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Everything posted by sulfurblade

  1. I don't know!!! +1 For Freedom But on Epic you should ONLY see the correct God on the correct Home Server! And Elevation the correct God in the correct Kingdom Influence!
  2. So I sorta like and sorta don't like your proposal.... A) if Tomes are dropping too much then lowering the chances of the drop would likely be a good tweak! But you probally shouldn't remove it.... b} There is no need to change the difficulty on the Unique's as it is most of the lesser uniques can be 5-8 man'd quite easily as is! c) I like the idea of Weaker Unique Monsters or Semi Unique's infact there is one already in game (Sea Serpeant) it badly needs to drop something as its not worth getting three people together to kill.... (Give us More of these Semi Uniques in game) d) As for Seryl, Ada, and Glimmer your right they need to be a bit more available, Valeri events on home servers are bugged, no Metal spawns! At the moment only Seryl can be aquired in any kind of quantity to do something with thanks to valeri mobs! I have already said this in another thread... Seryl needs to be moved to Troll's and Ada and Glimmer put onto Valeri Mob's.... And of course you adjust it so its a small drop rate like 1 out of 100 trolls would be fine....
  3. Eh? How about a Valeri Temple Model and Models for other place holders before we start Re-skinning tree's, of course we could re-skin weapons for like the 12th time instead!!!!
  4. Personally I like it as is.... There is currently a pretty good balance between realistic and not.... right now you can store half of mountian of dirt in that tiny little BSB??? Totally not realistic!?! But Bulky enough to be bulky! What your asking is to be able to further condense the condensers that already condense stuff down to such a crazily unrealistic level and your not happy with it??? Build a Giant Store house and put all your bsb's inside of it.....There are plenty of ways too store tons and tons of stuff already in game we don't need some magic bank that we can put everything into!
  5. So I am reading how I do not know anything about bridges yet I have built the Longest bridge on all of Affliction and maybe the largest on Epic.... I have built 8 smaller Bridges over our Canal system I have a ring of bridges around the perimeter of my deed I have bridges between different guard towers of my deed you can drive nearly any where on my deed with your cart via ramps and flat wood bridges with no issue to different stories.... I have yet to have these quote issues you all are having because I simply create a dirt ramp if I need the clearance.... You all have to remember that the bridge features are the same in Freedom and Epic and while you only have to worry about limited griefing mechanics on Epic we have far more issues to worry about where Griefing is not "against the rules" and someone putting a wall across your road is normal activity! Yes obviously these limitations they have in place are geared towards avoiding the obvious griefing that would happen in the PvP area's of wurm... So I am sorry if that effects your peaceful creative mode.... But before we start worrying about your creativity- I think simply being able to get across said bridge without being De-mounted bye each gate house and or ending up under the bridge when you embark a cart issues are of far more concern then what your complaining about!!! And as for the guy saying he is in a valley!!! I could turn your valley into an ocean if I so felt inclined to do so with a shovel a dredge and time! So Yes 80 Dirts above sea level can apply to nearly everyone as this game has extensive terraforming features, so I am sorry if your valley Deed is at sea level or near it and your having issues with clearance but if your deed were to be removed with said bridges infront of it and someone latter came into the same area with dreams of making a Canal to the ocean they can do so... Because your bridge is not an issue..... So one of the big things this prevents is Bridges being used for blocking ships! As I must admit before bridges were implemented I had envisioned a big long bridge across the top of the server at the boundry that would block all shipping from being able to get thru! Would be far easier then making a giant dirt wall which mind you doesnt work because the server boundry has the whole magical extra tiles that your dirt endlessly runs down.... But how does this work? Because a ship has a hit box from its keel to around the head of the driver, the whole mast area is just magically not there.... even the crows nest does not have physics with a person inside of it..... and so the height between keel and driver on a caravel and cog is likely around 80..... So we currently have a bridge system that all ships can pass under with no physics issues because of the magic 80 Dirt above sea level number! So I can't make a big bridge to block ships? bummer.... Granted when you see a big ship like the cog in my picture that is obviously far taller then the 80 dirt high section of the begining of the bridge in the picture and it magically pass's thru it, well its not exactly realistic is it?!? So imagine if they made it the 160 Dirt high so all ships could pass under mast and all without magically clipping thru the bridge.... wow you guys would really be complaining! There will always be comlaints, the realism folks will say that doesnt make sense the pvp folks will utilize a bridge to be a barrier, but currently they have done a very good job balancing it out! So bridges are not being abused or griefed as would definately happen if you got your wish!
