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About Homelander

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  1. Sorry everyone, this person didn't have her facts straight until I proved it to her with like 3 witnesses. If you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all because you can never beat a journalist. Archived Thank You!
  2. Why are you watching my every move, huh?
  3. And I got lost in a mine system because it was dark and my brightness was down so btfo
  4. Ok I asked weight for unfinished corb...said I found some...and I just invested all my money on some items so if yeah get your facts straight
  5. Just to let you know I'm not new and I know how to handle myself and groups in wild and keep them safe.
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    Looks like he could squash one of those hell horses like a bug along with the fences
  7. I miss that place, how is Randomvonodd?
  8. Hello Exodus, this is Homeland. I am looking for a few men and women to join me on my adventures through Exodus and eventually settle down and make a nice little village. I will recruit anyone with any level of experience. I will be around Esert but if I'm not leave a comment here or PM Homeland (/tell Homeland). I hope to see some replies but until then safe travels!