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Everything posted by Ayes

  1. Daash, Now that you are through to the GD side I will help mine out cave walls, as my deed is located on the south lake there and I didn't want to travel to the starting side. I have no interest in the ore, just want to be able to travel through the tunnel as compensation. Please make sure I am on both mine doors as I don't want to get stuck over there. Name ingame: Ayes Mining Skill: 66.62 Pick: 77 QL WoA 94 Time of day you play: Various Hours Daily =Ayes=
  2. Elite, I would like to purchase the following item: Hammer: 82ql Coc 74 Woa 71 - 1.95 silver Please send COD to my alt named Swifts. Thank you. =Ayes=
  3. Amiti, Please send a 50 QL toolbelt COD to Ayes. Thank you. =Ayes=
  4. Well it looks like this issue is resolved as Rolf has disabled it on Freedom server. Thank you Rolf for listening to us who only want to have our mines kept safe that we have put a lot of time and effort into to construct. Spice is nice but this was more like salt on the wounds. =Ayes=
  5. Gandwin, I was going to make a post about this issue as well but with a more flamboyant title: "Cavebugs, the new Griefers!". Since you have brought up the issue before me, I shall just add my comments to your post. As the situation was before this questionable aggro AI change, a rock cave tile that was on the deed could not be mined through from the outside; thus there was no need to reinforce the tile to prevent others from digging into ones mine. Now, will this new cavebug AI allow them to dig through those, making our mines open to others? Will we now have to reinforce all those previously protective mine wall deed tiles to again have the same protection that we previously had? It seems to be the case to me but it is still unknown as to weather Rolf has further nerfed our deed protections by enhancing the aggro AI to our detriment. Now as to these "champion cave dwellers" (which are what creatures specifically? lava fiends, spiders, cave bugs, rats, bears, anything that can be found to spawn in caves?) that can "very rarely" break down reinforced walls. In their supposed fury they will be even breaking our reinforced cave walls, leaving previously reinforced cave perimiters vulnerable to intrusion by other players with questionable motives. We all saw how well the new improved aggro bashing mechanics have worked out, so this does not leave me in too optimistic of a frame of mind concerning this tunneling and "rarely reinforcement breaking" aggro AI being implimented. I would very much agree with you that "it just dosen't sound at all like a good idea" but more like an unnecessary, harmfull and needless change to the detriment of all miners involved. What is the logic behind this change? Oh, we can't have these miners underground "mineing" their own business undisturbed by the creatures rampaging above, that will never do! How dare they try to avoid the "survival' aspect of the game by cowering down their in their caves! They must be taught a lesson indeed! Heh. The above silliness aside (although it does seem to have a ring of truth about it), this change could indeed allow some nasty people into deed mine perimiters and even just off deed mines laboriously constructed and protected by reinforced tiles. Had an idiot person intentionally dig our public iron mine floor into the water making it unaccessable for carts and basically ruining the entry so had to climb out if it, so this is an issue fresh in my memory. Really Rolf, why do these things just to mess with people that were previously content and satisfied that they could take the extra time involved to reinforce their cave walls and protect their work in that manner? Do you have to focus on those fewer people that are messing with the aggro AI to the detriment of those of us who are just quietly (and most will never bother to make any post about it) minding our own business enjoying the creative building aspects of the game? In conclusion, a bad, harmfull, overkill change, not giving careful consideration to the negative impact that it would have on a large segment of the playerbase that secured their mines properly for their enjoyment and protection from potential abusive intruders. =Ayes=
  6. Close

    Stik, Seeing that you came upon a 1 tile pen with 20 horses crammed within it, I do not think that your assumptions of hoarding and perhaps even griefing were unreasonable. To attempt to deny that this was a possibility and could be questioned is what is unreasonable. As you were concerned enough to make a post and question the situation, I think the responses that you have recieved are rather harsh from people that were upset about the same type of animal situation on Independence. =Ayes=
  7. Brash, Although guards may wander far from their towers, they will not attack any hostile when called for help if you are too far away from a certain distance from thier tower. I don't have the specific tiles from it but many times I have had a guard near me, targeted a hostile, asked for help and I have gotten the message that no guards respond. And yes, I do know how to call for the guards help properly and get their assistance. It is an issue of being too far from the tower itself. =Ayes=