  6. You really need a dev to tell you why being able to build a Flat bridge and 40 Dirt High is a bad idea..... Because someone else can come along and build a 60 Dirt high Tall wall on the tile below now whats 60 -40 = 20? So you would end up with a 20 Dirt High Fence that blocks your person from being able to travel on your bridge because they allowed you to build a bridge below 60 Dirts.... This issue is basic common sense! They for once used it an put in place a 80 dirt limit to avoid the obvious griefing and such that would have ensued if they didn't....
  7. I am not sure how this thead got De-Railed.... Yes Rome had recently wiped the floor with us at Blackbone, a Blackbone that was completely tore up by more then one dragon that has since been fixed twice by GM's and has since been torn up again! As for new players dieing that day a few where relatively new accounts, that had gathered to "Kill a Dragon" We had already killed one dragon that day and we were off to take out the one that was plague'ing Blackbone when 5 Well Specced Romans with SotG and Fo healing and a Champion arrived and caught our 15 people half afk half in Team Speak, With there 2 Handed Weapons preparing to kill the next dragon completely off guard. Things were well pretty much lacking in organization, and bye the time everyone realized these 5 romans arrived 3 AFK's were dead, 2-3 of our better players were in Transit, and of the 7-10 That were aware of Rome Half of them were in TS. But other then interrupting our dragon slaying this has no point or bearing on the topic! Dragons without there anchor mechanic are griefing deeds. House of Kha has had to repair several times, as has my deed. Not to mention the state of Blackbone! A place where new players should not be getting eaten by dragons daily..... I suggest a magical fence that blocks unique's and requires Favor and relatively high faith to cast similiar to Strongwall.... This could give the playerbase a way to stop the uniques from chasing them all over the server, which innevitable ends in someones deed or the starter deed more often then not getting messed up! Or simply go back to Uniques being on a Rubber Band and returning to there spawned in location.... either option could help remedy the current issue! As for BLH's current predicament of not having the bodies to take down the uniques, well this thread was started before Rakki and gang switched to VD and is not the reason for this thread either!
  8. I am going to assume that the 80 dirt limit was implemented for a simple and easy reason! 60 Dirt is the height of a tall Stone wall which can be built under a bridge.... Also ships need to be able to pass under. And just because you can't see the water there doesnt mean its not there if you dig down you will create water! This is a common wurm feature... So any bridge in the sandbox needs to be able to have enough clearance for a bridge no matter how far inland it is... and also needs to be able to have a Tall stone wall fit underneath it.... I assume the extra 20 Dirt seperation between the 60 dirt height and the current limit is to ensure things look good! I personally have built a ton of bridges and I have had zero issue droping a small dirt ramp in order to make a bridge at sea level possible, its a cake walk compared to a 300 Slope Dirt wall Perimeter of a deed! So what exactly do you want ??? Bridges that rest ontop of a Large Stone Wall or Large stone wall's built under bridges that then magically pass thru the bridge and block the road... is the 20 Dirt Margin for appearance something that is this worth stomping your feet over??? Personally I would much rather they work on the bridge glitches like embarking a cart and ending up under the bridge then this silly omg I cant have my flat bridge at sea level whinging!
  9. ^^^^ This is the long and the short of it.... With the recent Migration of Rakki, Gele, Arudash, Utred, Akugi, and 2 others to VD we literally lost half of the accounts capable of dispatching these nuisance's... We have gone from a server with about 20 Solid players to 10 solid players... Sadly both VD and Rome outnumber BL in population....
  10. -1 Love is a fairly weak path already and you want to nerf it? 15% if Far less then 50% SotG is powerful, but guess what if you change it all around you will eventually find a new must have path for the PvP inclined playerbase! And everyone will just switch to that path.... The only thing I would like to see done to Meditation is have a few more abilities added to each path.... other then that they are just fine as is...
  11. Honestly it is pretty simple, if your serious about making mining less of a grind for new players then the first place to start is the 30 second long action timer..... Its funny how a 90QL pick 90 Cast of Botd and decent skill can bring the action down to around 1 second yet the new player next to you with his 20 QL pick and no mining skill nor enchant goes to the bathroom grabs a drink checks whats on tv and manages 2 actions as you have done the other 48 to break the tile?!? Once again the biggest issue with wurm has always been action timers... 2 Minutes to meditate, 30 seconds to mine... the list goes on and on....
  12. -1 The Emperor or King currently cannot be trusted with such an important thing as the kingdoms money! As it is we cannot choose our King or Emperor, instead a Snake picks out an alt of another kingdom! Great system we have in place...
  13. Still No Model!!! But hey I got an idea lets Re-skin weapons again!!!
  14. Bump! Valeri Temple needs a model like 4 years back....
  15. No! If the Art Team can find time to create a Colossus for player gods..... Then they could give the Valeri Temple a damned Model already its been what 4 years??? And a build that requires as many actions as a Colossus is just a Place Holder!!!! Not Acceptable!!!
