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Everything posted by MamaDarkness

  1. the #addmoney command can add premium. (or silver or both) you can also set the qa status on someone, then they are premium without having to pay.
  2. you could also give yourself the cornucopia item, that can make materials.
  3. you can only shut down the server from within the game, there is no way to restart it from there.
  4. if you made it a permament deed, it becomes a starter deed like in Wurm online, and you can choose to spawn there etc.
  5. the list of possible items is in code, not the database. Items in the game are in the database, called wurmitems in the sql folder there is no text command to spawn items in game, you have to use the wand.
  6. if you create a deed as a GM, it will have a checkbox called 'permament deed'. if you check that it will not use upkeep and make it a starter / spawn town.
  7. There does not appear to be an interface to adjust that currently. So you can either modify it in code, wait for options to be added, or make/get a mod. I have no idea if WU will add official options to change those settings or not so if you need it soon, you will have to edit it yourself or have someone else mod it probably.
  8. Here is what I did. Do not use jd-gui to decompile, you will just have hundreds of errors on recompile... So what worked. eclipse and ce are free, just download them: decompile with CE used eclipse to load in the reference libraries (server.jar, common.jar) and all the files in the lib directory load in your decompiled class (now a .java) that you want to edit. rename the container object thing (don't know the term) in eclipse to match the com.wurmonline.server.(whatever it is) (this is the header of where the .java you brought in is. if you don't rename it, there is an error. maybe a java person can explain it better, it just has to be done and I did what others told me to do) then you are basically done with the code, eclipse defaults to autocompile so go to the folder for it and it will have the .class file. take that class file and put it back into the server.jar replacing the old one.
  9. gm also cannot set sorcery options directly. If you add for meditation, you could add for sorcery at same time probably.
  10. there is no gm command to kill off mass creatures. You could try deleting them from the database directly but i'm not sure if it will crash your server. I did it one time a while ago when I spawned too many with the wand in one spot that it messed up my server and after that I ended up having to remake my whole server. But there were a lot of issues at play with it so it may not have been due to the manual db edits. You can try it, but just be sure to make a backup of your server first if you want to be able to restore it after possibly breaking it.
  11. before you launch the server, go into the sql folder for the server. In there all the database tables are empty and there are .sql files to make the initial items in the database, just edit those and change or remove the initial entries. They are all labeled the same format, starting with insert... (insertwurmitems.sql) etc. etc. They are just text files, should be easy for anyone.
  12. you can 'move' an altar by activating your wand and right clicking it, choose 'summon' in the list. if you want to move it far, tag it and then you can summon it from out of range it will say summon 'item name' in the menu after you tag it.
  13. it is probably an entry in the database somewhere since you can summon it to move it and it will stay in the new location after restart. Where in the DB i do not know, someone would have to search for it.
  14. you make alt characters to hold the deed, then give permissions to the other characters. So you never have to log in the deed holder ever after you make the deed really. In wurm online even, there is a character per start deed that simply holds the deed and is never logged in unless a permission needs to be changed.
  15. suicide, then bury the corpse. then destroy the altar that appears. These items while they may be in the list, have never been intended to be spawned by GM's. I can only stress if you want to 'play around' do a backup of your server. We train GM's over a period of months before they are allowed loose and there are features available that are simply not used by GM's or even on the live servers we run. With no undo button, you have to be careful, or have a backup ready to restore in case you need it..
  16. GM's cannot change this in game. See related thread:
  17. you cannot bind directly like that. #invis is something you type into chat, so you would have to do the "say #invis" just like you would to bind a key to call the guards by typing in chat etc
  18. I did it only to test out the process myself, and it worked for that. Others I know have changed small things like the default starting inventory etc.
  19. restart the server for it to update for those.
  20. coordinates are the same as the tile corners. so the tiles are integers. I assume what the wiki means is the game uses floating point values for items etc., which it obviously would have to do so it can have items at different places within the tile. so a 1024x1024 size map has x/y of 0-1023 basically.
  21. GM characters are not designed to play as normal characters. Just log into the server with a different name and keep the GM character separate.
  22. This is something that is being looked at for adding in the future.
  23. if you change the server to a test server you can then use those functions to change 'all' your skills at once to a set value. Then it would put all of them in the database for you to see.
  24. if someone made sql update queries where you just put in the name, it would be easier for non database people to do simple updates like this.
  25. if you need, you can use sqlitebrowser and just edit the player database, there is a value for 'power' in there you can just put 0-5 in it.