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About Trencal

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  1. update this weekend. get those updates in.
  2. The hosting server may go down for 2 days. I have put this imgur link as a backup until it is situated.
  3. Sorry about that, Will be fixing it .
  4. Purple is now open air. Thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully I got it as you said. If there are any corrections feel free to let me know so I can fix them. Update #89
  5. Will be updated this week! Get those updates in!
  6. No from me as well. Its a fun system that adds another layer of depth, They don't do insane amounts of perks. Its supposed to be fun. Keep it.
  7. One of the better Humble Bundles IMO just came out today. It has CIv 3, Civ 4, Civ 5, Sid Meier's Ace Patrol and Railroads, with most expansions. It jumped up 50 cents in the last 2 hours, I would expect it to go above 10$ soon. If you're going to get it I'd jump on it like I have .
  8. It wont be too soon from what Ive seen. Once he catches his map up to where mine presently is and secures a host I will pass it off. I'll update again in a few days.
  9. Added Hiistreet But im slightly confused on where Town of Sunrise is, Can you give coords? Update #88
  10. I have been offered by someone to take over the map updates as they are slow and I have not much time to do so. He shall hopefully be creating a thread in a few days, from what i've seen the map he has is much cleaner then the one I have currently. I shall await his answer in a day or so and If so passing off the Map to him to continue as he sees fit.
  11. Is Park a Deed or just a name you call it? Sorry about the timing on this one, normally its every 2 weeks or so, but depending on the amount of submissions changes it. Can I get a location on this? Update #87
  12. Updating tomorrow. Get those updates in.
  13. +1 I like it, don't feel like it'll hurt the game yet lets people get those last few days till payday. At least for me.
  14. Updating this week. Get those updates in.