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About AuroraFinem

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  1. # What happened I've been terraforming and dropping the dirt gave me a pile over 100 and I could keep adding to it.# What you expected to happen To start a new pile after it hit 100.# Steps to reproduce Make a stack of 100 dirt, stand on the same tile and drop more dirt 'to pile' and it will drop on the same pile. A few conditions I think are required, 1. The dirt you are dropping to pile has to be few enough that it wouldn't create it's own pile, but would drop as a few individual dirt (this tended to work with stacks of 2-3 dirt dropping to pile). 2. You need to stand towards another tile border, but not so close that all of the dirt drops onto the other tile 3. If it says there's too many items, move a little closer to the other tile and try again.
  2. Aurora Bay Fishing Co. x10 y26, rite where you have fallen oak harbor they are actually a decent amount to the right of where they're listed just on the other side of where you have the yellow line for the road between x11 and x12
  3. I spoke with a GM about this and said they had no knowledge of this glitch, he told me he'd forward it to the devs and to watch this post. Hopefully he follows through. Even the new 4th gen intel HD 4400 graphics have this issue. It makes the game hard to play and completely unplayable at night, at least for me.
  4. Deed name: Aurora Bay Fishing Co. Deed location: 15AM Deed size/upkeep (do not include perimeter sizes): 81x21/3 silver, 40 copper and 20 iron. walled town please, but there is a road running through it at the AM parallel.
  5. thanks, didn't think that much of the influx, i think many people would be weeded out just from the tutorial though if it's not what they're looking for, so I'm not sure how much influx there would actually be, personally I'd just like the convenience because this is one of the only games I have that's still not on steam.
  6. I've been thinking why not add wurmonline to steam under free to play? It would make finding the game much easier for people as I've often found myself strolling through the free to play offerings for games to play, and since we're now past wurm 1.0 I feel we're ready to mainsteam the game through steam. Just a thought. -already posted my apologies http://forum.wurmonl...page__hl__steam second idea involves deeds, would there be any chance of being able to expand your deed in only 1 direction such as north but not south?, My current deed has it's north border along the water but i'd love to expand farther south into the woods without deeding over anymore water. I'm sure there are many other people in similar situations.