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Everything posted by wipeout

  1. We might have to start a holy crusade to get them to remove the restrictions that serve no purpose what so ever.
  2. Tibia was slated to be released on steam it was greenlit and set to release I guess CipSoft backed out at some point or another As for Eve thats a article from 27th of July so i guess they finally making a bigger stand but for years on end it has basically been the goto way with the biggest groups doing it and the staff knowing about it and never doing anything about it so I consider that still to be an allowed state when these people are still around today even after years of doing it and being top players. Yes i meant Metin 2 not Metis It was on steam until recently it seems they moved to their gameforge client so I guess they aren't anymore this was their store page before https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/550900/ As for Knight online they state that yes but rmt is so rampant in there including staff doing it too I guess NTT games says no but does yes so again just like with Eve "we say no so that if legal issues happen we can say they went against our rules and we are in the clear but we wont stop them as it brings us more money" So I guess only EU was never on steam when i was sure it was oh well
  3. It is shown as part of the TOS when wanting to add a game to steam I will try searching for it again for you and post it either here or another comment later on. But there was a developer for a game a bit bigger then wurm that is also an mmo that went to steam and people had fear of rmt being shut down and they kept rmt around as they decided against using the steam marketplace for anything and thus rmt was still allowed(wurm is in this exact same situation) I will try to find this game again but just like wurm(its about as old as well and small too) I will refrain from posting chinese and korean and japanese mmo's as a lot of these do support it but below is a list of some international games Entropia Universe Tibia(they officially support this by means of resellers and other means allowing for the purchase of basically anything ingame) Eve online Metis 2 Knight online Yes but no one ever asked for wurm to take a cut of all sales(even though there are games where this does happen) rmt and mechanics like that get a blanket "oh its evil because look at this potential niche case" statement where as infact it can help smaller games stay afloat by making it so that those with money to spare will buy ingame currency and those with time to spare can earn money from the game, add in ingame tax on ingame currency(like wurm's kingdom tax) and you have a forever need for more silver to be pumped in by means of players buying it. All it needs is a better controller scheme for that and some bug fixes and you are there Steam forbits selling items on its marketplace for real life money not items in games that are not tied to steam or steam services. And I am not stating that what I stated was basically this, an example of a certain ql item lets say a ql 90 pickaxe, this blank default pickaxe can be purchased from the steam marketplace and everyone can buy them and sell them on the marketplace and use them but can not trade them ingame as they are tied to your steam account and in turn player account and would be deleted upon pvp death. Before you say this is not possible it quite actually is, tf2 has items(as an example the strange collector's specialized kill streak widowmaker) that track the quantity of kills, date of being obtained, number assigned when obtained and so on for example there was a soldier medallion that i gained that did this and i sold it for a LOT of steam wallet money via steam trading, I also had a strange sniper rifle that i tracked over 50k kills on and sold My idea was not that a game like wurm transfers all existing items to the market place in this example its the other way around, wurm seeds the marketplace with stock items and players can earn these items just like in tf2 to increase the quantity of said items and you can go from there. That is in that example that i mentioned as to what items would fall under steam's "you can not sell" items any such item that is tied to your steam account and can be traded on the steam marketplace can not be sold for rl money. Any item outside of steam's platform(a pickaxe you make by using iron on an anvil) can(if the game allows it) be sold for rl money perfectly fine and is not against steam's tos. I wish I could pull up my steam support conversation i had with them about this topic during the time of before wurm was put up onto steam as they showed that as well but steam delete's closed tickets after 60 days and emails do not state messages in them just that you got a reply to a support ticket Anyway I will try to find this other small time mmo where rmt was allowed and the devs came out to say that it would still be allowed after coming to steam and will post it up if I can find it again(trying to find it in a pile of unrelated stuff is hard) but we all know my stance on rmt I see it as a healthy part of a game's economy if its kept visible and the game doesn't take a cut from transactions related to it so we can go back to the topic at hand and once i find the game in question and posts in question I will post them up or if its been to long pm them to those who want them. Either way on the topic itself I still believe wurm should aim for making the game better instead of adding in carnaval mechanics that will ruin the game.