  8. MasterGeldrin, Your response baffeles me. There is little sense to it as what you say are my intents are not even indicated within my post. Your snide remarks remain within your response however, so I shall just shake my head at them and not waste any further words on as you say, "your own little self". =Ayes=
  9. Othob, Actually I regret having gotten into a dispute with you, as in your various posts you have presented many good ideas that show that your intentions are good. It was just that I found your initial remarks directed at me a bit vexing and I responded in kind. You have my apololgy as well and in the future I hope we can have a more ameniable discussion of our opposing view points. =Ayes=
  10. MasterGeldrin, As is stated at the top of the post, this is my "theory" and I wanted to have it out there in a more concise manner so my viewpoint can be more clearly understood. If you feel it is totally "flamebait", then I am relieved that you exercised some self control. And as to this statement: "Either learn to cope with it like the hundreds of others who aren't complaining (and not just combat lovers either) or go find a different sandbox game with no combat at all." Obviously I am "coping with it" or I would not be continuing to play the game and beyond that, I will continue to state my opinions on this forum weather you want to know of them or not. As for the end of your quoted statement, I stated already at what point I would choose to leave the game and I certainly won't be seeking your advice on when to do so. =Ayes=
  11. Here is my theory (speculation) on why Rolf makes these accelerations to the aggro AI. It is well known that Rolf started this game as a purely PVP environment. As time went on, he realized (to his surprise perhaps?) that the majority of the players of the game much prefered the environmental transforming aspects of the game to the PVP side of it. This was so much evident that he created a new Freedom server for those types and they exited the existing server in mass for it, leaving the crazed battle hardened players behind in frustration. Now the complete details of this are not clear to me as I was not around at that time but that is the basics of it. No doubt some of those longer term players will tell you all my details are wrong and I have no idea what I am taking about, so discount all I have to say here. Then again, they may have other reasons for wanting to discredit my "theory", as one tends to always want to reinforce their own beliefs and position. To continue. Now of course creating this new Freedom server did not change Rolf's inner being and frame of mind, for we are what we are. So as a substitute for this danger of a PVP environment, he adopted the aggro AI as a substitute to enable him to continue to develop a game that he believed contained an acceptable amount of danger within it to be exciting for those who chose to play it. As time went on, the enironmental shapers wanted less "danger", or as I would put it, annoyance, from these aggro animals so that they could complete their projects without as much delay and distraction from the aggro's. So Rolf, realizing where the money was coming from to pay his bills, again started to make more adjustments to reduce the aggro AI to a level that they could tolerate. My observation is that he has always done this reluctantly, since it is not in his nature to reduce the element of danger within the game. Also, let us not forget these "crazed battle hardened" players who still remain in the game today. You can easily determine who they are by their responses to any who would dare suggest that the aggro animal AI be reduced in any fashion. So reinforced by these types of players, Rolf's PVP substitute animal aggro AI again starts to come to the surface and he overdoes that element of the game to be able to feel that the game (his game to be sure) still retains that feeling of danger within it. Then you can see the clash of views expressed on the forums and the insluting terms used, which need not be mentioned so as not to add fuel to the fire. The players who want a more peaceful environmental crafting style of game, against the fighter types who enjoy more robust aggro AI (to put it kindly). Beyond any doubt these peace'nicks (for lack of a better term) are the vast majority of the players and grudgingly Rolf acceeds to their wishes for a period of time. Then his need for the danger quotient arises and the cycle starts again with him making some overdone horrific aggro AI "update" and the fighters cheering him on. As I am one of the majority of these peaceful builder types, I strongly object to any changes to enhance the aggro animal AI, including the recent ones already implimented since and including the one on Independence that made the aggro animals harder