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Everything posted by Miretta

  1. i think i would like to have atleast an option to turn it completely off 😟 then those who want it no matter when, can keep it on for themselves, but for me it's just frustrating and anxiety inducing cause it's a sudden loud noise that can't be controlled by itself
  2. and you completely missunderstood my post. I was responding to a chat moderator talking about people write tickets about not finding a rare after a drumroll.
  3. what are you talking about? only showing the drumroll after actually getting a rare item, would remove alot of the confusion, so players wouldn't start looking for a rare they didn't actually get. and therefore also less likely to write tickets. Of course the other issue you mention, is about how to know where the rare item is, which could be helped by adding it as a message ingame "you create a rare rock shard on the ground" or something similar. What tools are you talking about?
  4. +1 i'm surprised we don't have this yet
  5. Also, for the love of god, remove the "moment of Inspiration" from before an item is POSSIBLY turning rare and put it to be played AFTER something turned rare.... I hate it so much that the game teases me with "oh hey you could have gotten a rare here, but SIKE nope not really" I don't wanna know about the chance, I wanna get drumrolls and cheers for when it actually turns rare...-.-
  6. I hope you actually intend on building that
  7. "Same goes for me now. I no longer have 16hrs a day to devote to Wurm and I just can't keep it all running on an hour or less a day. I now play Diablo 4 for about 2-3 hours a week with my son. We are having a blast." isn't that why people move on from games? because it either doesn't fit in their schedule anymore/lifechanges or because they loose interest? -------------------- generally: I understand that people have attachments to games they have played previously and that they would want to continue somehow, but requesting that the game changes to adapt to themselves, when it was the player who changed, is unreasonable. There isn't any game out there that was ever meant to be played forever and while wurm could use some improvements, I don't think that suggesting that wurm should be faster paced (to adapt to more modern games) or to completely abandon wurm in it's current state to work on wurm 2.0 is any helpful for THIS wurm right now. You all know there are games like ultima online and runescape out there, where the original versions are even more played than the more "modern" versions of their games. It certainly is not because they updated graphics or made skilling easier. It's because they added conviniences more modern games have like the ability to change UI or set keybinds, updated menus, being able to choose how you control your character. Also features, new exciting content that players wanted to engage with, but in the style and ways fitting to the original game. It was tried to do similar things with wurm, but I feel they have not been polished. -mouselock, allowing player to look with mouse without having to hold down a button, it feels clunky atm -3rd person view, in itself fine, though somewhat static, but how easy time do people have finding out about this? -interface windows: apparently we can safe positions for each window for each object, why is it not saving it automatically? -also we have a "modern" renderer with somewhat better lighting, but despite having set all my settings to max, on top of my mountain i can't see the land in the far distance, only shadows and chopped off mountaintops, meanwhile I can see those when using legacy renderer. has the modern renderer been worked on for the past few years? those are just some examples from the top of my head also I would like people to try to think about something.... imagine wurm with all around polished graphics, similar to that of an AAA game but all the mechanics stayed the same, do you think this would lure players in? do you think they would stay due to them? Or Imagine polishing up the existing game mechanics, making them easier to understand or make the curve of complexity a bit more shallow but the graphics stay the same. Which one, do you think, would have the bigger impact? I think, before we can make proper suggestions we do need to make ourselves aware of what actually the problems are. There are also other questions: Why do WE play, for the ones who do? How much of it is enjoyment of the actual game? How much of it is familiarity? How much of it is spending time with friends? How much is cause by sink-cost-fallacy that we don't want to leave behind what we have worked on for so hard? How much is distraction from real life? (wurm is quite good at it, but it doesn't offer much in terms of quick dopamine boosts unless starting fresh) What are the expectations we have when we are play? a question related to why some get bored of wurm or feel like they don't have enough time for it anymore, because they expect to achieve a certain amount to feel "satisfied" is this on wurm for not providing?
  8. yes...only highways that use the catseye system and have connected deeds are protected and those are the only ones I'm referring to with my suggestion.
  9. thanks, you put it in better words than I did ^^ and even with crunched numbers :3
  10. I think someone mentioned somewhere that this wouldn't apply to PVP servers since most of them have no or very limited highway networks.
  11. hmmm I can see how usage of spyglass can be an advantage, because usually you would want players to stop. Simple solution for that would be, that spyglasses can't be used while moving, or while the routing system is on. btw. i edited my main post for some extra information on how I thought it would work.
  12. You mean, because we wouldn't need to press on buttons, the ability to freely look around without worries where we are going would make us able to "see" more, which might include advantageous information? I don't understand, because you would be able to see those when travelling on your own the same routes aswell... but if you mean that it's made "too easy" to travel, you would still need to spend the time doing so. You would still need to actively look around, you would still need to have a quick horse or good fighting skill to not get overwhelmed by a mob on your travels. Also alot of the things you mention, are likely not going to be found on or near highways anyway and it would still be a massive amount of luck required to stumble onto something that just happens to be there next to a highway on the route that you chose. And if someone goes afk, they literally can't see any of the information you are talking about. Maybe I'm missunderstanding something...and you are actually thinking of planning a route like choosing multiple locations to "patrol" through? The current highway system route system, it doesn't tell you which route it choses, it only shows you which arrow to follow at every waystone you pass, once you tell it which village you want to go to. When I was suggesting an auto-route system, I meant it like how the current highway "help" works.
