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validate last won the day on August 3

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About validate

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  • Xanadu
  • Cadence
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    Zalidate on Cadance

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  1. i have 9 characters to buy a year sub for , and need 3 gold coins for upkeep. been waiting for this sale a long time. and very glad my wife moved out last dec. so i can't get yelled at this time lol. and no nothing bad. we just grew apart. great friends still. she likes to travel and i like to stay home and game lol.
  2. thank very much, awesome work again.
  3. can some one link what it looks like they normally have a pic inh the notes. or update on the client. i'm not in game yet. i hope they show it there. but odd why not show it in the forums. or if they did i can't find it and ya i also hope they will fix it so the blessed one can have it. as i have 6 or 7 so far for my alts and mains. need 2 or 3 more lol but i think i only want the one skin maybe edit. lol even ingame the store shows it as a ?bag . annoying edit again. once selecting it to buy we can see the item. i do like it for a hip slot skin. wont hurt to just have a normal one there empty i guess.
  4. Hello again, I'd like to send you a backpack with 2 sets of leather armor, to get 90+ AoSP casted on them please. let me know if you are available again. and i'll mail it. not in a rush to get back, playing off and on again. thanks, Zalidate
  5. wurm unlimited make your own ruleset pvp and enjoy your style. wurm online will never change the pve servers to pvp. but as others said definance is pvp and easy to hop to from NFI pve areas if you want. or SFI sail over to chaos, but so few there ,it wouldn't be fun.
  6. thanks again very much. fast delivery.
  7. thank you very much, perfect casting.
  8. ok. i'm way to tiered today. . i live at T13 i think cadance. the plateau of views. easy to sail to south Cad. my game crashed and vid card blacked out screen lol. can't confirm my location. pretty sure T13 . i'll be online most the day tomorrow . it's 10 pm now. should be up 8am ish . i'll try to grab the silver as soon as i log in, in case your fast. lol see you soon. and if not tomorrow sunday good too. week days i'm more limited on time, but every day except friday .
  9. 34s zalidate on cadance
  10. ya i won. cod to Zalidate please . thanks in advance
  11. good day, I'm in need of 2 sets of plain leather armor, for 2 of my priests, i'll find someone to cast AoSP on them. COD the sets to Zalidate on cadance 2 X C.5 | 90 QL — 3s thank you, Zalidate
  12. [16:35:13] The items silently disappear from the spirit cottage. You expect them to reach Salos in less than ten minutes. thanks again. message here when sent back. i dont log in every day but i do check the forums daily cus i'm nosy lol