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Posts posted by RainRain

  1. Yo some of these posts are actually good and i respect the transparency and honesty regarding some things.

    I'll be honest, I'd love to give more of an insight onto my opinions on Epic and the rest of the game and whatever else people are talking about right now, but i'm pretty burnt after doing that for something like a year. I like where communication is going right now, though- particularly with Keenan's posts and clear outlining of some issues (skill transfer stuff and opinions on epic sticking around) and am rooting to see more of that. Good luck gamers.

  2. On 9/17/2021 at 2:12 AM, elentari said:

    If you look back, you can see a lot of threads over the years of people (including myself) suggesting a cosmetic shop would open in Wurm..

    With the idea that the extra influx of cash would help Wurm development. Pretty clear this hasn't been the case. I imagine every cent now goes to GCG who love this current business model of having volunteers develop their game while they only pay a few staff and server costs. 

    We also thought the steam release would bring in quite a lot of cash for wurm development. 

    We also thought the WU release would bring in resources for WO development. 


    With that train of thought....even if VR is somehow an astounding success and brings in high paying customers...will that money actually go to developing content and fixing bugs? 


    Comes a point where you can't break a pattern without acknowledging there's a  problem somewhere. Personally I regret I don't have a few million euros around to just buy this game, keep it afloat long enough to develop Wurm 2.0 and migrate people and their skills to new improved lands. 


    This is something i harp on all the time

    This game gets away by, literally, leeching off it's community for work.

    The players make up the moderation staff on almost all fronts, the community manager is a role (and apparently, just a volunteer role) picked from the players. CA's are players. CM's are players. GM's are players. Forum moderators are players. Half the development are just players who were excited about the game and wanted to contribute through volunteer work.

    Why would they ever try to pay for anything when they can just get away with only paying for the meager server costs this game requires to run while having the bare minimum of people actually be paid to work on the game? Why do you think they refuse to answer any proper questions about long term employees?

    It's just profitable. And of course none of that is going back into the game- they profited a TON off the steam release and you really think any of that has been invested back in, besides soem changes to infrastructure? It;s clear they don't have hope for the future of this game, and are just milking the game for as long as they possibly can.

  3. kind of amazing how they pop in "sorry for no updates, hope you guys are ready for what you've been waiting for.......... VR support!" and then just disappear all over again

    like, is this a prank? am i getting pranked? who in god's name thought adding VR support would be a good idea, who thought anyone would want to do this? why is there any effort being put into that on an official capacity? why would anyone think playing wurm on vr is a good idea?

    i can't even comprehend it. it's not like there's voip to speak in local either, you're just mute and staring at progress bars in vr? the menu wouldn't be hard to do but it's still just like. why?

    this is surreal. this had to be some sort of weird wacky dimension where the devs are just pranking us or using the game as a project to learn how to program random stuff instead of actually working on the game.


    what a bloody joke of a game

  4. The post by enki was kind of amusing, but also not at all what needed to be posted. Vague and threatening posts like that won't solve anything- you aren't clarifying what people are doing that you consider harrassment, you aren't clarifying what the behavior is that you don't approve of- you're just trying to intimidate whatever group you intend to ban and already know the 'names' of while simultaneously threatening every other player.

    I'm a pretty big proponent of criticizing the devs and GM's for sure- but that's the extent of it. I don't go out of my way to look up personal details of the staff's lives to poke fun at them (which I know has been done). I don't even name devs unless  I think they're doing a good job- mostly because I barely even know who all the devs that still work on the game actually are- that's how poor the communication is!

    Keenan's post as marginally better but it still comes off as an excuse to me and as a "Just wait, updates are coming!" which has been done repeatedly over the years, time and time again. Update us, each month, on exactly what's been done. Talk to us about the future of the game. Tell us what your vision is. Otherwise, none of this helps anything, even though I appreciate Keenan's effort to try and say something.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Madnath said:


    I can understand why you'd see this as an issue and would agree absolutely.