  16. The part of this post that I don't get is the Implied you must mine! Everyone must mine??? That's simply not true, you do not have to mine at all..... You could buy your equipment, a village mate could make your equipment, you could get your Iron from a BSB that a village mate mined for you! You could farm all day and sell your crops to make silver to buy iron! If you don't like to mine then don't do it..... There are other options....
  17. Once Again I don't give a rats arse about Freedom! And you guys can put this in there.... I do care about Epic and I don't want this here in Epic.... So as I have said in many other threads... The suggestion forum needs to be split between clusters so that Freedom people can whine for what they want and Epic people can whine for what they want without the two butting heads! I wish you all the best on making Freedom as carebear as makes you happy and I support your efforts to make Priest gains equal in the land of Freedom but here in Epic where Priests rule PvP they don't need any more advantages then they already have!
  18. The difference is you gain characteristic's slower as a Priest and that is offset by all those powerful spells you have.... So Either A) De-Priest and work your character or B} Suffer with you slower gains knowing that you have your spells and can easily beat up someone with 10 more body stats then you have!!! Priests already have there Cake what they need Ice Cream too!!!
  19. -1 Priest's are Incredibly powerful characters in PvP and they should have to get there like any other priest. Thru intelligent play, working up your stats prior to Priesting up! The nerf is what often times evens out the playing field when you have a main who is not a priest with Impressive characteristics and a Main who is a priest with less characteristic's but his bag of faith tricks! I see many of these posts coming from Priests that are mains and from many pvp inclined players who believe in the whole (Min/Max Philosophy of wurm) The Only Med path 1/2 Damage taken, Tosiek Priest for Light of Fo, etc. Well guess what maybe you shouldnt have rushed to priest up so fast! And I don't feel for you in the least bit....
  20. Can we elaborate on Mycelium Spread Fixes? ---- Do we once again have to dance around in thornbush's and suck up Mycelium for hours on end??? Fix for Active Player building Decay rate? ---- Any numbers we have cut decay in half or a third or a fourth???
  21. Whats with people wanting to damage deeds??? While being able to ride a dragon again would be cool.... Destroying deeds with it??? No thank you....
  22. For non-abandoned houses that are off deed the decay rate is (perish-ability/QL) total damage per decay tick So no its not flat its QL dependant!
  23. Thats 3 Damage on a 90 QL Stone Wall.... What new player do you know??? Has Masonry to do that??? If my stuff takes 3 damage you can bet there 20QL Wooden wall is taking 50 damage! And for the record I have actually ran an Off Deed deed, on old Affliction before the reset, Olive Bay, A place that many BLers came to live and learn the game!!! Because it was off deed I routinely took in new players on day 1 without worrying if they were a spy or not.... And it worked because the Decay Rate was Reasonable! Prior to whatever the fix they put in just today prior to this post is HAS NOT been Reasonable for some time! So Your narrow minded view about decay centered all around your worrisome mega deeds that seems to only be a bother in Chaos should not effect us! Epic and Chaos are different places and this damned Forum should be split to show that so we wouldnt have stupid cross cluster battles about mechanics that effect each other in different ways!
  24. Well since these Dragon changes I have had to do Repairs to the deed 3 times, because of Dragons.... 1 time was a village member not thinking and running for his life, I hope this will never happen again! Another time a Dragon Actually spawned on the Island me deed is on... oh boy! and the third time is a mystery..... Needless to say it got led to my deed likely not intentionally.... Right now our allied deed has a nice dragon roosting inside of it.... One of our alliance members accidentally lead it there as she was trying to get it away from Blackbone to save the noobs and merchants etc.... Needless to say whenever someone from that deed logs in... well there will be alot of repair work and one guy running for his life! Likely doing laps around his deed not realizing he is tearing it all up in the process. So yes I think your a bit of a Masochist in your desire!
  25. So here it is, Dragons, I for one am sick of them! Who ever thought its a good idea to let them run 40kpm and not give up the chase, was a good idea??? Now these annoying uniques get dragged to the spawn town where they tear it up, and who ever is being chased uses the gate to Ele to escape or hopes the templars will distract em long enough.... Or people with less honorable motivations drag em off near a deed and laugh as it wanders into said deed.... This whole dragon crap is really getting out of hand! Either A, Put the damn rubber band effect back on em so there locked down at a position and return to it after chasing so far like it use to be! Or B, Give us some new game mechanic like a Preist spell that creates a magic fence that blocks ONLY uniques... Or something to this effect so we can protect our deeds from these once cool now turn PESTS of wurm!