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Everything posted by Kadore

  1. Great logic there, doing something next to impossible is it's own reward? You should apply for the PR team.
  2. After 5 pages of post, why just not make it a timer between when you can gain an affinity from the same player, but I really struggle to see how any coding will prevent what is happening.
  3. The thread asks to only allow the ability to have one affinity on the PVE servers, in that respect is does effect that part of the game, god knows PVP players contribute to discussion involving PVE, seriously, get a clue and understand all things pretty much effect Wurm as a whole in the end. People that buy your characters when your either tired of the game might want more than one affinity active, or who knows you might even bore of the PVP style someday. People will say what they want in threads regardless of your feelings or letting people know if they are allowed or not, but hey enough of my friends have already stopped contributing to the game as a whole, so lets do all we can to further draw lines in the sand.
  4. The best case scenario would to make it bannable, if it is truly something the game doesn't want to allow, all the other options of making it so you can't have multiple affinities on non pvp servers seems a bit harsh since some currently involved with pvp might need a break or choose to sell a character etc. Personally it doesn't effect me, I just tire of the making more rules to try and curb undesired behavior that while it may work for awhile will end up causing more drama and backlash later on, if you want to have the game remove all affinities from everything not pvp be my guest, if at some time later when pvp is stagnant and has a lack of players and the bitching begins you can't use your affinities gained on a " risk vrs reward server " then I hope it's quiet at that time. Of course this all depends if at that later time the players pushing the hardest for this even still play at all.
  5. PvP servers have gone up and down in interest and population so much over the years making this argument is hardly new, while affinity farming completely goes against the original intentions of the game, every time you try to hard code the game to control behavior it usually over time punishes those that did things in the correct manner. So as I understand what is being proposed you wish to make the affinity system a complete perk tied to the ability to lose the reward in ( and I use the term loosely ) " fair combat ", I know some people have this Utopia mindset that Wurm pvp is a game that has fine ladies and gentlemen engaging in combat with no rules ever being abused and no way possible for people outside of their respective PMK's able to wheel and deal for affinities. To me this whole thread is pretty much the same finger pointing about who's greedy and the usual attempt to get more people over to the pvp servers, but maybe I'm failing to get the point. With all kingdoms with the exception of BL being Player created kingdoms, police the game yourself if disagree with what's going on.
  6. Not at all, after enough years it's very clear to me the product Wurm is for better or worse, I picked it knowing well enough what it was an continued to play, I ###### from time to time but I don't feel the need to convince the game on how to improve and think I have the clairvoyance to be a all knowing person on how the game would be more successful if only people would listen to me. If we removed ML allowing more actions, whats next, now you need stamina removed to perform those 10 actions, where does it end?
  7. You have hard data to support this is a good business improvement? or just random noodling. A stick with no carrot leaves little to gain skills for.
  8. We must be overdue for " that guy " who wants to change the entire game they just discovered 3 months ago.
  9. Also the wood dock on the water, and the bear animations, and and, to be honest graphically and animation wise it looks a lot better. You might try keeping you Wurm ass kissing to the weekly thread
  10. Or a well placed knife by someone I know. +1
  11. Be a good time to remove skills that have 0 use
  12. Aggro mobs have always had a chance to spawn on deeds unless something changed over the years.

    True, and if the code will truly split like they mention it won't matter soon and people can stick to bitching about what effects their game play on their own cluster.

    Since can do Iron now, be nice to be able to do gold and silver as well.
  15. Thought the reason it wouldn't be added is how it would make leveling easier, I disagree since it's stamina based and just adds a Qol of not moving dirt from inventory.
  16. What exactly is the point of raising weapon skill then, seriously curious since I always thought body strength covered damage done.
  17. I can't get behind messing around with damage on items for the purpose of trying to further an in-game economy, I get the fact you need to sell things to allow some coin to come into your pocket as you believe others are. One thing I think your fail to grasp is that whatever skill you have in mind to see an increase in sales on your end will be bloated with crafters in weeks, Wurm is very long in the tooth thesedays for many to really make the game free solely by in game item sales, it does happen but nowhere close to what it once was.
  18. Are Wurm characters exactly like humans, I'm pretty strong but pretty sure I can't drag a rl Caravel, perhaps all water has salt and it's what makes characters superhuman.
  19. Or to put it differently I hope all the old players quit so I sell my stuff, that was tried already with Pristine and Release.
  20. It seems since Wurm attaches a monetary value to the coin used for all purchases it's only natural that every single thing that exists has a value attached to it whether you like it or not, if this was a mmo from years ago where all coin was generated from creature kills this argument would have a bit more merit. From Traders, to Dragon kills, to Rifts, rares etc., someone always is getting an advantage over someone else, I could be wrong but my understanding was Epic was the cure to old account bloat on the PVP side of things, it seems steps are being attempted to revive it from life support, it has the best opportunity for new players to compete if that's the argument against older accounts being re purposed. What is the difference between older accounts and players that wont go away and old accounts that are purchased and continue to play, do you believe your only hope to be competitive in Wurm is through the attrition of older players to make new accounts worth playing, if that is the answer then the game design has issues instead of a population of older account issue. If it just boils down to an issue of morality, that's a personal decision you make if you choose to buy and old account.
  21. Not many games require the time involved to skill up, suppose if ban the sale of accounts be more noobs to faceroll.
  22. A few tried when WU released but they have faded away as expected.
  23. Seems the LEAD Forum mod is pretty active in this thread, who exactly do you plan to " call in? "
  24. Not making arguments and honesty don't care that much, you just seem to be acting like and ###### about it, so voicing concerns people seem to have, Wurm always ending up doing whatever it wants, regardless of how it turns out if people are bitter at least you'll know why.
  25. Freedom is pretty much a craft and sell type of game play, I'm not sure how not taking the economy into consideration would be a mystery when talking about moving items ( some unavailable on the servers your wanting to travel to ), people have asked for years even prior to Epic being released to have clusters separate from items being introduced to a server that even back then was seeing bloat in multiple markets. When Wild had transfers available prior to the ability to sail back and forth characters with the ability fetched a pretty high price, so now your asking people to turn a blind eye while you load up everything of value for your own gain and saying it will level the playing field, items gained on Epic when the population was at very low numbers meant items were collected by a small number of players, any profit would be this exactly.