    I semi understand but I don't feel this is an issue that should be pinned onto "vets" alone or very heavily given the nature of it. Taking feedback from people who quit or left, and working with that, is something that is on the staff. (Just to clarify, I know you're not pinning this soley on vets there, but it's just how I feel)

    Yeah absolutely, i'm more just saying it is a problem, not that its their fault ofc (although some people definitely do think their opinions are better because they've been around longer than new players)

  6. 18 hours ago, Madnath said:

     He doesn't understand anything outside of one of the most toxic mindsets the game can experience. The issue never lies with devs, the gamplay or its features, or how anything is managed. It's the vet players.

    But yeah, he's trying to tell me my opinion for me, which is funny because he's got it the most backwards he can get. Especially given I've left my piece on server merges publically already. And given a lot of my complaints are the lack of handling of issues the "grinding vets" experience, it's really easy to pick apart what is said and nae nae him into the sun like I did when he tried to imply we're all "poop sockin min max" whatevers. A statement so silly, it's still said in GL for a cheap laugh.

    Lets also ignore I'm a single deed player, and haven't ever founded a deed myself...


    Onto your actual post though, I am curious why you think some vet players are the games downfall, especially only some part/s

    i'd be better able to speak about it in dm's because i don't want to point anyone out, but there's a certain subgroup of people in this game who are prominent players who A. are actively against changes being made that greatly impact the game and B. believe their opinions are superior than others due to their long term experience with the game

    yes, there are boomer players who will feed the game like whales and will be satisfied with anything, and while those players are issues they are hardly the singular cause (they're just the last thing that needs to go before this game dies, since it seems wurm will sooner peter out than it will improve). but i think the more egregious side of the vet community are those who not only think massive change is bad, but who actively think the current state of mechanics are the best state of mechanics and only want minor tweaks, who bastion long-standing bugs as being mechanics. nothing screams this harder than people who think abusing the combat swing timer by rapidly leaving/entering combat should be seen as a skillful feature of the combat system that should stay, rather than an unfortunate side effect of a bad system

    another problem is because these vets are the only people who stick around on the long term, the devs are only going to really receive their input- instead of input from people that matter (people who quit the game, newbies, etc). these people aren't interested in the growth of the game, they're interested in keeping it mostly as-is while modifying it in minor ways to suit what they perceive as fun (or more commonly, what they find advantageous). the best time to take in input is when the masses are here and able to respond, and unfortunately staff sat around twiddling thumbs instead of enacting real change, so i fear there won't be another chance for that for a while.


    17 hours ago, Jeston said:


    Going to bring up that old spat about how you wanted fatigue to be removed since you supposedly sit down for 8+ hrs grinding nonstop daily "with perfect actions" and that is just not enough. If that not poop socking I don't know what is.


    Also its vets and devs both, I attack devs fairly on things and dont rest everything on them.

    fatigue is a bad subsystem that exists for no real reason; they even disabled it for the start of the steam server launch because they knew people would be hitting it constantly, and then silently re-enabled it after a bad interaction with the vynora spell was found instead of fixing the spell. also the fatigue action system and how it calcuates how much time to eat is a buggy mess, particularly notable when grinding mining or other long actions.

  7. dont think madnath thinks wurm is healthy at all nor has he said that much, he's just jabbing at the "xd vets fuel the game's downfall" mindset (which i lowkey agree but only parts of the veteran community)

    way bigger problems than just the vet community though, i think you're overstating their value.

  8. On 7/25/2021 at 5:47 PM, elentari said:

    Tbh if the money from the steam release wasn't enough to hire new full time devs, then yeah, wurm really has no future. It will survive, with around 100-200 die hard players, spaced across 15 servers. Wurm will survive, but it will not ever grow to a more "lively population".  