to kill. My opinion is that these changes should all be removed and set back to before the one I mentioned on Independence. The animal aggro AI already added enough element of danger to the game for us "peace" types and there is no need to enhance it, nor is it desired. This will always be my position and I am not for any further animal aggro AI "enhancements" which are then watered down in a futile attempt to appease both sides. While I very much do appreciate Rolf's creative vision and capabilities in being able to create a unique game such as this, I believe he is taking the wrong approach in forcing this excessive aggro animal AI on the majority of us who have no desire to participate in it to that extent. If this means that the fighter types would have to exit Independence and Deliverance and head to Exodus (an appropriate name in this regard) to get their desired sense of danger and challenge, I am all for it. I will regret your passing to there as little as you would my desire for a more peaceful environment to build, create and enhance the world in. Anyway, the above is my "theory" for why Rolf makes these excessive unwanted changes to the aggro animal AI. Most likely little will change as this battle rages on between the peace and warrior types. I will not make any threats about leaving the game but will continue to play it as long as it seems enjoyable to me. When the time comes to depart, I will walk quietly into the night and none will be the wiser. =Ayes=
  12. Othob, The term "kiddie proofed" may indeed point to the inferences you named; however, that doesn't change the fact that it is an insulting and demeaning term to use, as are the words peppered throughout your response. Still, I won't take your bait and try to trump your defensive, arrogant and demeaning response, as I have witnessed (on the forums) your tendency to wish to engage others in this manner. I would suggest you try to learn some tact, as you do present some good ideas at times but this attitude of yours tends to sour them to otherwise receptive ears. My points stand for those who have the discernment to understand thier implications. =Ayes=
  13. Aggro movement

    Terrible blunder of an update to animal AI. Deed holders pay for the protection of their deed walls and now Rolf has (most likely without realizing these consequences) removed that protection. If this is indeed intentional, which I doubt, it is a very poor business decision to alienate the majority of the people who make you the most income. People who enjoy the fighting acpect of this game have the choice to participate in it. We who enjoy the creative aspect of the game are having it damaged by his change. As they loose nothing from this bashing mechanic, I don't have any interest in weather they enjoy it or think it's a positive change. Furthermore, I find their attitude offensive in that they find it amusing that we deed holders are having our work destroyed by this foolish change. This bashing mechanic should be removed and reverted to the previous state as it was before the "update". Put all this crazy overdone animal AI (bashing, excessive spawns, increased aggro range, increased movement, making mobs harder to kill) on Exodus as an option for those who want to participate in it and reduce the protections they can have against it. These changes are only negative ones for the majority of the player base on the Independence and Deliverance servers. =Ayes=
  14. Schwanke, Sorry but you are obviously not a "new player". Please move your questions to the proper forum. =Ayes=
  15. bdew, No I am not overreacting, I am dealing with and experiencing this nightmare of overdone aggro animal AI and commenting on those referenced who imply that it is a good thing to "unkiddie proof" the game. Weather or not it is a mistake in Rolf's coding or not remains to be seen as he has made no comment upon it. I hope he will revert the animal spawn rate, aggro range and bashing to the norms of Independence, there and on Deliverance; however, the indications have been that he wants these heightened aggro powers as has been already exhibited by making the aggro's on Independence much harder to kill a month or two ago. This change was met with the approval of the high level FS players to the detriment of the majority of low to poor FS players. To me, this newest "enhancement" is just more of the same which is why I do not view it as a mistake on his part; but nonetheless a mistake to do so. All this indicates the continuing resurfacing of his make it unpleasant and dangerous to play this game PVP substitute mentality. When one creates a MMO it will be most successful to cater to the majority of the gamebase, which in this instance is certainly not those who consider this game to be too "kiddie proofed". After you have satisfied those types, then fine, create an environment (Exodus) for those who need to feel that they are not being "kiddie proofed" and let them partake in it. This way neither group will be enforcing their game play styles on the other. Choices are always best, with no one telling anyone to "get off my server" as they are certainly welcome to stay there and play under the designs of that particular server. Then again, if Rolf just wants to have fun doing his own thing without consideration for the majority of his paying customers, he has every right to do so. =Ayes=
