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About Senakal

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  1. We are not a deed but an ideal! LoG is recruiting wherever it may be at any given time
  2. Just combine melons and grape juice. Mmmm
  3. +1 who needs local anyway. Only a crutch for bad players
  4. Join LoG today. Explore MR deeds in ways that they never intended
  5. No cookies. Unless you mean nsfw ones
  6. It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
  7. N.i.m.b.y online. I love it lol
  8. Be careful when entering old mines. Even with oak. reinforcing beams they can be quite unstable and collapses can easily occur. Even with a full knowledge of the risks, it is easy to become trapped or injured.
  9. Nadroj he's not being attacked. He's just getting a nice tight shave
  10. Nice one Rose. That captures everything a good raid has for us.
  11. Just butcher and eat the meat from freedom corpses round Hunters Lodge and youll soon find yourself at the shroud. Well according to accounts I've heard. Also some accounts have a /transfer option that allows you to turn hots which is useful for priest toons as it allows you to retain faith gained as a whitelighter. This option only works on chaos ofc
  12. i have played it during early alpha builds. I recommend the use of graphic skins to improve the overall look lol