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Everything posted by Pashka

  1. Guessing the bug is the damage then? That does suck
  2. Did it give you the log?
  3. I used to fence in boats that I did not want anyone to repair to stop the random person paddling by that wanted the free repair skill. After living through the last salvage operation, I do not wish to live through it again. Too much shenanigans. Everyone says but but but. If you want a rare or better boat, please have fun making one. While everything I do is on deed, I can't help but think about some of the folks I have come across that do live off deed. I would hate for them to have even more chores of trying to keep a place up simply because. Just my 2 cents. -1 for so many reasons mentioned and not mentioned.
  4. No. But then I don't share my account period. There is no chance I would willingly hand over the reins to my chars. Not because I think people are untrustworthy but because if I can't reach out and touch you, you have no business on my account. Ok, I don't inherently trust people that I do not know and socialize with in real life.
  5. While I know many things happen on chaos with varied reasons. I have to ask why you would remove someone that reported an exploit. They must be an honest person. Seems like that would be who you would keep.
  6. Per attempt seems rather high. But it does not seem strange to me, if they are charging you for raising it successfully depending on the cast. Raising an enchant is the same as making a cast initially. Sometimes more difficult depending on what is already on the item. At least in my experience. Regardless, if you agree to something like this then that is what you agreed to. If you do not like what someone charges, there is nothing that stops you from finding someone else to do the work.
  8. Then what will happen when they ask for hammers and it comes up as a moon metal.
  9. needles don't need to be removed. Just need to add what metal to do things with.
  10. A pic showing the description of the other item?
  11. I think for someone asking 10g for something with this many questions we could see a pic along with the description from the item. Also, 1 of 7? Rare Mask of Rebirth - Legacy Item (1/7 in the game) ➜ 50 Silvers Not sure where that figure came from since they were also given out in the latest event. Mine isn't rare but I do have the item and bones certainly aren't rare.
  12. [20:09:57] The items silently disappear from the spirit castle. You expect them to arrive in less than ten minutes. Enjoy the surprise. Have a great weekend!
  13. Time to resurrect this. We got a mission on Xan for needles. Did not specify the metal. Seems like it is a moonmetal. I don't agree with that being part of a mission to begin with but it would be nice if it had specified what metal to be used. Especially now that it can be any type under the sun for every item.
  14. They will chase in deeper water too and if they are not a swimmer, they will start taking damage. It is fun to watch them die if you can get them to stay in the water.
  15. I have noticed a good many of the new fine carp items that can be picked up cannot be worked on in inventory.
  16. Everyone doesn't wish to depriest a 100 faith priest. I have been told that you can go to chaos to do the goals a priest cannot do without depriesting.
  17. This is also an item that folks are getting from the anniversary present. Notice the 80q on the mask.
  18. We already have to put food out for chickens, pigs, dogs and any other non foraging pet. I would rather there not be another chore of having to hand feed or cook for an animal. I did cook for my champ dogs ages ago on indy but only so they would get bigger meals than any pile of meat I might put out. Regardless of what some have said, if you know what they will eat during a day they will eat that amount regardless if it is in 3 bites or in 300 bites. Just do not want any more forced chores.
  19. My chickens are in a single tile pen as are my other animals. I know they are not eating like they should, sometimes not at all. I have decided since the devs will not say anything that it must be a new feature. The animals are going to take 3 times as long to get fat and they are not going to eat as they should from piles on the ground. One less chore for me I suppose.
  20. I have always used pumpkins to feed the pigs. They used to eat 5 of them each and every day. The chickens used to eat 10 seeds each and every day. I have been away for a few days and came back to find only a few things eaten by the chickens or pigs. I would say a chance for them to have decay'd but the decay on the remaining items wasn't to that extent yet. Just would love for some feedback from a dev so we know if this is intended or what. It is beginning to look like I can feed them or starve them and will come up with the same results. (Before someone says it is because I have been away......I have had absences like this before and the animals still ate and still got hungry and still did everything else that I expect. This isn't my first few days in the game.)
  21. Ok 3 days ago I dropped 4 pumpkins and 4 seeds in each of my pens that hold either 2 chickens or 2 pigs. The most missing is 1. Some pens do not even have 1 item missing. So instead of getting them to eat now they eat nothing? I think something is going backwards instead of forwards.
  22. I haven't had a rooster around in ages. Doesn't affect production or the eggs hatching.