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Everything posted by MamaDarkness

  1. activate wand, right click ground > Special > Summon type the player name into the text box for 'player name'. if player is online, it will move him to you, if offline it will set his location so when he logs in he will be there. To give items you create them and trade them, there is no way to insert something into a person's inventory unless you use a mission for it.
  2. if you have the skill to edit the database, you could just open the wurmitems database and in the items table there will be the items in the players inventory. #176 (templateid) is an ebony wand, you could just edit a hatchet or something in your inventory to be that number and it will become a wand with the name 'hatchet' etc. then you can use that to spawn a new wand to get all the right names etc. Not an optimal solution, but it works.
  3. bind x "flight" you have to have the quotes.
  4. the rename does not use the current password, what it does is reset the character to a NEW password.
  5. This is a function we have hardly ever had to use and when we tried, it never seemed to take effect or stick properly. I would not count on it working as intended.
  6. I do not have any better answer, I simply figured that I should respond with something before you bumped this thread again..
  7. you would have to get a mod, or edit the code base yourself.
  8. you can probably do this in your windows settings or mouse control options. I'm not sure wurm itself has this option.
  9. you can only be mayor of one settlement. You would need to make alts to be the mayor of each town you want to make.
  10. You can post mod requests in the mod request section. Most things would be too custom to be added by Code Club really. Otherwise changes to the game from code club will affect both wo and wu, and there already is a WO suggestions forum for it. There will not be two separate game codes ending up from development.
  11. you create the deed same as normal. spawn a settlement form and use that, or can probably use a deed stake too. Just when you place it as gm you can check it to be 'permament' and not require upkeep which then makes it a default spawn point as well
  12. there is in the code if you view it in itemslist.class
  13. to change kingdom, activate the wand, and right click the wand. change kingdom is under the creatures menu. You prevent decay by placing the buildings on a deed that you control. Usually a 'starter town' deed.
  14. there is a file called insertwurmzones.sql in the sqlite folder of the server that runs when you start a new server. Just edit that to make new zones you want. You can also manually edit the focus zones in game with the wand. This is what is in there now: BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO `KINGDOMS` (KINGDOM,KINGDOMNAME,PASSWORD,TEMPLATE,SUFFIX,CHATNAME,FIRSTMOTTO,SECONDMOTTO,ACCEPTSTRANSFERS,WINPOINTS) VALUES (0,'no known kingdom','',0,'','none','Unknown','Unknown',0,0), (1,'Jenn-Kellon','',1,'jenn.','Jenn-Kellon','Noble','Protectors',1,0), (2,'Mol Rehan','',2,'molr.','Mol Rehan','Fire','Gold',1,0), (3,'Horde of the Summoned','',3,'hots.','HOTS','Hate','Vengeance',1,0), (4,'Freedom Isles','',4,'free.','Freedom','Peaceful','Friendly',1,0); INSERT INTO `FOCUSZONES` (ID,STARTX,ENDX,STARTY,ENDY,TYPE,NAME,DESCRIPTION) VALUES (1,907,947,1402,1442,3,'The Meadow',''), (2,417,457,669,709,3,'West Lake',''), (3,1394,1434,558,598,3,'Soulfall East Beach',''), (4,1294,1374,584,664,3,'Soulfall Mountain',''), (5,1162,1202,1026,1066,3,'Central Lakes',''), (6,1124,1164,286,326,3,'Northern Shores',''); COMMIT;
  15. there is sqlitebrowser but I do not like that program. I am using sqlitestudio then you open the file wurmitems.db in the server folder under the sql directory. in there is a table called 'items' which has all the items in the game, sort or scroll to what you are carrying (in the data tab on the right side). I just put the wurm id of my player in the filter and it filtered to what my character was carrying only, then i just edited the hatchet, commit the change. Best to do if server is offline probably. and backup your server folder first. here is how it looks:
  16. Some have said they are making a framework, once that is in place it will let you make changes without digging into the code, so just have to wait a bit for things to develop more.
  17. another gm could make you a wand, but it takes the wand to get the create list. What you could maybe do edit the db and just give yourself a wand maybe. I'm not sure how it creates id's so might be safer to edit something you carry and just make it into a wand. here is the database data for my ebony wand. as long as you have the 176 for it, it should be the right item, and make sure the parent id is your character so it is in your inventory. 207657730818 176 ebony wand 99.0 99.0 105736143618 40466 40466 0 39682816 39682816 1.0 -10 0.0 1 1 11 5 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 0 here is hatchet for example i started with, just edit that to be the wand should work. 105752920834 7 hatchet 10.0 10.0 105736143618 37958 37958 0 39682816 39682816 1.0 -10 0.0 3 10 60 2500 14 -10 0 0 0 0 1 0 -10 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 0 I changed it to: 105752920834 176 New Wand 10.0 10.0 105736143618 37958 37958 0 39682816 39682816 1.0 -10 0.0 3 10 60 2500 14 -10 0 0 0 0 1 0 -10 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10 0 (2 fields only changed, the type to 176 and the name) and restarted, it works fine. you can use it to spawn a proper wand then and just delete this one you made manually.
  18. well, that is what I was told by a dev. When you restart the server, it is supposed to activate the altar and put the light. I played with it a bit, and I got it working once only but can't seem to repeat it. In the database you can see the first altar of three, it has bless as value 1 and enchant as value 5. I set those on the 2nd alter and restarted etc, didn't work. Destroying the first altar from the database and restarting, all of a sudden the 2nd one works that I made and it has the light. So maybe you can only have one per server i'm not sure. Trying to retest I can't get the altar to even show now, i bury the corpse and no altar comes, even though it shows in the database as being at the location.
  19. in WU you will (or supposed to) receive a wand on login if you do not have one. you have to be logged fully out and not just reconnect. If that does not work, then restarting the server and logging in should do it. In game to make a new wand, you would have to have a wand to use in order to create a 2nd wand..
  20. I would think all you need to do is find the code that reduces your skillgain and just stop that for a quick fix until something better comes.
  21. you can suicide, then bury the corpse. the altar will pop out and be on the ground. the light will come after a server reset.
  22. if you have gm powers, it will give you a new one when you log back in next time. or sometimes it is generous and gives you an extra, I have 2 in my inventory now from logging in..
  23. 1- the wand changes 1 skill at a time only. But you could set the server to test mode and then there is a test option when right click the ground to set all skills at once. I think max is 90 though. 2- There is only one flight speed. 3 - I have no idea. 4 - no idea. Gm's are not meant to be players and have never had a need to tame before. GM's in wurm online for example have taming skill of 1 only... they do not get adjusted up to 99 as they are not player accounts and not used for that purpose. 5 - we built everything with the wand. And what you have now has more capabilities than when we first started making things even... But again back to what a GM was designed to be. They are not designed to be players or creating things on the servers. Wurm is a sandbox where players make those changes, and the staff are 100% volunteers. Because of that the features they have available to them is a lot more restricted in what they can do.