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About mrtoobright

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  1. Would be nice if we had a menu to manage deeds on all servers. For example so i can destroy my own building without travel to that server. atm i am in a situation that one small abandoned house is in the way to extend my deed. but the player have moved to another server and dont want to travel across just to destroy his house.
  2. i noticed the reflections on several objects are missplaced when mounted on a horse. the reflection are above the item (like hoovering 1 meter above the object) i dissmounted and all are good. mount again and all reflections are bad again. seems like its objects IN water that are bugged. items so far i personaly noticed that are wrong are : raft, rowingboat. a key dropped in water reflects a flying key 1 meter above in the air. a bear corpse lying in the shore/water.w sailingboat. (somehow on a cog the reflections were normal)
  3. same for me. its like its invisible sometimes in the caves and reappear when getting out in the open again. seems the bug is still there then.