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Everything posted by Scholz

  1. Holla! come experience what is to be Magranon's Chosen People!
  2. How High

    I vote you *somehow* put a colossus on top . Good job.
  3. As the commander of the knarr in this "doomed" mr raid into JKH, i dont care either way about the proposed changes to /who by the OP. Atleast we got achievements. /rant
  4. Hell Hounds

    Hell Hounds trololol, thats all i can say
  5. If you buy items off a trader that require in game coin like settlement writs, twigs, stones, merchant writs ect ect they will sometimes give you coins back if they have money. Most of the time when you trade the trader it will say " I'm low on cash (meaning a few copper to irons) to I cant buy anything (meaning it has 0 money on it). If you see a player made item on a trader (that you would like to buy) you can save your coin and trade the trader items you made that = the amount the trader is selling the item for (right click item and see get price. This will give an idea of what the trader will be willing to pay for it). If the item you put on the trader is not enough you can cover the last total demand with some coin. This tip will help you save some money. Merchants (player shops) will only take the money it is requesting and will not make change. In example hammer sells for 51 copper and 5 iron, you'll need to put 51 copper and 5 iron. Hope this helps.
  6. Might have something to do with a disease. Even when the animal doesn't say diseased the effect still stays on them. Diseased is a very bugged part of the game. I've lost a lot of animals due to this bug. This bug not only hurts animals but disease stays on people for a very long period of time. No amount of fo heals or eating/drinking will take it off.
  7. You divine in the mine for the tile. I found that the same tile above ground will also be a water tile. When we placed a fountain on the same tile as the underground fountain, the above ground fountain drained the bottom one dry. Seems only one well per water tile allowed and up ground takes it. So as long as the well/fountain in the mine doesn't have another on the same tile above ground it will work just perfectly. Hope this helps. I haven't taken time to test this any further just from my own experience.
  8. Its a good suggestion but alot comes into play. On pvp servers if a horse is taken they will have to find a way to stop people from just summoning their horses back. Also, say someone raids a deed and doesn't want to walk all the way home. Just takes all the loot and twigs home then summons horse. If only there was a way to code lead-able creatures from leaving a certain radius from the tile it was on when the crash happened. If this was possible it would still be able to be taken/killed but will give the owner a chance to retrieve the horse when the servers come up.
  9. THE SKYYYY IS FALLIN OHHH THE MARKETZ WHAT YOU DO? !?!?!?!?!?!?!?! lolfreedom
  10. protip - kingdom banner make great window curtains. GRIEFER TRIO ASSEMBLE
  11. +1 the timer between switching needs to be increased to hour(s) as well in my opinion.
  12. +1 not wanting to derail but the underlying problem is the spyalt prevention mechanics are not working.
  13. Server crash?

    perhaps he has reason.
  14. Server crash?

    Oh yes, the conspiracy is afoot. there is nothing to do but prepare for thy d00m and await the children of magrnon's arrival.
  15. Server crash?

    aye atleast Desertion is down, D00M BE TO YE D00M BE TO YE Blood and Honor!
  16. Blood and Honor! The fires of Magranon shall never be extinguished.
  17. fair enough, apologies but the thread title and the initial comments seemed to call for a complete removal of the feature. It was working fantastically just moments earlier when JK and the chosen children of Magranon were battling it out.
  18. Then lets fix this invulnerablity thing, leave the actual overcrowding.
  19. -1 step in the right direction to try to allievate the issue that pvp is nearly completely about numbers. Anything to give people more courage when outnumbered. Seriously, the combat spam is a tad annoying sure, but was there any doubt to the outcome? You still killed him amirite.
  20. The Fog

    Savages welcome the fog eh?
  21. Its a bit excessive if you ask me, the griefer in question can shoot offdeed animals or your own ridden horse while mounted and you can only retaliate once. Can't even loot his corpse to remove his tools etc. kill more than that and -100 limits reached while he can continue doing what he wishes without a rep hit. Able to bash walls down in offdeed areas and kill their livestock. Sure, these areas could be deeded but these f2p's are just starting out and we're basically unable to protect their initial projects while trying out the game.
  22. Wondering if portals are now safe. I'd like to travel between epic and wild. I've /dev to ask but no one seems to know yet. I'd hate to get stuck in limbo.