  4. Has screenshot button visible on screen, presses print screen instead to show us his time of day ❤️ Also poor Yurik
  5. Na RMT was stopped because the then head dev never liked rmt in the first place Steam's ToS allows trading of items ingame for rl money(the developer tos specifically states this) and is used by multiple games that allow rmt, what steam does not allow is items that are brought and sold on steam's marketplace(that little overlooked thing that is mostly used by those who want to get free games or are less savory anyway) to be traded ingame and then payed for off platform. For example I buy a ql 90 pickaxe token of the steam marketplace and redeem it and then sell it for 3 usd and trade the item ingame this is against steam's ToS and thats the only thing as then you take a item from steam's marketplace and steam account inventory turn it into a ingame item and then sell it, this leads to steam loosing said item from the market place and the market place isn't coded to deal with that and they would stop being able to get revenue from it during trading. This has to be one of the most hilarious reasons against RMT sorry not sorry but it genuinely made me laugh when I read this even at its height wurm's silver trade wasn't big enough to support even 1 person doing any kind of money laundering or any of the others like none of those suggested make sense at wurm's scale or even if we quadruple or 20x wurm's player base like what is some criminal organization going to do? Run bots in wurm to make bulk then sell bulk to get silver and use that to fund their activities by selling the silver for usd? We had a few people and I do mean a few who were able to live of playing wurm all day every day and paid rent and groceries with it but they worked hard for years and didnt play like we do but that worked because there was an economy there to support them due to new kingdoms and players needing mats and items thats now a thing of the past really. In regards to the topic at hand yes let us go and create artificial scarcity and fear of missing out in wurm the 2 topics that gets even the biggest developers in hot water resulting in them often times backtracking on their bs, The idea of limited time only expensive purchases to gain access to content plays in on people's fears and causes them to hate themselves for falling for it after a while. I suggest you take a real proper look at the effects these idea's would have and take a proper look at how these events can be made without it costing a lot for something like that. As much as the people at gcg want to wurm is not and can not become a storefront first game second doing so will make the playerbase quit and idea's like this are the exact causes of collapse of trust. Also I do also love seeing these new accounts coming out with controversial changes constantly where is @Darnokwhen you need him/her? Atleast their suggestions although just as crazy and out of scope of wurm are enjoyable to entertain as there is some basis to them but the idea that wurm should get loaded with week long passes that cost 40 bucks and give you access to what amounts to wurm unlimited style area's will not only 1 piss of the player base and 2 give but a short term boost to income from the few who buy it and 3 these few wil subsequently destroy the economy even more and piss off even more people. Because oh no they can get ql 100 mats, rift mats in bulk, scale and hide galore and get game created rare, supreme, fantastic items and all the old skins for way cheaper then they will go for on the open market afterwards for 1-2 days before price drops. Idea's such as these only serve to test the waters to see what the players are willing to accept or not and honestly the players do not need this instead of trying to come up with ways to add expensive things to purchase what wurm needs is fixes to existing mechanics and then new content and with new content and improvements will come new changes. Imagine a controller overhaul where the right click drop down list is changed to a simple to use action wheel that displays all actions you can do based on items in your toolbar and right click and hold to move mouse onto 1 of those actions to start it and then right click afterwards(without hold) to repeat, now you have a controller scheme for the game that allows for game controllers. Next step if wurm detects a touch screen or touch mode is set to active have a center dot that you can use to aim at a chest to click the button in the center of the control wheel to interact with said world object(imagine bottom left of the screen having a control wheel instead of wasd with one click being click object to interact) then expand this to using controller joystick inputs for movement as well and suddenly you have the basis for mobile wurm. Imagine being able to play wurm on a tablet or phone properly(right now it can be done via steam link either with a steam wurm account or without) with a better controller scheme now after that a port to android and ios and then xbox and ps5, sure there would be a cost to development time but they are untapped markets and plenty of people who would play a game like wurm that are out there that would like to do it with a controller. That option would 1 make it easier for existing players and new alike, 2 expand wurm's reach, 3 due to increase of players from both optimizations and new content and new controller scheme you get more paying customers. So instead of trying to think of ways and failing to come up with reasonable idea's of how to milk the existing dwindling playerbase come think of ways to increase the playerbase and at the same time make it better for existing players.
