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About Gnowai

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  1. So you want cheaper stuff at the other's expense instead, how noble of you.
  2. Mind speed or - logic has been removed from yoyos a good while ago, I don't see this happening.
  3. Replace traders with the real life stock market and see how your argument doesn't make much sense. People invested and are getting the dividend that comes from it, good luck eliminating that without getting into legal problems.
  4. All this talk about those mysterious people in the north, mind dropping a few names? Edit: nevermind, just confirmed some things in game and for what it is worth, those 3 people quitting had nothing to do with Peaceful Beginnings and/or Bolov's deed. You know very well what happened there as you pretty much got that ball rolling to begin with. I think it is safe to assume then, that most of the "facts" you are using to push your agenda can be taken with a grain of salt. Makes sense to me, as I had no clue who you would have been talking about anyway.
  5. Words fail me tbh, but that is a good thing. Those words would get me banned anyway.
  6. You might be able to tame one using rice too, at least that worked on test a good while ago.
  7. What I meant to say is that I agreed with Brash, in that higher AH could have some better benefits than it has at the moment. The breeding gets more complicated, yet the return is not really worth the hassle right now, in my opinion ofcourse.
  8. In a way, it is a good thing that (some) people don't understand the suffering that leads to something like this. I hope he found the peace he so badly needed.
  9. Trader Earnings

    Time for Rolf to clear up what is happening, or going to happen, with the traders on the old servers. There is NO excuse to leave people hanging like this.
  10. Blocking roads

    How long I have been there? Must be getting close to a year now. And I am not mistaken here, that road was completely fine apart from one unpaved tile on the steep part of the trail where someone had built an 80ql stone wall across it not too long ago. Besides that 1 tile, all paving was connected. That path is the main connection between my own deed and the deed where I spend most of my time,I know very well how it did or didn't look before and after you deeded there. Lol, make that 4 servers and add a couple of deeds. Funny how you call yourself devoted to the area if you have no idea how long Amber and I have been there already. We've been on Xanadu on and off since it opened, that might be the reason you didn't see us much in local, it also shows how "devoted" you have been to the area for a whole total of what, a couple of weeks now? And again saying that that road having been torn up before you arrived there, it hadn't. Devoted to the area? When I noticed you had placed your deed there in a way that I thought could make travel hard for the people using the trail, I asked in local about it. The reaction I got was silence. I left it at that, as I could still get around. Devoted to the area doesn't mean letting your neighours guess what is going on though. Devoted to the area doesn't mean trying to convince people that a certain part of a road was torn up, while it most certainly was not. Devoted to an area doesn't mean placing a deed, having ones boats removed and then disanding that deed,no matter what the reason was for that. So you can take that "devotion" of yours and stick it where the sun don't shine, cause it doesn't impress me the least bit. So far for my informed opinion, I am done here.
  11. Blocking roads

    And no Eave, that road was perfectly fine and had been untill you decided to slap your deed onto there without taking into consideration that people might have been using that trail for ages as their main way to get around.
  12. Blocking roads

    The roadblock incident, the complete story from Hobo's view: Couple of days ago, I logged on and got told that someone blocked the NE desert to TapDance route with gatehouses. I jumped on my horse to go and find out what was going on. Arriving at Freeport through the Elm Tunnel (both Job and Freddy had pointed out to me that that tunnel was intended for public use btw) I see that, indeed, the road has been blocked with two gatehouses on either side of Freeport, making it impossible to use the Elm tunnel to get to TD. Talked to Merolack about it and he pointed out that he had been griefed in that area lately and that he built them to keep both the tunnel and his offdeed pets safe. He also said he didn't intend to block anyone that relied on that tunnel and that they could ask him to get added to the gatehouses. He added me to the gatehouses and also pointed me to the bypass for the road he had made. That bypass was an option I personally could live with, as I could still get from my deed to TD if I used it. The bypass however didn't work for the Elm tunnel route, taking that route would still have you end up between the gatehouses and unless you had been given access to those, you would be blocked there. Went back to my area and told the people there about what I had found out and that if they wanted access to the gatehouses, they could ask Merolack for access. Far from ideal, but it was something at least. The reactions to that story were mixed, ranging from ones similar to mine, to "oh hell no" and anything in between. And they all had a point imo. Fast forward to yesterday. We went to TDM to join a sermon that was going on. I was driving the cart and since I had access to the gatehouses, I took the tunnel. Arriving in Freeport I noticed a GM sign stating the gatehouses would be removed. Thought that was good news for the people using the tunnel and bad news for Merolack, not much more. Coming back from the sermon, heading towards my own deed and thus taking the Highlands tunnel route, we ran into Merolack building a shed with the intention to block that route. The name of the shed made clear that that part would be blocked off from public access. The main route between my deed and the TD area, but not used by just me, there are more people depending on that route. I blew a fuse right then and there and told Merolack in pretty strong wording, that if he didn't remove that shed, I would. Realised later that ofcourse I couldn't, but there are more ways to skin a cat and I was going to do just that. Merolack said he wouldn't and that a GM apparently had approved it all. While "approved" might not have been the exact meaning of the GM, we got told that technically, there was nothing that could be done about it. And that leads us to this thread....
  13. Blocking roads

    You don't block a road used by many for a long time that is basically the only decent connection between the area they live in and a large part of the rest of the server, no matter if it is 1 tile wide or 15. And yes, there was some sort of an unwritten agreement to keep the roads modest on Cele, technically worth nothing maybe, but before someone tries to imply that we should have made a highway, this is the reason we didn't.
  14. Blocking roads

    There is no rule against being a ###### alright. Funny thing about that though, is that it also counts for the people affected. This will be fun.