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Everything posted by bdew

  1. Animal herds

    Speaking of it, with a map thats 4096*4096 tiles (correct me if i'm wrong please) and a cap of 30000 it makes for about what.... 1 animal per 560 tiles on average? I think the real problem is pretty easy to spot now
  2. Timers discussion

    I'm not saying make it instant, but some timers are not reasonable. Actually i find digging relatively ok. But... Removing a single rock tile takes around 40 MINUTES for a new character. how is that reasonable? Meditating takes 2 minutes, is limited by number of attempts per day, sometimes gives no skill at all after those 2 minutes. Finding a "special" tile and geting the question can take hours. Fishing... totally uninteractive and takes 2+ minutes per action. You need to do that for about an hour to get a descent food supply as a new character. Foraging and botanising... individual actions are fast but you need to check hundreds of tiles to get a descent supply of anything, this sums up to a lot of looking at timers and error messages. Those are things that should be shortened as they are a BORING time sink. They don't add to longetivity, they just bore away new players.
  3. Animal herds

    How having to build food troughs and/or using more space just to keep the status quo not a nerf? Doubtfull. From what i understand the cap on frequency of being able to groom has nothing to do with the animal entering the state that it NEEDS grooming. This problem (If it even exists, which i doubt as i see a lot of aggros nearby even with multiple big herds not too far) has to be fixed by... well fixing the problem (as in optimizing code, upgrading hardware, raising cap, etc.), and not by nerfing other players. I understand that this game is low profile and basically developed by one guy, but i fully expect that if my experience as a paying customer has to be affected to improve experience for others - that i receive some kind of compensation for that in other areas and not a blatant nerf.
  4. Animal herds

    You are again asking for a nerf to a play-style without giving any advantage in return. In return i would suggest removing any and all drops or skill gains from animals off deed so hunters can start breeding and stop whining. </sarcasm>
  5. Timers discussion

    If the only way to keep players interested are time sinks then the game simply is too dull.... wurm fortunately isn't, there is so much interesting stuff i could do if i didn't spend all my playtime watching 60 second timers.
  6. I tried it on all my gates and it doesn't seem to work. If the field is empty on examine it shows the village motto. If i put anything in the field it just stops showing anything at all (well just the normal stuff, ql, damage, etc.) All the gates are iron gates, so maybe it's just them bugged, don't have others to try on. Any idea what am i doing wrong?
  7. Timers discussion

    because no new players ever come to the forum? >.>
  8. Timers discussion

    Point is meditation as a game play mechanic is simply boring. It should have it's timer shortened, skill gain changed so you gain the same amount and the limits kept as is. Then it would be less boring and still you won't be able to progress any faster.
  9. Timers discussion

    Healing covers and meditating are 2 things i would reaaaaaaly want shortened. Repair on meditation rugs too. In the "too short" department i would like timers like making nails, armor chains etc should be made longer but give more resulting product (basically decrease mouse clicks necessary). Something should be done about fishing... currently it's "1) queue as many fishing actions 2) afk 10+ minutes 3) goto 1." Edit: also timers on low end mining... 40+ seconds is way too long.
  10. Rope tools damage both the shaft and plank on failure, pretty sure that before the update one of the two exploded. Edit: Iron Lamps still explode when you fail attaching a log like they always did.
  11. I have no idea who is right or wrong here (it all started much before my arrival) but... I think the spawn point shouldn't be moved away from samling, from how the surroundings look like new players coming from GV will feel right at home... can't really feel the difference :
  12. You can do it from the deed (the item in your inventory).
  13. Freedom just exploded again
  14. I would like to see this on existing servers. Gives newer players something to do other than grind skills for the next 3 years.
  15. I like the rule and would like to see it on current servers (don't care much about epic as long as it's PVP). IT would give chance for newer players to be useful without spending years on grinding. Also the curve idea (from the poll thread) seems even better to me, but i'll settle for "70 rule" happily
  16. While i would really like character customization, IMHO at least some bit of character animation is much more important. The current absolute lack of character animations bothers me much more than customization.
  17. Animal herds

    ITT: Breeders make me walk 5 meters to find an animal! Waaaaagh! Obviously our gameplay is more important than their! NERFNERFNERFNERF!!111 : What should really be done: Animal code optimized, cap removed/raised. I don't pay for this game so that YOU can hunt right at your doorstep. And please cut the BS, there are at least 2 large herds pretty close to my deed and in the last 2 days i saw: 3 spiders, troll and 2 lava spider just standing at water level waiting for someone to kill them.
  18. +100500^9000 This is the best change since sliced bread.... Thinking again, this is the best change period!
  19. I've tryed using this tool once, got some offer to install spyware for 400-something iron (lol). Never seen it work ever since, the box is just empty showing no offer.