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Everything posted by Darkren

  1. Kyklops Slaying

    It doesn't, unfortunately. That's evidently a bug. :/
  2. Kyklops Slaying

    I'm going to explain my knowledge on kill credit as best I can. To gain credit for any sort of kill, you MUST hit the target. Targeting and going into combat range will yield the message "You try to <attack> <target>" - this does NOT constitute a hit. Damaging a target is, by the way, not the only thing that counts as a hit. With Spam mode activated, you will see combat messages that would otherwise be hidden; for example, "Your attack glances off of <target>'s armour.". This counts as a hit and is eligible to award you with kill credit. People that claim they never "hit" Jobs yet got the title might not realize they actually managed a glancing blow.
  3. I'm selling my small flock of chickens I've raised up from a mere two hens. It includes 2 roosters (both young), 5 hens (3 adolescent, 2 young), and 3 chickens (all adolescent - two female, one male). Also included are the remaining (~50) eggs and any chickens that might still hatch from them before they're sold. Looking to sell the entire lot for 2s, no delivery. Location is Sarvesh, 47x 6y. As chickens follow hens who in turn follow roosters, the entire flock can be led simply by leading the roosters - no need for multiple trips. Post here, or PM me on the forums or in-game. EDIT: Sold.
  4. Kyklops Slaying

    And I, for one, thank you for it. Big thank you to Xallo and Alyeska for organizing the fight, as well as to all the donators for the raffles, and to the Tristan Employment Agency for dealing with the long line of people looking to get Jobs.
  5. I have an account (albeit with measly skills) with the rare Trollslayer title I'm looking to get rid of for around 15s. Not exactly what you're looking for, though you might be interested regardless.
  6. Sounds like a Yo-yo/Puppeteering all over again. +1
  7. Right-click your status bar (where your stamina/food/water/etc are displayed), and you can toggle name, FPS, speed and missions.
  8. Sunder is the best way to damage water. Also, auto-refilling doesn't neutralize the quality+damage, but manually pouring water in does.
  9. Doing enough farming to get good cotton (let's say 70) will take some hours of tending thousands of fields, with SB and a skilling rake (remember not everybody has these). Making good enough string AND managing to make a good piece of cloth using that string is immensely difficult without the proper skill, spindle+loom being a secondary but not negligible factor. Olive oil comes from olives, and good-quality olives are quite rare without good forestry. Good luck making good oil without high beverages, too. I don't imagine even the veteran, high-skill players churning out 50ql oiled cloth. It's a reasonable alternative to pelts. It takes more time and effort and you'll probably get an absolute trash-quality pelt, but when there are no pelt-bearing animals in your area (or there are lions that are too strong for you), and you don't want to accept help from neighbors (if you even have any), it's far, far better than nothing. I see it as a "crude tool" version of the pelt, and don't find the suggestion worth down-rating.
  10. WTB wemp

    Which isle? Co-ordinates?
  11. Absolutely love the new enchanted grass look, looks tons better than the old one.
  12. Traders, according to the wiki, start with 1s. And money from trader-default items go straight to the king, not the trader.
  13. Some scavenging, occasional strongwalling, selling some scavenged and retired boats for quite cheap. Business has run rather dry recently though.
  14. As I stated a few times on Inde kchat, if it wasn't possible before, it's more than likely unintended and you should report it.
  15. Maybe dominate and trolls are a bit tougher. Dominated creatures have a loyalty level, but it requires path of knowledge to be identified. However, I've never had my troll go aggressive, even after long, near-death troll-hunting trips. Other trolls, typically adolescent/mature raging, could get him down to bleeding or even dying, and I don't much doubt I would have been destroyed in my studded armor had I been in my troll's position. I was in no position to talk much about other pets, since I've exclusively used trolls (lurking, between adolescent and venerable) and don't have any much experience with other or even champion animals. Suppose I've maybe overestimated them.
  16. You people underestimate charm and dominate. Though dominated and tamed creatures have their CR halved, and receive a further penalty when led, they are still extra damage and effective meat shields. Make sure your pet is in front of you and engages in combat before you, and as long as you keep your pet healed after each battle (which is immensely easy with a tough AND self-regenerating troll), you don't even need to wear (attack-speed reducing) armor. Pets might only have a fraction of the offensive ability as they did before, but it's always an extra edge in combat.
  17. Kyklops Slaying

    I'll be there. 50+ FS, 84+ Mag faith. I'll bring a couple gems and start on two-handed swords. Looking forward to getting revenge for being jumped.
  18. Function over fashion. Rooms would definitely be a relevant addition to the subject of buildings. Hopefully we'll be able to designate rooms AFTER planning so there isn't a need to completely rebuild buildings though.
  19. Green grapes in the north make white wine, blue grapes in the south make red wine. There is no apparent difference between them, therefore there is no incentive to trade.
  20. If Runescape's community is anything like it was 5 or so years ago, turn off your local chat on F2P servers. Dungeoneering, while it might procedurally generate each individual dungeon, will mostly be the same thing after a few dozen runs, only becoming more challenging, also with exception to occasional new boss unlocks. I remember a fair bit of non-multi-combat zones, but I still had plenty of fun playing with friends. Grindier than Wurm though, in my opinion. Skyrim as a multiplayer game (non-MMO) could undoubtedly make the best game ever. It comes down to the fact that it's an enormous, amazing world to explore, and getting the option to do that with friends could make that even better. There is actually a multiplayer mod in development, hopefully it won't fail as hard as the three attempted Oblivion ones did. On an even sandboxier note, a multiplayer version of Dwarf Fortress (whether dwarf mode, adventurer mode, or some sort of RPG mixture of both) would be awesome as well, but I'll just have to keep dreaming for now I suppose.
  21. The difference between regional ore veins and regional crops is that it takes relatively little effort to find a specific ore, carve a cave, secure it with a mine door and come back any day you want for more. With crops, you need to build fencing to protect it, along with a house to secure it (and a deed for further protection - also note that this is only Freedom Isles I'm talking about), and you need to visit the crops when THEY are ready in order to harvest them. Doing that across 4 servers would be a massive hassle and I don't see very many people doing it. However, for this to promote proper trade, there needs to be a demand for each crop, thus incentive to grow it. They should all be equally useful and desired (with possible exception to Chaos/Elevation for its increased "difficulty"), and I'd imagine that could be a tad difficult to balance if they all do different things. On a side-note, perhaps it could be possible to attempt to grow crops outside their region, perhaps with increased growth duration, chance of failure (randomly or perhaps Farming skill related), chance of reduced quality/quantity of harvest, or a necessity to actually rake the crops. Nevertheless, +1 to regional crops, I do hope to see something worthwhile like this in the future. I wouldn't mind something for the sake of flavor like white/red wine, either.
  22. Mag's forge lighting could have a duration based on power of cast; water-creation spell could create an amount of water (or perhaps quality, it isn't unheard of) based on power of cast.
  23. You far from need any money in the first place in Wurm, though, since you can make everything you NEED by yourself. Heck, you even start with a full set of tools already.