  6. Clearly not how it works and given how many corpses of new players can be found on most older servers its safe to say thats not the case. What could be better then a game enforced "safe zone" is a series of towers properly positioned(give freedomers the ability to bash towers through some process that 1 makes sense 2 isnt simple yet 3 isnt tedious) combined with houses heck throw down some player deeds. Animal ai currently tries to avoid overly populated areas(hence why some "hunting" servers are horrible for hunting now) so use that already existing mechanic to create a buffer zone made by players for players and place warning signs on roads along the lines of "leaving safe zone" and thrown down some village signs with notes stating what the safe zone is or give it a popup box as part of the tutorial that players create and maintain a safe zone around spawn times and that new players who are willing are encouraged to build in there and or help expand it. That way you dont go down the rabbit hole of adding in mechanic after mechanic to try and make it easier for new players and dying but instead create a community effort to solve such an issue. After all wurm is about players creating and shaping this world of ours, wurm prides itself on being 99.99% nature when a new map is made with just barebone starter deeds so play in on that theme organize events to get the community to work together to create these safe zones make them projects just like impalongs where the community works together to make and maintain them(a ql 90 house or wall will last forever off deed anyway) plus it shows new players that wurm's community tries to take care of newer players where possible.
  7. So the account is 2 years old with nothing but that post on it Gotta dm to get the email to send whatever work you have on there The requirements stated are funny when in the context of when It just seems like such a weird way to go around doing this and to me just screams like someone being lazy and trying to outsource their outsourced work
  8. Well if they dont then that is all the better so they dont have to pay back a loan yet they still have a money issue where wurm is loosing money due to lower quantity of purchases and somehow really high running costs given previous years, either way krister has stated that if we do not get more purchases of silver/premium time wurms future is at risk. So him doing what he has done with the quickly slapped together and released site then going silent then the bullying of staff and weird situations surrounding some of the staff their reasons for being terminated or leaving has made things all the more difficult to make him reach his goal of increasing purchases. So even if we take out the loan part the rest remains true sadly enough Either way I still hope we will get more articles and it leads to enough pressure where bigger changes will be done and more outside help is brought in from more professional parts(He did state he was open to recruitment of developers so I really do hope they will do that)
  9. It was honestly the last drop in the bucket for many or in this case a giant boulder shattering the bucket for some that's why the average mood turned from mostly positive to mostly negative plenty of people had enough with how the staff handled the game from day to day stuff to lack of content but they put up with it because they loved the game but now they see someone actively trying to ruin the game they love so they dont turn a blind eye and speak up. Massively op has ran articles on wurm over most things heck they had a joke article up for a while about "wurm's latest and greatest content update: Donkeys" I do believe there is someone there who once played or still does play wurm honestly. But I do believe that articles like this need to be made why shouldn't they? Krister believes that he can bully the staff and just "move on we talked about its its done now" as an attempt to try and just hide it all but its that exact attitude that made this mess in the first place so if news organizations want to talk about it they should just like they should about other games their bad stuff going on(which they do) Wurm players don't need to take a "break" from wurm and ignore the game and everything related to the game as that is exactly what bullies want they want the masses to ignore their actions just like in schools, "oh just ignore him calling you names" but oh no dare the bullied kid stand up once then they get in trouble. Krister ###### up and hopefully enough press is made to a point where those who hold power over him decide that he ###### up so bad that someone else has to have a try at making wurm more profitable. As in the end that is all it comes down to Krister did all that he did because wurm doesn't have enough content being released and thus not enough purchases are being made and thus they cant keep taking money away from wurm like they were doing before and they have a big loan repayment coming in January that they can't afford to pay back unless wurm can turn it around and reach 2021 numbers of sales and beyond so in an attempt to do that Krister took a sledge hammer to wurm in hopes of creating hype for "big changes" to attract more players in hopes for more silver purchases but that back fired, so they need a better plan. So ya I'm all for wurm getting more players and thus keeping gcg afloat but not by destroying the wurm staff team, instead they should take on an actual project lead someone who has proven experience working in that field and hire multiple proper developers with game coding experience and java knowledge and start working on projects that will help wurm out and present idea's that they come up with to the staff and after that also to the players to vote on similar to OSRS does. That way things will progress better then the snails pace they have been at and that way they might get a few big content updates out before q3 ends and thus get more players and hopefully get more money again before q4 is over and we won't risk loosing wurm to a closure with gcg going under. None of their other products are making a profit so they banking it all on wurm but krister's way is not the way.
