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Everything posted by Delone

  1. Also seeing this. Now have 4 animals in varying states, one lost its colour, name and parents. 3 others have lost their names. Also have one that was born with no name an no parents.
  2. And the communications ball seems to have been dropped again. *Waits*
  3. Draught trait: It is easy on its gear. Is there something we don't know incoming or does somebody not know that gear on hitched animals doesn't take damage? Do we have new types of hitching gear coming that will make this trait something other than meaningless for bison, as even if it does get changed to take damage hitched, bison currently can't be geared? I just don't see how this trait fits into the draught category.
  4. 24 hours after server reset, all still in correct positions. Seems to have been resolved.
  5. It's also possible that there is something else going on, people have been reporting animals dying in seemingly unrelated situations as well: Animals Younger Than Venerable Dying - Server Bugs - Wurm Online Forum
  6. Just going to toss this out there..... AH is flat out broken now. 4sp x 3sp + 1 draught, 65 AH, parents from completely different breeders, about as unrelated as it is possible to get: [10:07:24] It has fleeter movement than normal. It looks very unmotivated. It is unusually strong-willed. It looks constantly hungry. It seems vibrant. It has been bred in captivity. Dropped 2 matching in both parent speed traits, added 3 negative traits and an output trait. So much for breeding towards dominant trait pool. While this is probably an extreme example, I have not found it unusual for foals to have less of the dominant pool traits than their parents, not more as would be expected if we are to believe what was stated. A vast majority of foals are being born with at least 1, often more, negative traits. Available points from AH are not being used, not one of dozens of foals used my available point totals, the closest being 5 points below my cap, and usually using negative trait points to even get this close. Breeding timers are making 0 sense. After getting to 70 AH specifically for the ability to see breeding cooldown timers, they are completely broken showing seemingly random hours, often in the 100+ bracket when ready to breed. The ONLY animal I inspected that showed ready to breed was one that had just been bred and was not able to be bred. Male horses which should have a maximum time till ready of 1 hour, showing times over 100 hours. Horses that on examine say "[11:01:56] You can breed them again now.", but showing completely different hours when using the inspect window. Horses showing as ready to breed on both examine and inspect: [11:06:59] The aged fat Goldrock '3s1d F (Dancedog' doesn't seem to be in the mood right now. (not hungry, was tested) Hunrgry status showing as not hungry, no matter what. Animals on packed tiles, in pens, with no food source near and that will eat multiple times when fed, show not hungry. 2 out of 3 foals born with the extremely sick trait were dead by adolescent foal age. Not sure that I would describe that as "Has a very slim chance to pass away when it recieves a hunger tick" and would seem to indicate to me that Genesis is an absolute must for them. Parentage male/female reversed in the inspect window. Wild caught animals do not show up as parents in the inspect window. I, and most of the other breeders I have spoken to in game, feel that not only has the AH update failed to address the problem of higher animal husbandry being a problem for breeding, but has actually gone even further in making it worse. This is speaking as somebody who has bred on old servers at 70+ AH levels, and while it was extremely hard work to develop matching parents in order to breed reliably for the outcome sought, it now looks to be a lost cause in getting matched parents (and even with those and the results being reported from matched parents elsewhere) the outcome of breeding them is losing the matching traits other than the dominant pool ones.
  7. 24 hours later and all still on correct tiles and in range for grooming. Will leave them in place for a while, and across a server reset.
  8. Thank you. Next question, if an animal with the immortal trait also has the extremely sick trait, does it become undead/zombie if the hunger tick kills it? This should be a thing 😜
  9. You just had to wait till I had finished moving them all off the grooming line and back into individual pens didn't you? 😜 Lining them back up again, in the past it has taken some time before they seem to displace, will let you know how they go.
  10. Bump still occurring every single time I enter my mine.
  11. It affects needing to have a minimum of 65 AH in order to breed animals with the 4 common draught traits on new animals, at the very least.
  12. Carry more and Strong body have been confirmed to be costing 5 points more than they show on their points cost, so 15 points and 20 points, not 10 and 15. This accounts for the missing points in the total. It was acknowledged several days prior to the most recent patch and was supposed to have been "resolved soon" but apparently they didn't get there with what seem like it would have been a very simple fix.
  13. Any chance of more information being provided as to what the maximum size is to be considered an enclosure / pen ? I've always preferred to try and keep my animals in paddock style enclosures, and even the smaller ones don't show as counting as pens with regard to feeding from containers.
  14. The entire not hungry thing seems not to be working as far as I can tell, even animals left in packed pens with no food are showing not hungry, ,when they clearly are the moment you give them food.
  15. Even at much smaller sizes.... it's not being counted as an enclosure, and they won't look for them from what I am seeing.
  16. Wandering animals will not eat from them from what is what I took it to mean, hitched animals would?
  17. Category: Wacky and wild? Church of Magranon, Rangers Haven, Xanadu
  18. Where would / could you fit churches in the categories? I feel there are some great ones out there, and was inspired to do one after doing a bout of travelling around servers just prior to the NFI launch.
  19. And yet again... On trying to breed the two horses shown in the image below, the male on the left is on lead, the female (highlighted) is hitched to the hitching post. First event message is from attempting to breed, second one is from attempting to unhitch. Despite being hitched to the post that is on the tile that I am standing on, she is located somewhere else on the other side of one of the gates, and I have to right click on her while on the tile so that I can get the unhitch option, but not use it, then wander around until I find a spot where she actually is according to the server, so that I can then hit the unhitch option that I only get when standing on the tile that has the hitching post on it. This is getting beyond annoying. The lack of response on a multitude of posts is very poor communication, nothing is being commented on as being looked into, working as intended or any other form of response.
  20. Just did some testing using 2 old 5 speed horses versus one with carry more and strong body, the other with just strong body. Both pairs had one old, and one venerable horse, gear was swapped between them so it was the same for both. Despite having one less draught trait between them, the horses with NO speed traits were 2kph faster than the old 5 speeds - so not only are the speed traits not doing anything hitched as was expected from the patch notes, it is actually slowing them down? Either that or there is something wrong with the way the game is calculating the pulling power of draught traits.
  21. Just did some testing using 2 old 5 speed horses versus one with carry more and strong body, the other with just strong body. Both pairs had one old, and one venerable horse, gear was swapped between them so it was the same for both. Despite having one less draught trait between them, the horses with NO speed traits were 2kph faster than the old 5 speeds - so not only are the speed traits not doing anything hitched as was expected from the patch notes, it is actually slowing them down? Either that or there is something wrong with the way the game is calculating the pulling power of draught traits.
  22. As further proof of this, after building a fence gate to the south side of one of my hitching posts, I moved to stand on the tile where the hitching post was, clicked on one of the horses, and selected unhitch - and received the message: [23:42:01] The wooden fence gate is in the way. On moving to the far side of the fence gate, when I tried to click on the horse and see if it would work from there, there was no option to unhitch, presumably due to the game recognising that the hitching post itself was on the opposite side of the gate. To actually unhitch the horse I had to move to the tile where the hitching post was, right click so that I got the unhitch option then walk to through the fence gate to the far side, and only then hit the unhitch option, which then worked when it shouldn't have, because now the gate actually was between me and where the horse was showing on the post.
  23. Missed replying to this earlier, was stated somewhere that it will choose dominant trait pool from ONE of the parents at random, so guessing that method is probably also a no go. Time will tell.
  24. Vibrant is output, so based on the 4 non rare for each pool, matches up with prize winning as the only remaining output non rare trait listed?