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Everything posted by Lisimba

  1. I filled a larder just after the nodes update came out. I put in the first 100 snowballs I found, with no regard for quality. The lowest was 48.93 quality, the highest 99.87. As of today (45 days later, and past the next winter), 92 snowballs remain, with the lowest being 54.95 quality. It would seem that if you're even the slightest bit picky and take perhaps only 60ql+ snowballs, you should make it a full year easily with 100 balls. And even if you're not picky at all, you'll be alright.
  2. Maybe using a washing bowl could speed up sobering up from alcohol. It could also give you a "you're clean" buff that shows up in the spell effects list and when someone examines you, but does exactly nothing from a mechanics perspective. That would be enough for role play purposes. Yeah, that's also a good one.
  3. As far as I can tell there is no minimum, and a tile could become harvestable again a fraction of a second after you first harvest it. The chance for that is pretty low though. There is also no maximum, so a tile can stay not-havestable for a very long time by nothing but bad luck.
  4. Does that mean it's intentional that there's no lettuce? Why?
  5. Yes, exact same problem. When in third person, it uses whatever direction you were facing when you switched from first to third person, and ignores the camera direction. You can "update" your direction by quickly switching to first person and then back to third person. My guess is that when you are in first person and turn, the client tells the server where you're facing. But when you are in third person and change the camera, the client doesn't tell the server anything. So the server continues to use the last direction it received for any calculations regarding combat/tracking/etc.
  6. Grass grows randomly and there are a few non-player events that can make short grass tiles, like when the grass spreads, and some stuff with trees that I don't remember the exact details of. If you manually plant a tree sprout it'll reset the grass on that tile, for example, and I think it does the same if a tree newly spreads in the wild (but not if it replants itself, or something like that). I don't remember what it does when a tree dies and doesn't replant, that might also reset the grass. I had a look around here and found several tiles that weren't max grass height, one of which was on deed so I'm 100% certain it wasn't cut. I expect you'll be able to find such tiles occasionally wherever you forage/botanize, too. Marsh, tundra, steppe, peat, and moss always acted like short grass for the purpose of the calculation. If you foraged/botanized for something specific and you didn't roll something in that category, it'd throw it away behind the scenes and tell you that you found nothing. That would still count towards your search amount though. Could also be you just canceled the action manually for some reason.
  7. I expect what's happening is that an internet link somewhere between you and the Wurm datacenter is getting overloaded or otherwise has issues. This is why it's intermittent: the link works but can't handle all traffic it should. It's worse when there's more traffic (probably evenings but can vary). This is why mostly people from part of the USA have similar problems: your traffic all happens to end up routed over that link. This is why other people in the USA don't have problems: their traffic gets routed over another link. There are like a dozen sea cables between the US and EU for example, and a lot more virtual links on top of those. And it might also be any of the other links that make up the routing spaghetti that is the internet. This is also why using a VPN works: the traffic from you to wherever you put your VPN endpoint doesn't go over that link, and the traffic from there to the Wurm servers doesn't, either. Unfortunately this is often pretty hard to diagnose and resolve as nobody directly involved here actually has control over the part that's not working right.
  8. The amount of items you could get was determined by the growth stage of the grass, capped by your skill. One thing in short grass, two in medium, three in tall, four in wild. And foraging/botanizing did not change the growth stage of the grass. Whether or not a tile can be foraged or botanized was stored in one bit each. It's either yes or no for either. This was set to "no" on the first thing you harvested, and would be set to "yes" later on whenever the tile poller passed that tile and succeeded a RNG check. There was no "early" or growing back in stages.
  9. ICMP can be shaped and routed and prioritized just like any other traffic. If you own a saturated link, your hardware will have to make choices about which packets they drop and which ones they get through. If you want to fudge things to make yourself look better, you can configure your routers to never drop ping related packets (making it look like there's no packet loss) and to pass them on ahead of any other traffic currently buffered (making it look like latency is better than it is). In larger networks you can even route ping packets differently. All of this is shitty behavior of course, but there are shitty operators out there.
  10. There have been cases of less scrupulous actors giving ICMP priority on their networks to make it look like they provide better ping times than they really do, too. For best results we'd need an in-band ping, where the Wurm client sends a message to the server via the same stream that carries all the rest of the game data, and gets a response back that same way and gives you the timing. That would take some dev work on both client and server, but it'd give results very closely in line with other things you do in game.
  11. This was not a thing. Tiles were either forageable/botanizable or not. There was no partial recovery. hmmm...
  12. Keep in mind that the MRTG lag graph is purely about server processing lag. It counts up whenever the server could not finish a second's worth of work in under a second. It has nothing to do with network lag, which happens when traffic from you to the server and/or from the server to you is passing through the internet slowly.
  13. Plantlike nodes are botanizing, piles of stuff (rocks, flotsam, etc) are foraging. If you want more botanizing, try going through a forest and concentrate on what looks like plants. You don't strictly need special gloves. I just CoC enchanted my regular chain armor gloves so I'm good whether I encounter plants or animals.