  10. I guess you don't really play other mmo's or browser based games? Players coming from other mmo's will have come to understand that the "new" behind a server name is typically used for a server started within that month time before its taken off this is kinda the norm in most other games that often spin up new servers. What a lot of these do is typically this If active max character count is 15k as an example New = server started within the last 31 days, <5k Med= 31 days to 6 months, 5k-9k High = 6 months to 12 months, 10k-13k Full = either at max capacity or 12 months+ for games that have world progression where the world actively changes depending on quests done This started to become a common thing around 6 years ago in korean mmo's and has since spread to other mmo's in the west in the last few years and is something that players picked up on and now use as guidance to select what server to start on when just starting out playing. This is also something that is being taught right now to inspiring game dev's who are trying to learn about mmo's and other online services as a means of best practice to just know. So ya a lot of players will hover over names or look at the names of servers and see the "new" tag on a server and click on that if they are trying out a game without friends as they assume the developers are actively funneling players to those particular servers in order to spread out the player count more evenly. If you want an example of a once popular game that did this, new world is one that used this practice but i have seen this happen in games going back to age of conan and before even as well although rarely then. Given its been a thing for a long time and only becoming more popular as a practice and even being taught as a best practice now among aspiring game dev's id wager that a lot of people joined cadence just because people are herded to that server during tutorial and when arriving on another server's starter town.
  11. See the current idea is to use the rift hearts of slain enemies to overwhelm the rift altar so that it collapses the rift and disappears this fits theme wise Throwing siege equipment at the job just doesn't make sense unless you change what's at the center of a rift Hence my idea of instead off offensive get defensive items more so, barricades would require ribbons and logs so that's multiple skills already for the mats, siege shields use war machines to create and we could make them effective for stopping mobs from passing yet allowing archers to shoot through them. Wurm has never been one to have simple systems that can be explained in 2 sentences even digging and mining take more then that and they are as straight forward as they can be, it is a nice concept but there is a reason why complex games are loved by many still with systems that are complex and have a learning curve to them but are enjoyable as they provide a lot of content. I am all for more skills to be used in the construction phase of a rift but making a colossus take blacksmithing just for the sake of it is a wasted opportunity when one could make so many more different things require different skills that actually have an effect instead of it being "oh i cant make the lib one as 1. im not a lib follower and 2. i dont have weapon smithing high enough to be useful for this" or something stupid like that
  12. So we are talking 4000 clay 4000 bricks per rift so 3 wagons worth of mats or 2 and chip 400 bricks on location just to enable some spells that mostly help new players out but new players wont be able to typically get the mats for these spells so easily and anyone with ql 70 gear and a ql 80 axe with lt and a ql 80 shield and 50 fs and 25-30 bs can participate in a rift easily without ever dying. The idea of construction ahead of time for rift point participation(assuming the having to stay on the server the rift is on or else you miss out on points and other bugs like it are fixed) is nice but I will hope for more things to build like barricades/siege shields(that cant move)/ palisade walls and the likes that allow players to invest more to try and create some kind of fortification inside the rift area next to the colossi in the corners and upon finish it all despawns still. But that way rifts blast away all trees damage(and in some cases) destroy some of the defenses if the ql is too low and leads to some more interesting combat vs the current it gets blasted into a bush infested wasteland. I am all for the idea though and I hope that in time it will be expanded to include more construction idea's as that would make me show up to rifts again as id love to spend a while building defenses in certain places to create defendable area's to fall back to(gates that the ogres will try to destroy if you lure a ogre towards one) to heal/regain stamina and it means that people dont just run out of the rift area to heal but instead can heal in area's we make ourselves inside the rift area. Itl bring a nice evolution to the once "oh rifts destroy everything" and now to the idea of "Even though the rifts destroy the area we learned how to partially counter the rifts explosive wave and started to fortify these area's to make it easier to deal with the jackal scourge"
  13. I will gladly chip in month after month for this My voice is on yes, based on how gcg has been handling all their products these last few years and now how they have started to handle wurm it will not end well with any of their products given the miss management they do. They claim they want growth in their products but make their platforms fall apart so how can they expect anything good to happen?