    Yeah, this is where I'm at. I don't really have a direct grasp on the raw numbers, but even just assuming those 6k accounts had to pay 5$/mo for their monthlies (and that was all we had as far as population for the past year, and it all ended after that year- which it should be ending around black friday as someone else pointed out), we're still talking about something like 15k$/month for 12 months- which i'm pretty sure is less than half the actual amount of cash raked in.

    Where did any of that go at all? I genuinely feel like this game is just clawing out what funds can possibly be taken (i remember something about the parent company having been paying off a 2 million $ loan for the past year or so- maybe that?) and not at all trying to stick around for the long term. Which kind of sucks, given how unique this game was and how wonderfully it could have grown over its duration. In fact, that promise of what could have been with Wurm is the only thing that kept me coming back to it so many times over the years.

    Oh well. About time to give up on that hope entirely, I think.

  9. I was thinking of making this thread yesterday, but didn't particularly feel compelled as I wasn't sure how much effort I wanted to put into a post like this; but I came up with some ideas and talking points.

    A year ago, Wurm Online launched on steam, alongside a new cluster of servers; There was a lot of alluded changes coming to both PvP and PvE servers, how they functioned, revamped focus on them (changing how missions worked, base pvp rules, etc.)
    Launch was.... pretty awful! I don't blame them too much for this on a technical aspect, since it's probably the most amount of players wurm has ever had at any given time of its lifespan, and though it took days/weeks for the issues to actually be fixed properly, they eventually were.

    A couple months after the launch, some old subsystems were re-enabled: Missions and Valrei, as well as the unique items and rifts.
    From there, there have been minimal changes.
    Changes regarding channel grinding, favor gain and linking that lead to a change in the sacrifice system.
    Changes to the pvp server over time until its population more or less died off, mostly handled by 1 dev.
    A combat "rework" that still baffles me to this day
    The animal handling rework, the first thing i'd call an actual 'update' to the game, of which has been mostly negative (though if the kinks get ironed out might be okay maybe?)

    And in the future, we're still potentially going to see the exploration rework; There were a lot more pvp updates planned but I greatly doubt those will see the light of day given that the pvp server is more or less dead- unless focus goes back to Chaos for some reason)

    That's been the last year, more or less. Very few updates, most of which were awful initially, feedback seemingly rarely actually accounted for. We still barely have an idea of who, behind the scenes, is actually working on the game actively, is responsible for these changes- and to the degree they work in (Since I last bothered to check, most of the devs are part-time and there is still no full-time developer for the game). Yet on an investing level, the playerbase has doubled and is still steadily draining the banks of something around 6,000 accounts which are definitely more than enough to upkeep the servers and pay the (nonexistant) staff. It's a good reminder to most people that most members of the staff in this game (your game masters, community assistants, etc) are almost all volunteer staff- being literally paid in premium time and sleep powder to participate, minus maybe 1 or 2 (at least, i'm assuming the head gm's might get paid something? and maybe the community manager?). The game costs very little to run, and will probably remain so forever; the people in charge could literally (have? we're basically at that point) not update the game at all for months and run away with a decent profit; and it seems that's the decision they've made regarding the outlook of the game.

    Given, this game is the abandoned project of Rolf and most of the codebase is in a pitiful state that requires expert-level spaghetti wrangling, it's not an easy task- but it's not an impossible one, either, given that people (in our community, even) have created sizeable changes to the game in form of WU mods.

    So. What does that leave for the future? I'm curious on other people's opinions on the game in its current state (mostly veterans, honestly), and where they think the game will go.

