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About Exor

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  1. Veindeed on Xanadu (33x33) with 19+ veins (+ = caveins so couldnt count them all and dont want to spend time mining there just for that) Veins 10 Iron , 3 of them UTMOST rest different QL 1 Gold, UTMOST 1 copper, ql 30-40 2 zink 2 silver (atleast 1 or 2 more, but there is a cavein so couldnt count) 2 lead 1 tin Cant prospect QL on the veins because of no prem on that toon atm. Within 3 tiles of the tunnel there is 2 of the utmost iron, the outmost gold an 1 zink and the others are not far away, quite small cave with alot of veins close to eachother. The mine is 12x21 tiles Comes with 2 houses, 1 small smith 3x2 with 4 forges and a bunkhouse (or what was supposed to be one, only 1 bed in there so far) 2 horses, some bsbs , a Spirit Castle with courier 91 a QL 66 guardtower Tar on deed Forge in the mine ql 66 Forge in the smithy QL 59, 53, 50, 52 3 Vynora altars Road leading all the way down to the sea. If you got questions you can PM me here on Exor or ingame on Wexor/Kempachi/mallaboro/wooker Startbid: 10 Silver Increase: 50 copper 19 pictures here you can checkout: http://imgur.com/a/wpvkW
  2. Xanadu Map

    D9 Birka (http://xanadu-wurm.rhcloud.com/#mark/1190/1427/5)
  3. Grats to Nathan

    Gratz Nathan, about time
  4. guards isnt fixed.. 5 guards just standing in attack posistion on my GF:s deed, towr is fenced in a 3x3 area with 2 gates, one wich have no lock, still they doesnt move outside.
  5. -1 It was supposed to be a big island in the middle and smaller islands on the sides, this is not good.. Is the total landmass even bigger or is it just more water? please change it..one big island in the middle that is bigger than the one we got today.. Edit: And how are we supposed to come into action at Hota if we die and spawn there, if resstone dont work we are naked, if it works we are on foot.. eather way its like giving the enemys another affinity and loosing more skills.. And are you going to make hell horses swim , not that they are nessesary but alot of the ppl use them as main horses, just curious.
  6. Building a new deed will be great grinding of skills.. More skills for the wurmians!!
  7. Reset Elevation and make it Chaos size (and yes I live on elevation only and I have spent a ton of time building my deed, but building a new deed = more skill so not a bad thing ) No F2P on elevation or only let F2P toons be able to mine, dig and other stuff they use to grief on the home servers. No local...may be good but may stop pvp too, ppl may be afraid to leave deed, quite some pvp happens just because someone spot someone in local and starts to look for them and chase them and more ppl join on both sides in several cases. If a boat with 5 enemys passes my deed and I am in my cave or a house I wont notice, as it is now they pop local and ppl on my side starts running to the boatcave and we get pvp (hopefully).. But guess it could be worth a try. And maybe make use of the titles to improve imping stuff. I dont mind imping (as before, its more skill for me) but I have had ppl moving back to freedom because it takes "forever" to make the gear they want, to be ok to go out and pvp, and then they dont like to loose it and have to spend all that time again. Maybe look at SoTG, make it like the Hate bonus, with a timer? We all learn to know eachother and there have been time when there have been alot of ppl we know have SoTG and we just skipped to PvP them all together. I have played for 4-5 years now, but first time I started I quit after a week, mainly because ppl didnt know stuff about the game and the mechanics. "We think this is xxxx," , " ppl say that its like this...". The tutorial is one improvement, but there are still alot of questionmarks for new players(used to other games where each weapon have their dmg, armor have their AC and so on written on them) Maybe not everything should be so secret and up for speculation. And as mentioned, there need to be more reason for ppl to go offdeed and PvP, events or lower the massive amount of mats for shrines and temples then maybe ppl will go build them and ofc change so eveyone helping gets karma and scenario points , eather equal or by % added. Guess this falls under Valrei, so guess you will be looking at it.. Hm. well me and some other ppl are out alot by our self , even on enemy home server by our self to do missions somethimes, so maybe I am not the best to give suggestions how to get ppl out, I dont know what they are missing... Happy Wurming.
  8. yea, not to bad with a visual announcement of the server going down, alot of the time I have the combat window or skill window up and miss the message in Event of the server going down..