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Everything posted by Kadore

  1. I'd prefer to see an entire forum dedicated to WU with a separate web address as well as WO, I have grown used to using View New Content to surf the forums and not clicking by forum section to forum section, I'd much prefer to digest each game separately by content exclusive to each game using the same method.
  2. He's not so much to blame, he just carries an air of arrogance, perhaps a different messenger next time would ease things some. For the most part the answers were answered far too quickly for myself to believe any communication with a team was taking place, the answers were pretty much his own from my take away That would be why a lot seem to call him out for bias, why I am grateful some decision was ultimately made, I feel it was poorly discussed with the majority of CC's response coming from only one voice, any sense of true collaboration is lost when you feel like your arguing with a stone wall.
  3. In-game Wiki

    It's defiantly the correct tool for lost keys.
  4. I've always believed if you can get the drink option, one corner at least is at the water level.
  5. Warlander [developer] 7 hours ago Everything depends on server creature count. In case of Xanadu, southern part of this server always offered very peaceful, build-oriented experience, while northern part have a lot of mobs that can be a challenge sometimes. http://steamcommunity.com/app/366220/discussions/0/490124466469465825/ Quote from Steam forums, this makes it sound like the lack of mobs on the southern portion of Xanadu was a planned feature and not some bug, I've yet to see it announced this was an intended feature, if you have quotes or facts to back up this assumption I'd love to see them. I swear at times people just start making up.
  6. In the sense of adding nickle and dime style transactions as eluded to in the post I quoted. To mitigate this have source rifts purchasable from a trader and allow a source rift to be applied and consumed to a magical chest to permanently expand its capacity.
  7. This is possible, perhaps items may move in the direction of charges like sculpting wands are, I know a portion of the player base has been strongly against it, be interesting to see how it plays out.
  8. What's the end purpose, removing items that circumvent the decay process ( allowing more items in a magic chest that desired by the dev team and code ), allowing more ore to be smelted at one time ( saving time not desired by code or the dev team)? Stopping the have nots from being angry at the people who have said item?, A desire to prove that Wurm fixes all bug no matter how big or small ( lol), a need to show CC is moving in a direction that addresses every issue from every vocal side of an argument which in the end will please no one. The history of the changes made to Traders with a vocal group calling everyone that owned one eventually made the change to allow people to pick up coins off the ground, I feel the change was made to placate a portion of the player base that labeled another portion as cheating Rolf out of his hard earned money and directly stealing money from the game slowing down all future development, in the end the Kings share is still distributed, just spread out to a larger portion of the player base with Rolf not pocketing any more than before. Animal caps, way back in the Freedom days it was popular to post screenshots of animal hoarders for the practice of public shame, we not have animal caps per deed and yet you can still frolic buck naked across all of southern Xanadu with no care in the world. For years there were no dragon to kill, prior to the release of Deli on onward, the fever that caused with more dragon armor than ever started the uproar that has made current dragons drop enough to make a piece of tissue paper, back when I started in '10, I was fine knowing I'd probably never own dragon armor prior to the release of Deli on further servers. The uproar over joining Release and Pristine to the main servers Solid proof no one is ever happy or in agreement with anything. At any given time it seems some are hell bent of ideals of fairness for all players not taking into account time played, money spent or otherwise, that everything must be equal to all even if the end result is bringing down those who through no fault of their own possess more than the average player, I'll assume by the time its all over the entry level skills will start at 50 to continue to placate the players with that line of thinking.
  9. The GM that started the game years after the item was created should always have a profound opinion on useful suggestions regarding said item.
  10. Be interesting to find out what percentage of the Dev team has been around since 2008.
  11. I'm sure the Dev team works independently of most of the GM's and they get a list of the new rules the same as the rest of us.
  12. So you have 3 items that do the same thing but 4 is too many, again, the whole premise to this is continuity to the bug fixing process begun at the start of summer, which in reality was a covert operation to bug fix the game to release WU, not really a desire to improve WO except as a side effect, unless I am just so far out in left field.
  13. So after 7 years or so you guys get off your ass to fix an issue you prevented from being created after the horses ran out of the barn, now to go full circle you need to remove items for the ability to say " we fixed the issue once and for all" ?
  14. Really Enki, the we're a small team crap is so overused, did we or did we not just have the summer of bug slaying, still too busy patting each other on the back to realize you may have missed one? So I can only guess in the future the best hope is to get a CM to bother to kick up any /support since the game is small, the staff is small and we all should just get used to it. PS. if the forums run off the same servers as the game, then I call bs, they lag at my house, my phone out and about, my laptop on wifi 3000 miles away from my house ...
  15. You might remember we once were excited like those that praise, if anything Wurm created what you choose to call a bad community.
  16. Not at all, I just don't have my head shoved so far up my backside to believe anything in life wont have something negative said about it, I'm unsure why people don't think more will follow as the retention of new players has never been Wurm's strong suit.
  17. Be more backlash and negative posts as people buy and play it, is your intent only positive things about Wurm should ever be written?
  18. Half of everquest was unintended game play, kiting, splitting mobs etc. Players will always find a way to do things not intended by devs.
  19. Niche Games

    The emulator for SWG was getting better last time I played it.
  20. It's always best to blame the USA since us ingrates left Europe generations ago and are now 100% responsible for every bad thing ever since. PS. I hope a bald eagle does his business on your car window.
  21. Who decides who the good players are? To outweigh everyone else. What's done is done, if you choose to bend over and take every change chanting Rolf is good, Rolf is great, that is your choice.
  22. More than just fountain pans fueling some people quitting, some is a last straw and for others it's another WTF moment by the devs and a continuous erosion of trust or confidence.