  16. I want to say that this new bashing and excessive aggro spawn and pathing AI is not in any way "exciting" nor is it "dangerous". It can all be avoided in various ways and I will use them all until Rolf finally gets frustrated that they are avoidable and codes them to be unavoidable. What they really are, are a nusiance and an annoyance. This is merely Rolf's PVP game mentality resurfacing in another form being reinforced by some old style players who use the derogatory term of the game being now too "kiddie proofed". Really an ignorant reference to make when one has no way of knowing another's experience in life as it proceeds to an older age, so it holds no validity as it is being used in this context anyway. Perhaps Rolf will some day be capable of doing the proper aggro AI coding to enable the divergent playstyles to enjoy their appealing aspects of the game. Sadly he is not in the position (capable) to do so now and has let this Frankenstein creation run amok. We all pay the price for this but the deed holders much more so with our increased repairs, extra guard cost and the annoyance of not being able to continue our projects in peace. We are the ones who create and enhance this world out of the wilderness and it saddens me to think that Rolf does not see our benifit to his creation in the work we do but rather seeks out ways to make it even harder for us to complete and maintain our projects. =Ayes=
  17. Terrbile senseless update to the aggro creature AI and spawn rate. You can easily discern those who enjoy it, high fighting skilled people who have little interest in building and maintaining their own villages. Seems that Rolf is missing the obvious here, in that we who purchase, place deeds, buy guards, and pay an additional fee each month for this maintenance are the ones who bring in the coin for him; not these aimless wanderers who's pursuit is killing this overdone animal spawn. I will always avoid them in the ways available to me. They are just a nusiance to my building pursuits. This overkill in the animal spawning AI and bashing should be confined to Exodus where the uber fighters can have a fine time hunting them. Why impose this aggrivation on the >majority< of players that have no interest in it. There is no reason to other than perhaps Rolf can not code this animal AI to different intensities for different servers and locales (which I suspect may be the case). =Ayes=
  18. This whole aggro system is contunually escelating to the point where it makes us "peaceful" players (those who are not in it for aggro combat) frustrated that we can't go about our affairs unassalted by these nusiances wandering about disrupting our projects. Friday I was working on my deed near the new Green Dog spawn area with a newly premiumed person who also was having fun building on their little free area that is adjacent to my deed. Then these goofy green trolls started spawning on the mountainside, running up and down it in a crazed fashion. One comes down to the deed and enters, my spirit templar attacks it, I assist it, it kills the templar, I jump into the water to avoid it's overpowered bezerk rage and by the time another spirit templar spawns, this ugly green thing has regained 2/3 of the health that we took from it. Rinse/repeat, rinse/repeat, on and on. My newly premiumed friend took a few wacks at the troll but recieved bad to sever wounds that gradully sucked the life out of him. Add another green troll coming down onto the deed and there was nothing to be done but for me to craftily avoid their wrath. Of course during this time frame all the other mobs that infenst (!!) the area were also respawning a few minutes after they were killed. Now hopefully this was all just some coding for Exodus that bled over to Deliverance, as I had never seen so many green trolls (I didn't mention the 5-6 others that were running around on the mountain side) in our poor fighting skill newbie area. The thing that is good about Exodus is that those uber fighting skill people can actively make a CHOICE to go there and confront these aggros to their hearts content. Please do not try to force the remaining vast majority of us who have no interest in this pitiful aggro combat to have to engage in it. WoW has a sensible approach to the various forms of combat in that they do not put level 85 mobs into level 1 zones and beyond that, they do not make the strength of the aggro's that are in the lower level zones beyond what those level players are capable of handling and even defeating. Not to mention the pitiful combat animations, gear and options that Wurm offers in comparison (but I just did anyway). The combat system is not Wurm's strength, nor will it ever