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About Alendria

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  1. I voted for the Willow Tree Inn. I am a local to the area. My husband, Abrem, and I tend the closest deed to the Willow Tree Inn, Snuggly Oasis. When Mynli and Zok arrived, and before they even started the build, they spoke up in Local about what the plan was. The fact that they talked it over with us before starting was greatly appreciated. Becuase of that act diplomacy it was easy to show them support and offer help. The Willow Tree Inn is located near the top of a sand dune. It is easily seen from far away (it looks like a castle on a hill.) The slope of the main road that the Inn is off of is steep enough to slow carts to the point where the aggressive creatured can catch up, and long enough to run foot traffic out of or low on stamina. It used to be a great spot to get ganked by crocs, scorps, or hell hounds; now it offers a spot to find to rest, refuge, and the safety of a 5 guard Guard Tower. I appreciate that they did not overly terraform the desert sands arround the Inn into grass or farm tiles. It has an organic feel, that works well with the local landscape. The double door allows for carts to pull in, so animals and passengers will be safe while the guards clean up the mess outside. I found the design of the building inspiring. The cleaver use of inner walls gives it personality. The four individual bedrooms in the towers gives a sence of private space. Not only is the Inn on a natural high spot, but the look out tower on top provides a full view of the area, and any potential dangers along the nearby road. Water and butcherable Tower kills are available right outside the Inn. The Willow Tree Inn provides safety in an unsafe land. It will continue to do so as we will maintain it as a public safe house. Alendria - Caretaker of the Snuggly Oaisis and Willow Tree Inn As nice as the Inn may be, new friends are even better.