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Posts posted by Ausimus

  1. On 3/9/2021 at 3:21 PM, Batta said:

    RESOLVED:  when I added names using the wand (as you instructed, lol) I saw the correct formatting.

    @AusimusI'm having trouble with the WhiteList mod.  What is the proper formatting for the list?  I tried listing the names one per line, and only the GMs could get in.  Then I tried all on one line with a comma and space between them, but got the same result.  Right now, we have it disabled until I get the official instructions.  🙂

    Could be something broke with an updated version of WU compared to the version of the game the mod was built on. Will take a look at it.

  2. On 3/3/2021 at 1:09 PM, Batta said:

    UPDATE:  I was able to create an "unfinished item" using #give 179.  Now I'm trying to figure out how to configure it into something.  Can anyone help with this?

    Best and likely only way is to just create the unfinished item normally. As it requires a lot of data, as well as some being bitwise iirc.

  3. On 12/12/2020 at 11:20 AM, Xagru said:

    After remove vein by using errupt and freeze rock tile shows lawn. After reinforce and pave still shows lawn.



    Strongwall it and mine it out again should reset it. Some of these bugged tiles will still be lurking around and need to be manually fixed.
    If you don't have the means to strongwall it, put in a ticket.

  4. On 11/15/2020 at 5:01 AM, Hoonsuit said:

    I should add that I was the one who killed it. About half a day before. This person was not involved in the kill at all. I was leaving it for a 'decoration', something others could marvel over. If this was a Unique corpse, well that could be a disaster.

    Unique corpses cannot be buried.

    Added to the list, thanks for the report.

  5. 3 hours ago, Nomadical said:

    Maybe I'm blind or just can't see but I'm having issues finding mods/instructions for custom crafting recipes.
    I am not referring to cooking recipes. 
    Basically want to fix the wtf fishing 'float' issue by making twigs craftable from branches.

    Tried modifying the enum for floats to accept pegs but no bueno. Server loaded and no errors but no pegs accepted as floats and the class file became un-editable ? lol ?

    Have a look ah how I did it here making concrete simpler to craft. Your free to take it and change it anyway you need.

  6. Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.wurmonline.server.items.ItemTemplateCreator.createItemTemplate(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[SSSIJIIII[BLjava/lang/String;FIB)V
        at org.ausimus.wurmunlimited.mods.mockfacades.Facade_ItemTemplateCreator.<init>(

    The log wall paneling mod is out of date (

    Remove it and you should be fine. If you have any of those items created thou may want to purge them from the database.
    I will get around to updating my mods soon, when I have time.

  7. 22 minutes ago, LionIX said:



    Fo priest 31 gardening, 30 forestry:

    3 tiles away, i can see grass height (seems like there's an extra range, maybe all players start at seeing grass height on same tile)

    2 tiles away, i can see flowers (same tile skill 15, 1 tile away skill 30, then +1 to make 2 tiles away for Fo)

    2 tiles away, i can see tree age/sprouts(same tile skill 15, 1 tile away skill 30, then +1 to make 2 tiles away for Fo)


    Looks like the bonus doesn't work when you're under 30 skill, but then does after you pass 30 on forestry (maybe same ongardening?)

    The bonus for forestry has always been 30+ with each 10 afterwards adding 1 tile to the range.