be due to the vastly superior and unique environmental transforming options available to choose from. The crafting system plays a poor second fiddle to this and the aggro combat system is in the dark ages in comparison. I really wish Rolf would realize this and focus his attentions to making the game more enjoyable to those (the vast majority) who enjoy the unique environmental aspects available. When a person travels the lands they are not much impressed with the insane aggro's running around trying (and many times successful) to kill them. Their gaze wanders around them at the majestic environments and the various player created villages that they pass through on their journeys. This is creative effort that takes time and experience to design and build, not some mindless aggro bashing players heads in and leaving their corpsed strewed along the way. I rest my case (for now). Anyway, my new premium friend any myself finished a guard tower shortly after this madness died down; so to all of you who enjoy other players being killed in the game because they are not "uber" fighters such as yourself, tough luck. Head over to Exodus to have your enjoyment of killing aggro's and emit your mighty roars of triumph over there; it matters not to me, just do not try to inflict your desires to see destruction to those of us who have no desire to partake of it. The pen is mighty'er that the sword, as the saying goes and it has deeper implications than that. P.S. Please do not allow outside aggro's to be able to bash fences/walls from outside deeds, as this would be another poorly thought out mechinism endorsed by those who want to see the "peaceful" non-elete fighters harassed. Those types should seek out their own opportunities for aggro conflict just as we should be able to avoid them if not interested in those mundane activities. =Ayes=
  19. Hello Gatwick, I would like to buy this item: 4s99 70ql Pickaxe WoA96 CoC76. Please send COD to Braedon as I am in Deliverance and the mail system is buggy to there. I will just have this guy mail it to me once things are resloved. Thanks. =Ayes=
  20. Guard Towers

    Hello Drpox, Thanks for the pertinent information. I can see this could present a problem if 2 people were building a tower within close proximity of eachother and one was completed shortly before the other. I had thought that on Independence that as soon as a new tower was started it would reserve that 50 tile radius even though it was freshly dropped there. Well anyway, it is good to know that they do spawn guards that act when called upon. =Ayes=
  21. Guard Towers

    Hello All, I am wondering if guard towers will function on Deliverance; meaning, will they spawn guards on the same basis as on Independence. The reason I am asking this is because I started one, added a few bricks and was able to start another one 5 tiles away from it. This leads me to suspect that they are either bugged or serve no purpose on Deliverance, other than to act as decorations or a cruel joke on those who spend their time building one to completion. =Ayes=
  22. Hello, I have a deed south of the lake next to Green Dog Village (spawn point) on Deliverance and would like to have a mailbox constructed and then have a low courier cast on it. My alt deedholder is too poorly skilled to build one is the reason I am asking for this to be done. Anyone available to do this? Zen is contact name there. Thanks. =Ayes=
  23. Hello Elwood, I have an alt with a deed on the lake south of Green Dog (spawn point) and would really like to purchase a number of tools for him but the problem is they have neglected (intentionally?) to create a mailbox at Green Dog. If I could find someone to make a mailbox and cast on my deed, I am sure myself and many other new players would make use of it to purchase items from merchants such as yourself. Most new players heading south wade across the mountain side of the lake and then pass through my deed, so that makes it a good place to have one available. Be a good spot for a merchant as well if someone wanted to place one there, as I am not interested in selling goods myself. So if you have anyone interested in doing this just let me know. Alts name is Zen for contact there. Thanks. =Ayes=
  24. Hello, Could you tell me how to get to your merchant from the token at Green Dog. I have an alt there and I would really like to purchase some decent tools for him. Also, what is your characters name there so that I can send a tell to see if you are available. Thanks. =Ayes=
  25. WoW has a huge staff and big bucks but when they put out a expansion or large patch this same type of situation occurs. You think Rolf can do better with his small staff in comparison? Dream on. I would like to enjoy playing the game and exploring the new landmass as well but I wasn't about to jump all into it without waiting to see how it all panned out. The only thing to do now is wait until he gets some problems resolved and the servers back up. After that, expect more smaller issues and delays to arise. =Ayes=