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Everything posted by Kadore

  1. Who says we never did, there is no secret illuminati that wished to control the painting or storage cartel that I ever got invited to.
  2. I did pay , for years in a less than great game for years for better or worse. I do pray when all the people that blindly support the game no matter what enjoy the game with it's smaller and smaller playerbase, because god knows everything you do, use or otherwise is subject to change, so making people suffer while you sit on your high horse makes them the hypocrites and not yourself. Someday, sometime something you are doing will be changed, I pray you also pay hard in whatever way you wish upon those you aim to destroy. It's the hassle of moving stuff because the game caps at 100 items that is the pita, not the loss of one questionable object. I do enjoy always being called a exploiter every time Rolf and the Devs decide to change the game, and the icing on the cake is bozos such as yourself calling out a portion of the playerbase as you are a pillar of the community. In closing I hope your auctions that your so fond of exclude anyone that has ever done anything you deem unacceptable.
  3. If the service is good and reliable I'm not opposed to paying a little. Been paying Rolf for years, if someone does better who's to say they deserve it less that what we are doing now?
  4. If the game didn't release so many servers chances are most of what you are seeing would be inhabited today. The last thing wurm needs is limits to creative terraforming whatever the motivation behind it is. You have the freedom to change what you don't care to see by a shovel or averting your eyes.
  5. Assuming anyone not online or reading the forums between now and the time you remove the ability to remove items from fountain containers are SoL? I'll also assume items that do become lost will fall under the you were abusing a bug clause, GG Rolf.
  6. So much talk of exploits, bans and the like, no wonder this game sucks at times, this is the pool of players we draw from for the GM / CM / CA team
  7. Lets do this right after we ban everyone who has ever mined, dug or made a plank in this game, since every action in Wurm can be considered a bug depending on what PvP kingdom you belong to.
  8. I don't think rolf runs this game anymore, if I had to guess the GM's and Enki run and are the ones pulling the puppet strings. I'd say at this point Rolf is like Theodin of Rohan with them whispering in his ear. Be sure to add what great support an customer service Wurm has when planning to grab the WU bunch to come to WO, as for the person who thought this was a great idea to add, I hope you have a plan so items currently stored can be retrieved without losing said items and not the usual non forward looking into all the problems that can occur when change things at a whim with little to no regard to those impacted.
  9. Are the Hota statues also a reward for pvp or just stuff to sell on freedom to pay guard and deed upkeep?
  10. You must be new around here, Blvd, Bitcoin, Player auctions ... hardly suprising.
  11. The world economy must be in a real sorry state when 100 - 300 euro is a large sum of money, for years I've heard about people getting rich in this game but even at a minimum wage job you can take home close to that in one week. If someone were to do the math for the time involved, premium time of alts etc. with current drops, I'm guessing its so low to not attract even the most desperate of Gold Farmers.
  12. "https://www.youtube.com/embed/HxVOnNVhxwY" Old friends from Phoenix, was a great time to grow up in.
  13. If all pvp was meant to happen on horses, we'd all be Centaurs.
  14. If I wasn't on the insanity path I'd never see any mobs.
  15. I know they have a Charity auction depending on what you have, can always hide pieces of gear and drop random notes on the server ...
  16. The sound of having both sheep and Grizzly in local still haunts me to this day.
  17. The only part that bothers me is years of new servers scattering friends and enemies farther and farther away, now with more possibly leaving for awhile or good makes the game seem even smaller. While yes the game has grown over the years the community keeps getting spread thinner.
  18. No noob shacks by the spawn shown in the ad, clearly false advertising.
  19. Been kickstarting Wurm since 2010
  20. As Kegan says, I played Ark, 7dtd, LiF briefly and my biggest complaints were either servers disappearing or " Official Servers " not really being managed or offline, being hacked etc. etc. Moderated, updated, GM's keeping hacking in check do have a big appeal to those planning to invest a significant time into Wurm, there may be some diamond in the rough servers that will achieve this though. I do however think if private servers are set to ludicrous speed timers, it will be a rough awaking for some, although Epic might be a better server to assist with that transition.
  21. Maybe the condescending tone used often by some in the PvP community keeps people from getting very interested. Not to mention there are at least 2 threads bumped daily looking for villagers, I think a lot are aware the PvP servers exist.
  22. I live on Xanadu now, by the time the boats arrived from Wild everyone would forget why they sailed there in the first place.
  23. Get the sunflower seeds out of your space bar please.
  24. Still need CA's to teach you how to use the button, CM's so you don't curse while using the button, GM's to check that button isn't bugged or you gained button skill not staring at your screen and forum mods to make sure button topics are in the proper place.
  25. In the end Wurm will be the longest alpha / kickstarter game I ever played.