    I have a hard time seeing wurm actually die out- other than the pvp scene. The game is tailor made to have a huge reliance on the community coming together and doing the bulk of the work required to maintain the game- and there are lots of people in this community who are satisfied with the game in its current state, and will likely be satisfied with the game staying the same for the years to come- these are the people who currently form a huge chunk of the game's core audience, and will probably perpetually feed its maintenance. But I can't see real, reasonable growth; Not in the state that updates come in, not in the state that the game encourages new players to stay and enjoy their time. Dare I say even that the dev's attempts at updating the game in what minor ways they have are consistently backfiring and alienating their current playerbase- all because they lack the proper leadership when it comes to providing good, quality changes to the game. There is little feedback, there is little vision for the future, nor an overall design vision for how the game's different subsystems should come together into one whole; The game is more or less a massive patchwork project of completely different subsystems usually headed by one inspired developer who manages their own subsystem, rather than coming together as a unified game (see: archeology, valrei, rifts, cooking, fishing, animal handling now- and i suspect, exploration in the future).

    In summary; I don't have hope for the future in this game ever being good, and I'll probably actively try and get people not to invest time into this game knowing what comes at the end of playing it for a month, or a year. But I'm not the whole community; I'm curious how others see this, and what hopes they have for what's to come- and more importantly, what actually keeps people playing at all (and don't say other players, or the deed you've had for 5 years- both of those are just entrapments)

    I am also greatly amused that I apparently put more thought into doing something for a year of the steam server's being launched than the staff of this game did.

  10. dunno how raids work in chaos and if people ever raid when theres active defenders, but the raid system on defiance is not what "killed" it nor even a large contributing factor (the lack of updates, shitty combat system and bad faith system are)

    seems to me that most people doing these raids don't really like raiding when the bulk of defenders are on (which is understandable, mind you) or when there's an active defensive force at all, and will raid preferably when a village is dead/dying or when offpeak hours are around- as has been seen by a majority of defiance raids

    raiding, both on the offensive and defensive parts, doesn't seem to be in an amazing spot right now at all- and if the two choices are "raid windows exist so people can only raid when defenders can defend" or "raid windows dont exist and many villages get stomped out because nobody is online to defend them"- it seems to me that the former is the overall better choice

    raid windows seem like a better alternative to open ended raiding, even if they arent an amazing solution either. realistically the best solution is to do something overall about the game's raiding system being trash and the  heavy advantage of defenders, but haha imagine ever getting good updates

  11. On 6/30/2021 at 3:17 PM, Oblivionnreaver said:

     ok we're on the track to find out if anyone did actually play during these supposed 0 player months

    idk man what's the good in some independent amatuer poll on a clearly biased website compared to the assuredly highly rated information gathering methods of uhh adjusts glasses mmo-population.com? why should i trust some amateur independent source of data when i have perfectly good data on this website that clearly shows there were in fact 0 players who played WU during april? 😕

    after all we can see it's a very common trend for other highly popular mmo's, like my personal favorite: scarlet blade. you see how the game lost all of it's playerbase in november of 2020? https://mmo-population.com/r/scarletblade/

    obviously, we can trace this phenomenon to the fact that november is no nut november, of which of course anyone with a reasonable measure of self control (read: all mmo players) will simultaneously cease playing the game during that month. clearly the same phenomenon happened with WU, given that april is the--

    wait a minute google april is the what awareness month?

  12. 22 hours ago, Sindusk said:


    The math and logic here is faulty. Assuming the situation of 11 CR vs 11 CR, with 90 nimbleness you're going from 75% hit chance to 80.64% hit chance. This isn't a 5% damage increase. It's 80.64 / 75.0 = 7.5% damage increase. Not to mention that multipliers in combat such as flanking bonus and similar will increase the differential even more.


    Rift creatures have more CR than players by a decent bit. Lets say you're fighting 11 CR vs 25 CR. With 90 nimbleness, you go from 51.7% hit chance to 58.9% hit chance. 58.9 / 51.7 = 1.139, or a 13.9% damage increase. This, being Nimbleness 90 (for sake of easy rounding to nearest whole CR), outperforms WoA 100 on a weapon. Combine that with additional modifiers via flanking bonus to close the gap between you and the target even more, and you'll notice that Nimbleness results in a significantly better damage output over WoA.


