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Everything posted by demondan

  1. Macedon foolishly thinking they can take on the Empire of Mol Rehan.
  2. You don't have to merge nothing, you don't have to kill off epic servers. What you need is new content and fixes to grab new and old players attention. Doing anything else as suggested just encourages more people to leave. it is a simple concept.
  3. There are some people who shouldn't but have already posted in this thread.
  4. oh you're a ###### paragon of the people aren't you Hashirama you pathetic thief.
  5. Selling Pvp account on Freedom Has Sotg from before the meditation change nathan priest comes with a deed a small deed on deliverance and HUGE amount of loot PM me your offers
  6. Wurm 2016

    Dairuka, most of what that anonymous man said on that video I disagree with.I believe most of it is false. Something to think about
  7. when you get older you learn not to assume anything, or you will just look stupid.
  8. This thread is the purest explanation of BL on Chaos. They get beaten then time and time again throw wild accusations and maliciously attack MR. Well let me throw down some facts. You couldn't even keep rosedragon! She was the greatest wurm player your kingdom ever had and one of the best in wurm and still pushed her away! I always tried to push to recruit more than black legion because the turnover in your kingdom was so bad I felt sorry for them. I'll add existing players never lasted too long in BL as well, transferred back to JK. JK can definitely retain wurmians as they know how to look after their members, I'll add MR is the same. Ebonaura can nurture new players and they do it well. BL just pushed members them through the meat grinder or used them as human meat shields. Being left behind so the elders can scurry away back into their holes. Then argue how it was the right decision to leave them behind. Worst kingdom since the start of full pvp on Chaos. (Not including that white stain kingdom, if you could call it a kingdom lol) I'll add that there are members in BL that are awesome and they know who they are, and for them I tip my hat to you. You tried your very best and it was not wasted time. I hope you enjoyed your time as did I and hope you go on to greater things, in wurm or out. There were so many things that could of been done to make BL great. Let it die in peace.
  9. what a very mis informed dev. MR knew banners wouldn't stay when kingdoms came out how long was it 4 years ago ? and as seen when abralon disbanded. You should have known at that time. ps I'm not +1 or -1. Just interested to see that ignorance is not an excuse and lieing rather ticks me off as I already knows out and your kingdom was aware as I have been told by someone in your kingdom, not naming any names.
  10. Really nicrolis? Was that just you or your whole kingdom that didn't know?
  11. Merging will mean epic is gone and new players won't have 2x skill gain. With all the WU coming out I'm sure that will look more attractive than chaos and freedom with no increased skill gain. This will hurt so bad.
  12. -1 just wait for the new themes and turn down your brightness ! i don't know where all this childish complaining about the forum being too bright is coming from.
  13. Kingdom tower influence may or may not be exaggerated in this map. You have been warned;
  14. I think mr would endeavour in fighting to control them. It's fine for us to do this. And make it hard for any other kingdom to participate. Bit ironic aye lol
  15. Ohh I'm just saying participation would go a long way instead of just changing things up like yeah