  13. there is a reason why i gave 3 different options to my suggestions, on how it could be implemented. My favourite being the "like autorun" but you don't have to worry about running off cliffs or riding off the road. I would be able to grab a cup of coffee without having to stop driving towards my destination. It's also my favourite, because it would still maintain the current way of travelling, just using the highway system as an aid (which also doesn't go everywhere) while not being dependent on another player (which we have too few of atm anyway, let alone at all the places you might wanna go to) I'm curious too about the abuse possibilities of these. I know teleport is a bit much, but other than that, it's only automating getting from point A to B. It doesn't fight for you, it doesn't choose where you want to go, it doesn't allow to choose places beyond the reach of highways and driving in itself limits what you can do while driving. It doesn't change your speed either. But it would allow you to chat more freely while driving, would allow to grab a cup of coffee or tea without interrupting your travels. It would make travelling long distances alot more bearable when I don't have to babysit my cart for, what can be hours in some travel circumstances. And, might I point out, how frigging annoying it is, that even if you have a straight section of road, you can't autorun it either, because it seems impossible to align cart perfectly straight with the road?XD
  14. I agree whole heartedly, I think that having a starter island like golden valley used to be, would still be the best choice for wurm to introduce players steadily, with some adjustments. We know that golden valley became an issue because too many players sticked around longtime, but I think this could be helped, by as example limiting the amount of space people can own. Like give everyone a deed and that they can't build anything outside of it, with a big bold message on the top if they try, that these lands are for temporary use only. Those deeds could be much smaller than the usual minimum size of deed and would have smaller perimeters too. Just enough to build a hut and to have about 2 tiles gap between them all. And in regards to premium vs non premium...that depends how difficult it would be to implement restrictions that are not based on character stats. But maybe instead of giving infinite time to experiment on this trainee island, people would get kicked off/loose all permissions to continue doing stuff after reaching 20 in a skill or 3 days of playtime? (3 days is arbitrary, would need to be tested what works best) Though no idea how to resolve the issue with being overwhelmed with choices, where we can't know as a newbie which one suits us best (aka which map to go to after). then again, maybe don't time limit it, base it on premium but every time a certain player cap is reached a new newbie island is made ^^" (could be small cap, pretty much (wurm)city sized servers) with the cap being dependent either on player count or deed count within a starting zone. Now that I think about it, it actually sounds cool to imagine that there would be 20 max skill/non premium servers to live on XD
  15. yeah exactly, like also more animations. The same way how we can see what other people already made and can get inspired or curious about it, what if activating an almanac would make the character visually open a book? and why did your Jeeves example made me think of a wurm chatGPT companion XD, which could be an actual character looking npc in an updated version of the old green outfit ^^" or...we have those glowing lights from priests...it could be a light with a voice following you around, that way it would also be visible to anyone else around that this is a newbie...though should be toggeable (in final fantasy new characters have a sprout symbol infront of their names)
  16. so in summary: I do think we all agree that something DOES need changing. In my mind those are the 2 main things: 1. Marketing, how and where the game is advertised, how to spread word about wurm, how make people aware it even exists, cause somehow we seem to be spinning in circles that most of the wurm playerbase are those who never stopped and those who came back. so in a way, atleast the idea of changing the branding of wurm in itself, IS a good direction, because clearly, it hasn't worked very well for many years what we had. 2. The players found need to have a much easier time to get to know wurm in it's specifics. We all know how hard and frustrating it can be to be a newbie, especially so when you don't know the game mechanics yet and they are vastly different from other games. And I do think there are several ways and actions that can be taken to improve readability of everything to make it easier for people. Just think about how huge improvement it would be, if as example: instead of skills being invisible on your list, before you have found out about them, they would show up as "???" skills? their parent category would be visible, giving players a hint of what and where they could look to figure out what skill it could be (instead of straight up not knowing possible existence of a skill, it would now be a mystery, something to figure out). Or an option for newbies when they spawn in, there would be an object in the starting town allowing them to get teleported to an area without any deeds or...if teleport is too jarring, an ingame overlay that makes deed boundaries visible from afar (like glowing light walls with a fade towards the sky) or if wanting to go more fantasy, we could have a little companion "fairy" similar to the first buff one gets, but it acts as a sort of guide. Little things...big things...I think also one thing to remember is, that wurmians are very used to using wurmpedia as a source for many many things...but if someone new joins a game, every time they have to open a website to check something, it rips them out of the immersion into the game. It's bad game design. All Info of game related things need to be able to be found ingame in some form. I don't mean to just throw a box of text at a player pretty much imitating wurmpedia ingame (that's how last tutorial change turned out), but by having the world be self explanatory to some extend. Want to know that there is fishing ingame? show some fish jumping out of the water near the shore. How to communicate to the player without text that you need a mallet/hammer/trowel to plan a building? heck how do you explain that they have to make a plan before they can build? in most games you directly build walls, floors etc. We can't expect that people "just know that" or that they have to dig through wurmpedia to see it. Those are the kind of things we need solutions for and improvements. Ways that make the game better, ways that make the game more like a cohesive experience even for newbies and especially for newbies.
