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LorenaMontana last won the day on March 16 2017

LorenaMontana had the most liked content!

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3040 Rare


About LorenaMontana

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    Loren and Schulty
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  1. Cheers samool, good that its still on the list, topic can be closed
  2. Character customization rework We’re in the initial planning phase of a character customization overhaul. This will address most of the complaints with the current player character visuals, while looking better and adding a lot more possible variations, including more detailed faces and new hairstyles.
  3. o/ I read somewhere that we would get a new golden mirror update which changes how u look like in game, i wish to be a colored player and this sadly ain't possible any ETA on this or am i misinformed and just a dumb fool?
  4. Bring back a 4x4 server please, my greatest wurm times were on Affliction 1.0.
  5. I was here lol, couldn't buy sleep powders from this guy coz of this lol
  6. Does anyone have the old map dump of Affliction 1.0 before it got wiped?