  14. Here is why I have an issue with this Emoo uploads content to youtube as a means keeping shorts of his streams and uploading other video's he is a content creator and youtube has a 3 strikes in 90 days and your channel is gone for good and your email account can not make any more channels, so who ever send those clearly bogus attempts to get those video's removed will 1 if both claims pass already cause his video's to stop being recommended 2. reduced ad revenue(if he has any) as less ad's will play 3. can loose access to community related functions(including short video's) This isnt about his video's being saved elsewhere so its fine this is about him potentially loosing his channel due to gcg abusing youtube's notoriously shitty content moderation system (like so many other companies who are trying to hide stuff do) to try and silence someone talking about it. Emoo is by all means a full time content creator so loosing a part of his business because he decided that the community of wurm should know what really goes on after finding out that these files had been shared with the public already should not make him be punished for it but given how krister was acting in the shared messages its clear that that style of bullying is what we can expect from gcg going forward until his departure. If emoo had gained access to a staff account and then shared internal chat messages by scrolling through slack then ya thats one thing but this is not the case so them going after someone who just shared around publicly accessible content is wrong on so many levels But i do agree they really should become more transparant about the actions they take and state what or why for moderation purposes
  15. The Streisand effect is a prime example of this yes, right now its just emoo talking about it and risking his channel potentially but if this grows big enough you can see people like KiraTV picking it up and when that happens a lot more eyeballs will fall onto the game and at that point a ball will start rolling that gcg will never be able to stop anymore. Like I want wurm to survive and grow but the way Krister is bullying staff and content creators it will just lead to a bigger loss of revenue to a point where they cant recover from it. The other thing is Krister talks about wanting to hire more paid staff and increase staff wages at a time where the game is loosing money and why? Because he dam well knows who is the one that is draining money and making wurm look like its in the negative when infact wurm would be making enough to sustain itself, it just cant sustain a bad company as well next to it
  16. See this is assuming server cost is actually that high when in the past it has been stated(even recently) that those costs are not that high at all(after all why would they honestly we arent running tens of thousands of people on a server and the load these servers make is barely any in comparison to other games) My guess is that someone over in gcg has been taking money away from wurm's income over the last few years resulting in gcg pushing krister to increase profits at all costs instead of them being fair on the fact that they gotta cut their other completely irrelevant products. We have 1. A humble bundle knock off called friday plays that does not seem to get any traffic or revenue and the few things i can find online are talking about slow to no keys being delivered lately 2. Gamethrill a "market place for games and lootboxes" with a total of 2797 games none of which seem really that interesting and this includes things like coin purchases for games and the likes which all seem to be sold at a close to 0 profit sometimes even at a loss and seem to rely on other places their sales to get more keys for their place, with their "idea" being that people buy the game boxes ala humble but inferior and worse, the idea is you spend 30 euro a month on shitty games that they claim are worth 100 a month and a lot of other shady weird stuff going on. 3. Gameitnow a html 5 game collection website that is just late to the party and seems to just be a collection of games stolen from other places because 99% of them are just rehashes of the same concept time and time and time again and seems to reply on ads and tracking to get money. 4. esporttrait a scandinavia focused tool meant to help companies reach more customers with their gaming events and take care of the ticket selling and marketing for events 5. ticsail a rebrand of esportrait except for all kinds of events instead of just gaming stuff None of these have any real web presence and from what i can gather most mentions seem to be negative yet they all have operating costs and developers behind them if not more staff yet none are growing big none are able to keep gcg afloat on their own except wurm, wurm is the only product they own that keeps them afloat right now so they are wanting to milk as much money from the wurm players in hopes we will just open up our wallets and hand them our money so that they can keep doing their bad business decisions. Like for starters who in their right mind tries to take on ticketmaster and the other big companies when it comes to tickets and marketing? How can a small company with no media presence ever hope to fill say a 10k stadium full of people and have the whole process go smoothly? How can gameitnow ever run a profit when it barely has anyone play the games as kids dont play these games anymore they are all mobile apps now sites like these barely function and are often times a money drain. friday plays and gamethrill are competing against each other and against bigger companies at a time where people are growing tired of the shovelware games thrown into these deals every month to the point even humble is struggling with their monthly games. Nothing that gcg has is worth anything so these big investors that they once had want their money back if they havent already as gcg is a sinking ship with every product they manage(except wurm) sinking faster then the titanic did.