    In short, WoA is good if the target is weak. Nimbleness is better if the target is strong. Any weapon that is meant to do rifts, uniques, or difficult creatures of any kind (trolls even) should be using Nimbleness over Wind of Ages.

    ! i completely forgot that hit chance is curved after the initial calculation, yeah. ok this is correct.

  13. 4 hours ago, Finnn said:

    3sec swing time in aggressive.. how does woa help if you can't get any faster than the 3sec.. and you already have 80-90/+ weapon mastery..

    I'm probably blind, but I can't see woa being 0.5 boost at all times; if the attack delay is 3seconds.. how do you benefit from *no benefit* to that timer..


    This is 1 of the issues that the game have.. 0 ingame explanation what happens and why.. to a new player this is one big utter ######, only explainable if you go read the spaghetti wu code and maybe making sense of it..

    NEW UI


    0 improvement to fighting feedback events


    Players have 0 ingame feedback what is strong and what is weak, all rounds around the CR and standing - well no detail is shown ingame(green/yellow distance icon with no explanation.. "ok.. very useful"), we have bugged icons with colors and memes like tower guard with skull.. 1 swing with 2handed axe.. and that skull's gone, deadly indeed; bunch of meek creatures with yellow icon like they are threat.. etc

    staff doesn't have a 3s swing timer on agg, it's a 3.6 (a little higher due to speed penalty from not having 100 skill)

    even staff with woa isn't 3s, it's around 3.1s.



    3 hours ago, Sindusk said:


    Short answer: Nimbleness


    Long answer: Wind of Ages is only better at a certain level of skill and gear, and also requires you to be fighting optimally (flanking bonus and more). If you'd like to figure out the specifics and do the math yourself, the resources you're looking for are Wurm Data (Weapons sheet) and Wurm Combat Explained. Between the two, you can run the numbers yourself using your own stats and situation.


    If you're not looking to get into the details and optimize for the 1% increases, then just go Nimbleness. It will almost always outperform Wind of Ages against Rift creatures.

    tbh even assuming bare minimum (70fs, absolutely no modifiers and just flat cr), 11cr vs 11cr only has a 5% hit chance increase with 90 nim, 11cr vs 100 cr has about a 2% increase. so the best case scenario is fighting something roughly equal to you or weaker than you for cr bonuses to mean a lot (flat ones), and the stronger you get/the stronger enemies get, the less impactful it is.

    I didn't factor in modifiers because even those just make the situation worse for nim (as higher cr = each individual point matters less, less % hit-chance gain from nim in the end). interested in your explanation for why nim is better to know what i did wrong though

  14. On 6/24/2021 at 7:38 PM, Toby said:

    Silver staff - Nimb or woa?


    Which is better for rifts? 


    Most use Huge Axe, but isn't staff just as good for rifts? 


    woa>nim for long term whacking without regard to your safety vs most mobs, UNLESS your weapon is a glimmer 4.0 aspeed or 3.0 aspeed weapon.
    With staves, woa. Unless it';s glimmer, but glimmer is a waste on staves.





     see this post for raw DPS

    when determining NIM vs WOA (or BOTD) you also need to consider your own CR and the enemy CR.

    You can find your own CR by calculating 4 + (your FS/10) + misc bonuses, found in this thread: 

    A 90 NIM cast is +3 cr, which while can be equated to 30 fight skill, it's more important to see how that percentage actually affects you. If you have, say, 11 CR (70fs) and no other bonuses (extremely unlikely) and are fighting an equal CR creature, your chance to hit is 11/22 or roughly 50%. If you add 3 cr, your chance to hit is 14/25, or roughly 56% aka +6% hit chance. In PvE, most mobs are below 10 cr, minus some particularly nasty/rare mobs (kingdom animals, turtles, sea creatures and the "hard" pve animals like trslls, anacondas)- due to how the formula works, the higher your CR and your enemies CR, the less each individual point really means. If you have 30 cr and your enemy has 30, you'll have a 30/60 chance aka 50%, and with nim a 33/63 chance, or 52%. Way less valuable.

