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tgod last won the day on January 21 2017

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About tgod

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  1. @DarnokStop man. Why are you trying so hard to spam with suggestions everyday? Are you trying to get on the team or what? Just trying to get a handle on why you are adamant on posting so many suggestions, feels like its more for attention than anything. Half of your ideas have been suggested years ago and the other half are wild. If you made suggestions less people would pay more attention.
  2. Cannot Connect

    [08:08:23] No other players are online on Pristine (4 totally in Wurm).
  3. Network error: Connection refused
  4. @DarnokDo you really believe you have rights to something you do not own just because of proximity? I feel like this is a continuation of your long running suggestions troll. Based off the history of your suggestions I can tell you do not take the time to research anything.
  5. @DarnokWhat's with the spam of suggestions everyday? If you took a minute and looked through the forum almost everything you suggest is already in game or has been suggested. Seems super trolly.
  6. Dude do you play this game or just think about it?