  17. That and they decided to throw take down requests against his videos Which can be a channel killer and this happened with malice too, my last reply about this was deleted but emoo is doing journalism with his videos recording the workings of the slow death of wurm yet someone somewhere doesn't like it and is telling people to get rid of how bad things really are. But to whichever staff is deleting this stuff and locking things please note your actions are only fanning the flames more, I get you might believe that limiting mentions of his videos might stop it from spreading but it has always had the opposite effect in every community to ever exist before and examples are not hard to find(we even named it The Streisand effect you should Google it) Trust me when I say the more you hide posts and lock topics and attack content creators and other vocal people the more you will piss everyone off. Plus this goes against the whole transparency and feedback idea the ceo is requesting from us, all we are doing is discussing and sharing information that involves the current mess so that players can make an informed decision instead of being led on by nothing burgers and give more money for a few more months until suddenly they loose everything at the end of q4.
  18. I know I read them and to me that is what it means to make sure your customers are happy but alas not something that will happen here most likely
  19. I wonder how many more nothing burger posts we will get Also @Kristerit's a yes to your question of someone else in your position interacting with wurm vs your bullying and gaslighting of the staff and players You need to stop everything you are doing and spend however long it takes to find someone who can communicate and understand people properly as reading over all the posts you have made and the leaked staff chats(which can be found in a gdrive folder on emoos latest two videos) you behave like a cold uncaring bully. I have had the displeasure of working for a boss like you before and the whole company threw a party when that boss "left" we had lost a lot of good employees and went from almost zero people leaving to having the highest turnover rate ever while he was around. He just like you struggled to grasp people properly and would often give big speeches and write long emails that are full of air like a chip bag, reading all those replies and then seeing your responses it's as if you grabbed everything and threw it into chatgpt to get a response. And any time you didn't sound like that you were trying to bully someone into silence again. You want wurm to grow in income but your actions alienate not only your staff but also the community and will result in shrinking it. No amount of quickly thrown together Webstore or ingame shop is worth the loss of all those staff, no amount of empty promises and nothing burgers will save your role at gcg or even gcg when wurm goes under and the only product that you have that keeps you afloat is gone. You want growth but you are so focused on the "Swedish way" of doing things that you forget how that way goes and all you end up doing is hurting people and ignoring anyone telling you that the problem isn't other staff but you. You keep saying that people are angry at other staff(you mentioned this three times in the leaked chats) yet no player or staff member is angry at any other staff member, they are angry at you for how you are handling every single thing you have done so far. I know my post will most likely be ignored by you but in the off chance that someone who is responsible for you sees it, please give us someone who can work with an existing team without destroying it. As right now not only is wurm's identity being destroyed, its staff team is as well and the will of players to play. This will directly impact your profits and thus make it harder for the q4 goal of increasing income to make gcg be in the positive by increasing purchases of wurm silver. You want growth then place the correct people in charge in the correct locations, I am sure that there is a spot for krister where he can shine but handling the wurm team and wurm is not one of them there should be someone in between him and the team, someone who can deal with the human factor while krister deals with the business factor
  20. I would like to ask our beloved ceo if his "play sessions" where "they" all sat around a laptop watching someone play at the end of their meetings was really the case or if his knowledge stems from chatgpt as every time he shares anything with the wurm community or shareholders he seems to miss the mark about wurm. As for where? An open post on the wurm forums that gets a reply from him within the hour and is his honest thoughts not something curated and looked over. I know that his English isn't the best hence why I'd be happy with it being written in Swedish and then having to translate it myself but I just want to hear his honest words on how much he really knows about wurm and the community behind it and if he ever paid real attention when the other person was playing wurm or not. I would love for a proper AMA with him that lasts for a few hours on the forums or discord but have all the qa's posted on the forums and on discord let the questions be done via discussions instead of a single channel(even with slow mode it's easy to loose track)
  21. Let's not beat around the bush if we look at his post we can all tell why people would leave or speak up and get fired its right below. "End game content In parallel with the development of the new player experience we will develop a way to track “quests”. I will need your help here, to make the ideas into reality. We will start a post with the outlines and collect your insights and share our work."