  14. Thing is, it's the *old* system that had a weird difficulty scheme. The difficulty for most items ended up chasing your skill, and that sorta got you in a decent range for skilling. But that system was unique to foraging/botanizing. It also had the drawback of never getting you in optimal skilling range, and you could not turn it off to make maximal use of high skill. The new one is much more in line with how most other skills in the game work. Things have a base difficulty, and you have some system to make it harder if you need that. For most skills this means using lower quality tools. For various food related skills (and now foraging/botanizing) you use alcohol. For climbing you change what slope you're on, etc. There is no way to *not* have difficulties, that is inherent to the game's skill system. Changing that would mean changing the very core of how skills work in Wurm, which I expect is not going to happen. You can however ask for a different system for adjusting your difficulty, like the jewelry enchants proposal.
  15. I just sacced a goblin liver and onion recipe (rare). It gave me max food/water/nutrition and a very small amount of enchanting bonus, so saccing recipes does work. You'd need to sac like a hundred or so of them to get a bonus second though, at this rate. It's possible something broke because you sacced several things. Don't really want to test that myself.
  16. Your enchanting bonus did go up, just not enough to affect the rarity window. I don't know if the recipes count as "true" rares/supremes. Billy gruff stew recipes are always supreme, for example.
  17. We do, in fact, have that clue. Nightshades on grass is about 11 for example.
  18. Currency gets drained just fine via paying for subscriptions and paying for cosmetics. If the main currency drain is subscriptions, then the incentive for the devs is to make it so people want to play the game, so more people will want subscriptions. And the silver system allows people with more real life money to (indirectly) pay for the subscriptions of people with less real life money but more time. This is the best situation as the incentives for the devs are aligned with what the players want. When cosmetics are a currency drain, the incentive for the devs is to make new cosmetics that can only be bought in the shop. There has been plenty of friction over this in the last half year, with people complaining about skins. The incentives of the devs and players are no longer aligned, but at least it only affects looks. When QoL items are a currency drain, the incentive for the devs is to introduce problems in the game that can be solved with cash shop items. Now the incentives for the devs and the players are completely opposite. Instead of getting paid for making the game better, they get paid for making the game worse. This is a bad situation to be in. QoL fixes and new features should be freely available to everyone who already pays a subscription.
  19. Me, earlier in the thread: "Buying silver and paying other players with them for things they do in game is alright too. This mostly just shifts whoever's pulling their wallet for what the silver is used for in the end." I literally said that shop solutions to existing QoL and introducing more QoL problems to sell more shop solutions are two different things. Here's a list to make it extra clear: QoL issues exist. Instead of just fixing them for everyone, devs start selling cash shop solutions. People need to pay more and more money to solve their QoL issues. Devs like more money and arrange new content so it has intentional QoL issues built in from the start, together with new cash shop solutions that come out the same day. Game becomes crap unless you pay a lot beyond your subscription fee. We've had some amount of 2 for a while. I want less of it. Your proposal here makes more of 2. I push back on it. The reason I point out 4 is that that's the next step, and even worse. I did not make that argument. See the numbered list above. How is it too late to argue against *more*? It is never too late to argue against more. You can always argue against more, no matter how much there already is. Magical chests should not be in the cash shop. But at least you can get them with marks, too. I don't mind the sticker itself. That idea is fine, although I would think a rune or something fits better thematically. What I object to is making it yet another cash shop solution.
  20. It gives the devs a direct financial incentive to make the game worse in order to then sell a solution for the problems they create. And they can create as many problems as they want, which in the long run leads to the game being crap and the players being nickled and dimed to death. The nodes update allowed you to prevent spawns on your deed, for example, but only if you paid for a spirit templar. That went over very badly , and rightly so. And the requirement for a templar had to be dropped. I already pay a subscription, that should include all QoL.
  21. Yes, we already have pay-to-win elements. We need *less* of that, not more. Paying for cosmetics is fine, as long as there's a good selection of non-pay cosmetics too. Buying silver and paying other players with them for things they do in game is alright too. This mostly just shifts whoever's pulling their wallet for what the silver is used for in the end. Directly paying the devs for gameplay advantages, either in silver or with regular money, sets up a toxic feedback loop of perverse incentives that destroys games. That needs to be pushed back on at every point. Once it becomes acceptable to implement advantages or QoL improvements via shop items, these things will keep coming, and eventually you'll need a big shopping list just to get baseline gameplay. And the step after that is to intentionally introduce paygated things with every patch and feature. Want to do mounted foraging? Pay for a special saddle. Want to be able to harvest the high tier Fo tree items? Pay for a special glove. Want snowballs to decay slower? Pay for an insulated satchel. Want your deed clean? Pay for a groundskeeper. This is ###### and I do not want it.
  22. Used to be you can load them, but not pick them up. This probably changed in yesterday's patch.
  23. My well still looks normal. Mine just says "well" on mouse over though, is "rounded stone well" a different material type?
  24. Fourth item under "Server Changelog".