  17. About argument to merge servers to bring people together: 1. If people wanted to play with others in close proximity, they WILL seek others out, we have recruitment threads and people who will jump on the opportunity to invite others to their village. They can choose it, it's available, no one is forced to play by themselves if they don't want to 2. the same way: players who don't want to play in direct proximity to others WILL seek out remote places and they certainly would not like it if someone was to suddenly force everyone together. Those are 2 different playstyles and one should not be prioritized over the other, they are both valid and both present and possible in the way wurm currently is. Meanwhile there are many players who probably enjoy wurm for it's longevity and the long lasting impact you can have on the world. It's one of the strengths of wurm. Deleting everything to create one mega server so "people can be more together" is going to ruin this and this was already very badly received on previous occasions (the tutorial server that once existed *gold something* and other cases and as others stated, playernumbers didn't recover from that). Then I want to remind about lag/server capacity. Even if we were to bring everyone together, have you forgotten how laggy it is during events like impalongs or dragon fights? do you want to promote that this should be happening everywhere all the time? It would make the game unplayable. Not to mention the drama....From all my years playing wurm, the more people are together in a small area, the more conflict is likely to come out of it. GMs could probably attest to that. Also why is it, that people jump on the idea of merging servers, but not on the idea to do everything possible to increase players? Is server merging the more attractive/easier/shortterm "solution"? or is it a matter of not believing that wurm can ever have more players than what we currently have? Server merge is not a solution, it's an easy shortterm "quickfix". Also, if you wipe wurm, you also wipe part of the game. The history of wurm, what players left behind, at this point, can be called "game content".
  18. Travelling longer distances could be made easier by having a system similar to the wagoner but to "transport" players instead of goods. It would help those who are "directionally challenged" but also to help people come together easier. I could imagine this working 3 ways: 1. a sort of teleport with time passing/loading screen based on distance travelled, advantage would be, that it would be safe. disadvantage is that it might reduce player interactions during travels and make it "too" safe and it's not very immersive. 2. similar to the current route system, you could go and plan a route and then you could turn on auto-travelling, similar to auto walk but it would follow the path like a train on rails, you would still actually travel and would have to fight off creatures if too slow to outrun, but it would be more immersive and might also allow for interrupting the auto-travelling. (user input like pressing forward would stop auto run and allow for stopping for fighting, evading mobs etc.) 3. Through a new item or through the wagoner, there are set times when "caravans" come through which can take players with them. Kind of like a busstop or a train. edit: just for clarification, teleport of first suggestion and caravan/wagoner like suggestion would both be options that due to creating advantages for the player that they wouldn't have while travelling themselves, would have a cost attached to them. Either by someone having to pay upfront for creating those "busstops" (like how you have to pay for a wagoner contract and then build wagoner stations) or a fee similar to sending mail when getting teleport, appropriately based on the distance travelled. Nr. 2 of the suggestion would work the way, that you would go up to a waystone, "plan a route" meaning, you choose the village (which has to be attached to a highway AND have a highway network connected to it from your current position to work) and then it would move you along the catseyes(on whichever mode of transportation you are on right now), which you can then toggle like autorun while on the highway. When you want to change your destination, you would need to toggle it off and go up to a waystone to change it. edit 2: was thinking that one of the 3 suggestions could be used, not all, but that would be up to the devs to decide and players to comment on.
  19. I was last night having an idea, that the highway route system, could be used to create a sort of train system in wurm aka: like wagoners, but instead of transporting goods it would be transporting players (and could still include players physically just like on rails moving along)
  20. Just came back from a long break from wurm and noticed my "cared for" horses, especially Lightningkim are still alive, was wondering if anyone had seen them around and would be willing to bring me one, because I'm currently at the top of magranons scar without a horse ^^"
  21. I think you have already given yourself the answer: if it's a hermit's life, adventuring into untamed wilderness, low cost/compensation for cost through ingame means, is what you are looking for, you might be better off with Wurm Unlimited. While there are some few untamed spaces on current wurm maps, they are usually hard to get to or hard to do anything with and that's usually the reason why they are still untamed. Also with current player numbers, it would be irresponsible of devs to add another new map, so that's unlikely. Meanwhile if you crave some company or would be able to enjoy foraging through ruins, maybe explore new vocations like treasure hunting, instead of insisting on "tried and true" to enjoy the game, maybe you could find something new that could hook you to the game, that's less bound to untamed wilderness or is taking advantage of what players ruins has left behind ^^ it's always possible to try something out for a month or 2 and then go back to wurm unlimited if it didn't work out.
  22. reducing the servers is not solving any problems XD but you can be sure that it will mean loosing majority of playerbase
  23. rewatching parts of the first video, is kinda weird how right you were about looking back at old website XD