    What's this mean DPS-wise? Well, let's do the math.

    If you attack 100 times, and have a 50% chance to miss each time, and each hit deals 10 damage, you hit 50 times at the end of the attack, dealing 500 damage.
    If you get a +10% boost to your tohit, you'll hit 60 times, hitting 10 more times, for 600 damage.

    So, how's that compare to attack speed bonuses?
    If you have +10% attack speed, you will attack an extra time in the timespan that you attack 10 times. So, in the time the above dude attacks 100 times, you'll have attacked 110 times.
    50% of those still miss, so you'll have hit 55 times, for a total of 550 damage.

    This math translates to most situations, meaning that a 1% boost to your hitchance is worth about +2% damage.

    So, what's the hit-chance with rift mobs?

    Well. Not a clue! There's no public data for the CR of each rift mob. You can probably try to estimate them based on how often you hit certain mobs vs other mobs, but it's very likely they mostly have very high cr, which means that nimbleness is only adding a couple % hit chance for you, especialyl if you're already a strong character/priested/abusing CR modifiers listed in the earlier post.

    The 5% example from earlier is the top end situation for nimbleness when talking about pure dps- roughly translating to a 10% boost in overall dps. WoA adds a flat -.5 modifier to your attack speed, which almost ALWAYS results in more than +10% attack speed (for baseline 5.0, it's 10%. Even when factoring 6 second swing weapons, you also need to factor in the fact you will probably be on aggressive mode, so even then woa will closely compete).

    So, yeah. Woa probably wins here.


  15. seems like a bunch of corporate gibberish meant to convince investors that the game is definitely viable to invest in

    that said if it's not a lie we can probably hope to see more updates ala the horse update soon? which is good. i mean, i'd rather have updates that break the game (admittedly the game's code is a tangled knot of garbage) and dramatically shift things up over no updates at all.

    people were complaining a lot about the horse update "nerfing" things but i honestly think that was fine to an extent, i don't breed but if traits worked as they were supposed to and negative traits didn't infect every offspring/off-category traits were easier to nab i don't think there'd be an issue with it.

  16. On 5/20/2021 at 2:06 AM, AceRifle said:

    Why not just curious? PMK’s usually stir things up on a stale server.

    I think they were never implemented in a good way and don't actually 'stir' things up- I think most of that comes from people who rejoin the game in order TO form the pmk, rather than anything about the pmk themselves.

    IMO the 3 kingdom system itself doesn't work at all either. PMK's mess up the already complicated map pressure of pvp servers, and add next to nothing to pvp servers aside from (usually) killing the original kingdom the pmk was founded from, on top of having very messy mechanics to even be formed.

    I honestly think defiance is ###### at this point anyways. I'd rather see a map wipe with a smaller map, static deeds (that is, 'deeds' are predetermined areas around the map that need to be conquered by kingdoms rather than placed) and one less kingdom (alternatively, no starter kingdoms, and only PMK's) than see PMK's, something i view as a broken mechanic introduced into an already broken down server

  17. 11 hours ago, Lucifera said:

    This idea is aimed towards allowing space for other players to play PvP with their own kingdoms without being annihilated and pushed out very quickly. There are already enough servers that are tailored to the playstyle of the existing PvP community. 


    i'll getcha with a 3 part
    1. this won't create a pvp environment for people. it'll make a server nobody wants to pvp in because travelling takes half a day of commitment
    2. pmk's are a blight on pvp servers, i'd even push to say that player-made deeds are also bad, too (less the player construction part, and more the player placement part)
    3. the "existing" pvp community hates the current servers, the reason they're always dying and have so few people is because there's an extremely small community of people who are so addicted to this game they won't ever back away from the game, most of the pvp community peters out a few weeks after a new server.