needed. It mixes up just being able to imp the same old items to X to X+1. Furthermore, this could be used to give some additional uses for lesser skills.
  19. I think the issue is that no silver is really being generated. It's just being recycled forever. Why not take silver used to pay for premium out of circulation? At least according to my understanding, the silvers used for premium are put back into the coffers and people can botanize/bury/etc the coins back.
  20. I don't pvp, but I think the DR and damage increase would be a bit too powerful? Just a guess. Savant is pretty damned powerful. Considering Vyn already get a 10% skill bonus, another 15% seems pretty nuts. Mine should give require a pick to be activated instead of a statuette and just give you 10 shards for whatever the rolls would have been. I'm not sure why we need nature's touch. With 90 forestry and the harvesting rune I consistently get 100 QL acorns and olives. The rare like 99ish QL item. This is with a 92QL rare sickle. Are there much tougher forestry items to harvest out there?
  21. You gotta do some extra dragging, selecting, and combining. The amount of effort would be considerably more than just tabbing and clicking on the crafting menu button.
  22. Sounds a bit too easy. Make it 10% of the material used for the item. Otherwise trade or purchase the one of your choice.
  23. The day the character I've put nearly 400 days into keels over and dies is the day I quit Wurm. This isn't PUBG where your sessions last 2-45 minutes. I've actually put in a non-insignificant portion of my life in this game.
  24. Mostly I'd use this for my priests. Usually they're naked, but sometimes when I skill or when I go out and travel to unique fights I put on armor. It's just a bit of a pain to strip them when I get home. Swapping out gear with a hotkey or even in a drop-down menu would be a nice QoL option for pve.
  25. Don't allow it on pvp servers. Sounds fine for pve.