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About ShadowWeezle

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  1. I needed some help and some things spawned and I was told that I should speak with Aum, but i couldn't find you on the forums anywhere. Please email me and I will let you know what I needed. Email contact was requested because Ill see it way before I see a reply here. I would really appreciate it.
  2. I literally just started playing, i made a single player in creative mode so i can figure everything out. I can not seem to figure out how to generate mats so i can build in creative mode. Can someone help me out with this one?
  3. I honestly don't have a lot of complaints and love the game, but there are a few things i would like to see done. We should be able to load animals(live) on a ship it doesnt make much sense that we can't. Maybe throw some events our way on PVE like the giant two headed guys and what not. Maybe make Portals available between PVE servers so players dont have to spend their entire evening sailing for 9 hours. Let us break the law at the risk of guards being notified if you are not able to do it. Just a few suggestions.