  22. Growing up alongside wurm most of the people who genuinely stay for more then 2-3 months tend to be people with a better established life(typically 35+ year olds) or the more social outcasts or people with ASD or people with severe in person social anxiety yet are social butterflies. Those few groups seem to sum up almost all people that I have met and seen around for years on end, plenty of younger people try the game for a month or 2-3 before quitting and plenty of older people play it casually logging in once in a while with some bursts of high activity here and there. But one key thing that i have noticed among everyone we all have the time needed to play wurm from students on their break before disappearing to the retired who have nothing else to do, we all seem to have the patience for the slow grind and the time to back it up. Sure there are outliers as I have met plenty of 12-13 year olds that play after school every day for a year or 2-3 before school becomes too busy and then they quit only to come back around 25-26 once life settles down more, but typically the type of player who gets past the tutorial and who gets past the first day and first week and first month hurdles and actually builds up their place or joins a village and enjoys it tend to all have a few things in common. And that is a desire to build and shape things their way they have a view of what they want to make and wurm gives them that chance to kinda create it in the way wurm lets it, for many its a life of living off the land to build your own house and estate and tend to animals yet they can't do so in real life because well money. Often times the kids i encounter either want something like runescape but expanded or have tried all the other survival games(nowadays anyway) and they keep having this feeling that they miss something and when they stumble on wurm it seems to stick. Wurm caters towards a group of people that have a desire to create a new place one you can seclude yourself to and it does it well enough to capture enough people but it will never be millions or hundreds of thousands not this version of wurm anyway.
  23. feedback

    Welcome to wurm development team Well it would be a challange to get it done right but it would be a worthwhile one if it means being able to keep playing once gcg closes wurm's doors due to the inevitable krister post that we will get in the future saying "Sorry we are closing wurm's doors in x amount of days due to not being able to keep it running anymore"
  24. feedback

    Put it this way, the 2 main developers in charge of a lot of upcoming features have been fired and left which means their projects are most likely on hold or cancelled. Those two were also a driving force to a lot of changes happening vs the barely an update a year schedule we had before. With so many people leave idea's like goblin camps or interaction with the world overhauls and a lot of other teased things are not going to happen any time soon or at all, wurm's dev team operates under a silo structure where every dev tends to work on their own thing mostly(as seen by a dev leaving during jackal leading to jackal end game not being a thing among other such situations like free flowing water) All i ask from the remaining staff who have access to map data make a secondary backup once a month of all servers and store that elsewhere that way incase Krister decides to really royally screw the last of the team over we can just throw the existing maps on a WU server after bringing wu up to date with a big separate download to patch the client and servers and we can just happily play along on those servers away from this burning train on a collision course with a ravine. We gave the guy a chance and he has shown he isn't ready to lead and thus should just step back let the team form again and let the team itself grow the game and just provide them with the resources and manpower needed to be able to achieve the goals they set instead of trying to direct where their work should go. Krister you want a profitable product but all you have done so far is show that you know how to destroy customer confidence in your products, the website will scare away many people as it looks like a kickstarter scam no matter how many different photos we throw at it. 1. it barely talks about the game 2. its constantly talking about money money money 3. it has no identity. You will need a big major rework to make people not instantly click away the moment they see the site. You will need to be honest. You will need to learn that being a ceo means you should not breath down your team's their necks and direct how they do things on a day to day basis. There is a huge difference between running a company and a community and wurm has lasted so long because there was a small company that supported a giant community and in turn the giant community supported the small company, and now the now bigger company is trying to direct how the community should function and things are falling apart. You really need to step back and trust that those running the projects know what they are doing and only step in IF they are not meeting their set release schedules then you should start with trying to figure out whats going on and step in if need be but even then do so in a way that benefits the team not by gutting the team. The way things are handled right now will only result in the death of a game and the end of your company as I do believe your other products are worthless at this point and barely making any profit what so ever given how little foot traffic they all get.